A SONG. 1. THOU art not false but thou art fickle, "Tis this which breaks the heart thou grievest, Too well thou lov'st-too soon thou leavest. 2. The wholly false the heart despises, 3. To dream of joy and wake to sorrow What must they feel whom no false vision, As if a dream alone had charm'd? ON BEING ASKED WHAT WAS THE "ORIGIN OF LOVE?" THE "Origin of Love!"-Ah why And should'st thou seek his end to know: My heart forebodes, my fears foresee, He'll linger long in silent wo; REMEMBER HIM, &c. 1. REMEMBER him, whom passion's power Remember thou that dangerous hour When neither fell, though both were loved. That yielding breast, that melting eye, Too much invited to be blest: That gentle prayer, that pleading sigh, 3. Oh! let me feel that all I lost, But saved thee all that conscience fears; And blush for every pang it cost To spare the vain remorse of years. 4. Yet think of this when many a tongue, 5. Think that, whate'er to others, thou Hast seen each selfish thought subdued: I bless thy purer soul even now, Even now, in midnight solitude. 6. ' Oh, God! that we had met in time, Our hearts as fond, thy hand more free; When thou had'st loved without a crime, And I been less unworthy thee! 7. Far may thy days, as heretofore, Oh! may such trial be thy last! 8. This heart, alas! perverted long, 9. Then to the things whose bliss or wo, 10. Thy youth, thy charms, thy tenderness, 11. Oh! pardon that imploring tear, 12. Though long and mournful must it be, And almost deem the sentence sweet. 13. Still, had I loved thee less, my heart It felt not half so much to part, LINES, INSCRIBED UPON A CUP FORMED FROM A SKULL. 1. START not-nor deem my spirit filed: In me behold the only skull, From which, unlike a living head, Whatever flows is never dull. |