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1967 DUGDALE'S MONASTICON AN-1976 DUPPA'S Classes and Orders of the

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1968 DUMAS' (Lieut.-General Count) Memoirs of his Own Time, including the Revolution, the Empire, and the Restoration, portraits, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 6d. 1969 DUMAS' (Alexander) Count of Monte Christo, illustrated with 20 illustrations on wood, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. (pub. £1. 4s.) 1846

1970 DU MOULIN'S (Rev. Dr.) Vindication of the Sincerity of the Protestant Religion in the point of Obedience to Sovereignes, opposed to the Doctrine of Rebellion authorized and practised by the Pope and the Jesuites, sm. 4to. hf. bd. neat, 4s.


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Linnæan System of Botany, illustrated by select specimens of Foreign and Indigenous Plants, 240 COLOURED PLATES, 3 vols. royal 8vo. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, £1. 18s. (pub. £7. 4s. in bds.) 1816


1977 DUPERREY VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE, exécuté par ordre du Roi, sur la Corvette la Coquille pendant les Années 1822, 3, 4, et 5, containing 333 most beautifully coloured plates, 4 vols. royal folio, hf. morocco, uncut, £12. 12s. 1826-30

*** Zoologie par Garnot et Lesson, 157 coloured plates; Botanique par Bory St. Vincent, et Brongniart, 116 plates, some coloured; Histoire Voyage, 60 coloured plates.

1978 DUPUIS (H. L.) Holy Places, a Nar

rative of Two Years' Residence in Jerusalem and Palestine, with Notes on the dispersed Canaanite Tribes, frontispiece, 2 vols. post 8vo. new cloth, 3s. 6d. (pub. £1. 1s.)


1979 DURFEY'S Elegy upon the late Blessed Monarch, King Charles II. and Two Panegyricks upon the Sacred Majesties, K. James II. and Queen Mary, fine full length portrait of K. James II. folio, sewed, 5s. scarce. 1685

1980 DURHAM (Admiral Sir P.) Memoir of the Naval Life and Services of, by Captain A. Murray, 8vo. cloth, 2s. 6d. 1846

1981 D'USSIEUX Histoire de la Découverte et la Conquête des Indes par les Portugais, sm. 8vo. calf, 3s.

Bouillon, 1770

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1986 DYDE'S (W.) History and Anti-1995 EARLY ENGLISH PROSE RO

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AGLES' (Rev. Jno.) Essays on Miscellaneous Subjects contributed to Blackwood's Magazine, sq. 8vo. 1857

cloth, 6s. 6d. (pub. 10s. 6d.) 1991 EARLY BALLAD POETRY, Selections from the Early Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland, edited by R. J. King, fcap. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, 8s. 6d.

Pickering, 1842 1992 EARLY DRAMATISTS-AN ExTENSIVE COLLECTION of the OLD DRAMATISTS since SHAKSPEARE, portraits and engravings, 48 vols. 12mo. in various styles of old binding, £8. 18s. 6d. v. y.

Comprising the works of Buckingham, Cibber, Congreve, Etheridge, Farquhar, Foote, Home, Howard, Jonson, Lee, Lillo, Mountfort, Otway, Philips, Rowe, Savage, T. Shadwell, Smollett, Southerne, Steele, Vanbrugh, Whitehead, Wycherly.

1993 EARLY VOYAGES - CHURCHILL'S COLLECTION OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS, some now first printed from Original MSS. others now first published in English, with a General Preface, giving an Account of the Progress of Trade and Navigation from their beginning, 6 vols.Supplement to the same, called the Harleian COLLECTION, 2 vols. together 8 vols. illustrated with several hundred well en

graved maps, and plates, containing views of the different countries, calf neat, £3. 13s. 6d. 1744-52

1994 EARLY VOYAGES HARRIS' Complete Collection of Voyages and Travels, consisting of about Six Hundred of the most Authentic Writers, beginning with Hakluyt, Purchas, De Bry, Ramusio, Herrera, Thevenot, &c. edited by Dr. Campbell, numerous charts, maps, and plates, 2 vols. folio, calf, £1. 10s.

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MANCES, with Bibliographical and Historical Introductions, edited by W. J. Thoms, 3 vols. post 8vo. hf. morocco, £1. 4s. Pickering, 1827 1996 EARLY FLEMISH PAINTERS, with Notices of their Lives and Works, by J. A. Crowe and G. B. Cavalcaselle, numerous illustrations, post 8vo. cloth, 8s. 1857


1997 EARLY POETRY-Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, reprinted principally from Early Printed Copies in the Black Letter, edited by E. V. Utterson, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. hf. calf neat, £1. 1s. 1817 1998 EASTBURY ILLUSTRATED by Elevations, Plans, Sections, Views, and other Delineations of that once magnificent Mansion, measured, drawn, engraved, and architecturally described by T. H. Clarke, with an Historical Sketch, by W. H. Black, 16 plates, royal 4to. bds. 8s. 6d. SCARCE.


