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ferting his own Rights; Lewis bafely encroaching on those of his Neighbours. Henry extricating his Country from Mifery, and laying the Foundation of her Grandeur; Lewis fquandering her Blood and Treasure, and reducing her from Grandeur to the Brink of Destruction. Henry forming Schemes for the perpetual Peace of Europe; Lewis perpetually to disturb it. How little is Lewis, compared to Henry the Great!

But to return to my Subject.-I am uneafy, when I fee a Dog, a Horfe, or any other Animal ill treated; for I confider them as endued with quick Senfe, and no contemptible Share of Reafon; and that God gave Man Dominion over them, not to play the Tyrant, but to be a good Prince, and promote the Happiness of his Subjects. But I am much more uneafy at any Cruelty to my own Species; and heartily with Procruftes difciplined in his own Bed, and Phalaris in his Bull. A Man bruifed all over in a Boxing Match, or cut to Pieces in fighting a Prize, is a shocking Spectacle; and I think I could, with lefs Horror, fce a thousand fall in Battle, than Human Nature thus depreciated and difgraced. Violence, when exerted in Wantonnefs or Paffion, is Brutality; and can be termed Bravery, only when it is fanctified by Justice and Neceffity. A mangled Car, cafe is not a pleafing Sight. Why therefore do Men pay for it; and the great Vulgar encourage thefe Disorders among the Small ? It is not Choice, but Affectation. As many, who


neither love nor understand Musick, go to an Opera to gain the Reputation of Conoiffeurs; many go to Broughton's Theatre, to avoid the Imputation of being Cowards; but when they are at so much Pains to avoid the Imputation, it raises a Sufpicion that they are fo.

I have been in a Situation to fee not a little of the Pomp and Vanity, as well as of the Neceffity and Misery of Mankind; but the last only affect me; and if, as a Magistrate, I am ever guilty of Partiality, it is in Favour of the Poor. When I am at Church among my poor, but honeft, Neighbours in the Country; and fee them serious in performing the Ceremonies prescribed; Tears fometimes steal down my Cheek, on reflecting, that they are doing and hearing many Things they do not understand; while those, who understand them better, neglect them: that they, who labour and live hard, are more thankful to Heaven, than those who fare luxuriously on the Fruits of their Labour; and are keeping and repeating the fourth Commandment, at the very Instant the others are breaking it.


These are some of the Senfations I feel; which I have freely and fairly difclofed, that the Reader may judge, how far I am an Inftance of a deformed Perfon wanting natural Affection. And I am a good Subject of Speculation; for all in me is Nature for to own the Truth, I have taken but little Pains (though much I ought to have taken) to correct my natural Defects.

Lord Bacon's next Pofition is, "That deform"ed Perfons are extremely bold. First in their


"own Defence, as being expofed to Scorn; but " in Process of Time by a general Habit." This, probably is so among the inferior Sort, who are in the way of continual Infults; for a return of Abufe is a natural Weapon of Self-defence; and in fome Meafure juftified by the Law of Retaliation; to upbraid a Man with a personal Defect, which he cannot help, is alfo an immoral A&; and he who does it, has reafon to expect no better Quarter than to hear of Faults, which it was in his own Power not to commit. But I find this Obfervation far from being verified in myself: an unbecoming Bafhfulness has been the Confequence of my ill Figure, and of the worse Management of me in my Childhood. I am always uneasy, when any one looks ftedfaftly on fo bad a Picture; and cannot look with a proper Confidence in the Face of another. I have ever reproached myself with this Weakness, but am not able to correct it. And it may be a Disadvantage to a Man in the Opinion of thofe he converfes with; for though true Modesty is amiable, the falfe is liable to Mifconftruction: and when a Man is out of Countenance for no Reason, it may be imagined, that he had fome bad Reafon for being fo. In point of Affurance, I am indeed a perfect Riddle to myself; for I, who feel a Reluctance in crofting a Drawing-room, or in opening my Mouth in private Company before Perfons with whom I am not well acquainted, find little in delivering my Sentiments in Publick, and expofing my Discourse, often as trifling as my Perfon, to the Ears of a ThouVOL. I.



-fand. From what Caufe this proceeds I know not it may be, partly from Hopes of wiping off any ill Impreffions from my Perfon by my Difcourfe; partly from a Sense of doing my Duty; and partly from a Security in public Assemblies - from any grofs perfonal Reflections.


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Lord Bacon compares the Cafe of deformed Perfons to that of Eunuchs; "in whom Kings were wont to put great Truft as good Spials and Whisperers; for they that are envious to"wards all, are more obnoxious and officious to"wards one."-But, with Submission to so good a Judge of Human Nature, I own, I can discover no uncommon Qualification in them for Spies; and very few motives to Envy peculiar to themfelves. Spies fubmit to that base and ungenerous Office, either for the Sake of Intereft or Power: if for Intereft, it is to gratify their Covetousness ; if for Power, their Ambition or Revenge: which Paffions are not confined to the Eunuch or Deformed; but indifcriminately feize all Claffes of Men. Envy too may prompt a Man to mean Actions, in order to bring down the Person envied to his own Level; but if it is on account of Superiority of Fortune, it will operate alike on Men of all Shapes. Eunuchs have but one peculiar Motive to Envy; but that (as Lord Bacon expreffes it) makes them envious towards all because it is for a Pleasure, which all but themselves may enjoy. Deformed Perfons are deprived only of Beauty and Strength, and therefore thofe alone are to be deemed the extraordinary Motives to their Envy; for they can no more be beautiful or frong,


than Eunuchs be fuccefsful Lovers. As to myTelf, whatever Sparks of Envy might be in my Constitution, they are now entirely extinguished; for, by frequent and ferious Reflection, I have long been convinced of the fmall Value of most Things which Men value the most.

There is another Paffion to which deformed Perfons feem to be more expofed, than to Envy > which is Jealousy; for, being conscious that they are lefs amiable than others, they may naturally fufpe&t, that they are lefs beloved. I have the Happiness to speak this from Conjecture, and not from Experience; for it was my Lot, many Years ágo to marry a young Lady, very piously, educa ted, and of a very distinguished Family, and whofe Virtues are an Honour to her Family, and her Sex; fo that I had never any Trial of my Temper; and can only guefs at it by Emotions I have felt in my younger Days; when Ladies have been more liberal of their Smiles to thofe, whom I thought in every refpe&t, but Person, my Infe


The most useful Inference from all this to a deformed Perfon, is to be upon his Guard against thofe Frailties to which he is more particularly that the outward [i] Orandum eft, let us pray, fays Juvenal, ut fit mens fana in corpore fano, for a found Mind in a healthy Body; and every deformed Perfon fhould add this Petition,

expofed; and to be careful, Frame do not distort the Soul.

[i] Sat. x.

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