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7 [Thus supported we shall be More than conquerors, Lord, thro' thee; And, when every danger's past,

Live and reign with thee at last.]


Hymn for a Fast-day.-Isa. lviii. 9.

C. M.

GREAT God! whose universal power
Through all the earth is known:

Who governs heaven and earth, nor sits
On a precarious throne;

2 No strange commotions on the earth,
No wars have taken place
But what were ever in thy view,
Almighty God of grace.

3 Creatures of every sort and kind,
Are all at thy control,
The God that fills immensity
Must reign from pole to pole.

4 Our wars and tumults all arise,
As the effect of sin;

Sin is the cause of all the woes
The world has felt or seen.

5 Dear Lord, we fall before thy face;
Our guilt and folly own;

And pray thee, for thy mercy's sake,
To make thy goodness known.

6 In mercy put a stop to war;
In mercy send us peace;

Nor let thy vengeance on us fall,
Almighty King of Grace.

We are thine, redeem'd with blood, Call'd and proved the sons of God. 2 Jesus, ere he gave his blood,


Was immersed in Jordan's flood,
There, and in that way, to show
What he had to undergo.
In the watery grave we see,
Looking through it, Lord, to thee,
Jesus, overwhelm'd in blood,
Sunk in wrath's tremendous flood.
4 And shall we for whom he died,
Rose, and lives to intercede,
Be too proud to be despised,
And with him to be baptized:
5 No, dear Saviour, we will go
In the watery grave, to show
We are buried with our King,
And we rise his praise to sing.
6 Precious Spirit, make us see,
Love immense, beyond degree;
Now, and when beneath the flood,
Fill us with the love of God.


The same.-Ps. cxix. 32.

JESUS, we thy name adore;
Thine the kingdom is and power;
Thou shalt reign on Zion's hill;
We would gladly do thy will.

2 Thou hast bought our souls with blood, And hast brought us home to God;

We would gladly thee obey,
In thy own appointed way.

3 [We, through grace, are dead indeed,
And from our old husband freed,
But are married to the Lord,
And would gladly do his word.]

4 Thou didst sink in floods of wrath,
Us to save from guilt and death;
And with such a scene in view,
We would thy commandments do.
5 Thou hast claim'd us as thy bride;
Keep us near thy wounded side:
Dead to every lord but thee,
We would fain obedient be.


The same.-Rom. vi. 4.

JESUS, our exalted Saviour,

8. 7. 4.

We adore thy matchless grace;
Thou hast borne our misbehaviour;
Suffer'd in our wretched place;
Wrath and terror

Sunk thy soul in deep disgrace.

2 For us thou hast borne the horrors
Of a sin-avenging God;

Who can understand the sorrows
Of thy soul in wrath's deep flood?
"Tis a mystery,

Only fully known to God.

3 [Yet, through grace, we know in measure, What thy love hath for us borne,

And we hope, through thy good pleasure,
To behold thee on thy throne,
And for ever,

Sing the victories thou hast won.]

4 As an emblem of thy passion,
We with thee would be baptized:
And to show thy great salvation,
From the liquid grave we rise:
May we never,


Never dare thy ways despise.


The same.-Rom. vi. 8.

JESUS, our Lord and King,

S. M.

Thou art our Hope and Trust;
Thy boundless love and grace we sing,
And of thee will we boast.

As sinners saved by grace,

And made alive to God,

Thy righteous laws we would embrace,
And tread the heavenly road.


Thy wisdom did ordain

This solemn rite to show,

How thou wast plunged in wrath and pain,

To save our souls from woe.

We come thy name to own,
And solemnly confess,

Thou art our Life, our Joy, our Crown,

Our Strength, and Righteousness.

We would gladly thee obey,
In thy own appointed way.

3 [We, through grace, are dead indeed,
And from our old husband freed,
But are married to the Lord,
And would gladly do his word.]
Thou didst sink in floods of wrath,
Us to save from guilt and death;
And with such a scene in view,
We would thy commandments do.
5 Thou hast claim'd us as thy bride;
Keep us near thy wounded side:
Dead to every lord but thee,
We would fain obedient be,


The same.-Rom. vi. 4.

JESUS, our exalted Saviour,

8. 7. 4.

We adore thy matchless grace; Thou hast borne our misbehaviour; Suffer'd in our wretched place; Wrath and terror

Sunk thy soul in deep disgrace.

2 For us thou hast borne the horrors
Of a sin-avenging God;

Who can understand the sorrows
Of thy soul in wrath's deep flood?
"Tis a mystery,

Only fully known to God.

3 [Yet, through grace, we know in measure, What thy love hath for us borne,

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