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The original political state of the Roman Commons

148. Latter days of Oliver Cromwell

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The arts and sciences.

Antiquity of the Jews, a great prerogative

241. Queen Elizabeth and the sovereignty of the United

R. South

Lord Bolingbroke
W. Roscoe
Sir R. Steele

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7. Addison

Lord Clarendon

I. Barrow

S. Parr

I. Barrow

1. Barrow

I. Barrow

Lord Bacon

D. Hume

7. Hughes

S. Johnson

D. Hume

S. Johnson

E. Gibbons

E. Burke

J. Pearson
Sir W. Temple

S. Johnson
T. Arnold
J. J. Blunt
Conyers Middleton
O. Goldsmith
S. Johnson

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