1999 EAST INDIES-ARTHUSII (Gotardi) Historiæ Indiæ Orientalis, 8vo. calf, very neat, 4s. Coloniæ Agrippinæ, 1608

2000 EAST INDIES-A New History of the East Indies, Ancient and Modern, containing the Chorography, Natural History, Religion, Government, Manners and Customs, Revolutions, &c. of those Countries, map, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 4s. 1757 2001 EASTLAKE'S (Sir C. L.) Materials for a History of Oil Painting, 8vo. cloth, 9s. 6d. (pub. 16s.) 1847 2002 EBER'S (John) Seven Years at the King's Theatre, portraits of Performers, 8vo. new hf. morocco, very neat, 5s. 6d. 1828

2003 EBRIETATIS ENCOMIUM, or the Praise of Drunkenness, wherein is authentically and most evidently proved the necessity of frequently getting Drunk, and that the Practice is most Ancient, Primitive and Catholic, frontispiece. 12mo. new hf. calf gilt, 4s. 2004 ECCLESTON'S Introduction to English Antiquities, intended as a Companion to the History of England, numerous engravings, thick 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. (pub. £1. 1s.) 1847



2005 EDDRUP'S (Rev. E. P.) Practical Sermons, preached in St. Gabriel's, Pimlico, 12mo. cloth, 2s. 2006 EDEN'S (Hon. Miss) Portraits of the Princes and People of India, taken during the Years 1838-39-40-41, 24 beautiful plates, folio, hf. morocco, uncut, £1. 18s. (pub. £4. 4s.)


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2011 EDINBURGH REVIEW, selections from the Edinburgh Review, of the best Articles, from its Commencement to the present time, with Notes, edited by M. Cross, 4 thick vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 4s. 1833

"Four Volumes which ought to find their way into every well-stored library."-Dibdin's Lit. Reminiscences.

2012 EDINBURGH REVIEW-Letters, Observations, Remarks, Essays, &c. on Articles which have appeared in the "Edinburgh Review," by the following Authors, SOUTHEY, DR. COMBE, H. DRUMMOND, WORDSWORTH, CLARKSON, Dr. YOUNG, S. BUTLER, Sir N. W. WRAXALL, TORRENS, SOMERVILLE, PHILLIPS, SADLER, &c. &c. 17 vols. 8vo, hf. calf neat, £1. 10s.

v. d.

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2015 EDINBURGH CABINET LIBRARY-A Complete Set of this highly instructive and interesting Publication, comprising the best Series of Modern Voyages, Travels, Biography, History, &c. numerous maps and engravings, 38 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, £3. 10s. (pub. £9. 10s.) 1838-42

2017 EDLIN'S Treatise on the Art of Bread making, wherein the Mealing Trade, Assize Laws, and every circumstance connected with the Art is particularly examined, 12mo. bds. 5s. 6d. 1805 2018 EDWARDS' (Bryan) Historical Account of St. Domingo, 4to. hf. calf neat, 4s. 6d. 1797

"This work justly bears an excellent character." - Stevenson. 2019 EDWARDS' (Bryan) History of the British West Indies, portraits, maps, and numerous fine plates, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 10s. 6d. 1801

2020 EDWARDS' (Jonathan, President of New Jersey College) WORKs, with his Life, Experience, and Character, by the Rev. S. Hopkins, edited with Notes, &c. by Williams and Parsons, portrait, 8 vols. royal 8vo. calf neat, contents lettered, £2. 10s. 2021 EDWARDS' (Jonathan) Great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin defended, evidences of its Truth produced and Arguments to the contrary answered, 8vo. calf, 3s.



2022 EDWARDS' (Jonathan) a Treatise


concerning Religious Affections, in 3 parts, 8vo. calf neat, 4s. 6d. 2023 EDWARDS' NEW FLORA BRITANNICA, illustrated with One Hundred and Thirty-three Plants, engraved by Sanson, from the Originals, and coloured with the greatest exactness by Sydenham Edwards, 2 vols. royal 4to. hf. russia uncut, £1.10s. (pub. £5. 5s.)


2024 EDWARDS' (Syd.) BOTANICAL REGISTER, with the Continuation by Lindley, consisting of coloured figures of Exotic Plants cultivated in British Gardens, with their History and Mode of Treatment, illustrated by nearly 3000 exquisitely coloured plates, 30 vols. royal 8vo. hf. russia gilt, uncut, £18. 18s. (pub. £60.) 1815-44

"What we consider the most valuable feature

of this work, and what distinguishes it peculiarly in its class, is the judicious selection of its subjects, and the constant introduction of greenhouse and hardy flowers and shrubs in preference to those which are to be preserved only in hot houses, of which, however, a sufficient portion is retained to render the register useful to all classes of readers."-Literary Gazette.

2025 EDWARDS' (W. H.) Voyage up the River Amazon, including a Residence at Para-MILMAN'S (Capt.) Wayside Cross, or the Raid of Gomez, a tale of the Carlist War, bd. in 1 vol. post 8vo. cloth, 3s. Murray, 1847

2026 EDWARDS' (Edwd.) MEMOIRS OF LIBRARIES, including a HAND-BOOK OF LIBRARY ECONOMY, containing 2014 pp. with numerous illustrations, 2 stout vols. royal 8vo. handsomely bd. in bevelled cloth bds. £1. 10s.


** The Volumes contain the following Illustrations:-Eight Copper Plates illustrative of the Manuscripts disinterred at Herculaneum; 34 Woodcuts of Interiors and Exteriors of Celebrated Libraries; 8 Lithographed Plates containing Facsimiles of the Types employed by Early Printers; 7 Chromo-lithographic Plates, exhibiting Specimens of Bookbinding, a View of St. Augustine's Monastery at Canterbury, and several plans of Ancient Libraries. No expense has been spared by the Publishers to make this TRULY NATIONAL WORK perfect in every respect.

2027 EDWARD the Black Prince, the Life and Glorious Actions of, with a History of his Royal Brother, John of Gaunt, collected from Ancient Records, &c. by Collins, portrait, 8vo. calf, 4s.


2028 EDYE'S (John) Calculations relating to the Equipment, Displacement, &c. of Ships and Vessels of War, with 32 folding plates, impl. 8vo. hf. bd. uncut, 15s. 1832 2029 ÆSCHYLUS, Gr. et Lat. ex. Editione Stanleii accedunt variæ Lectiones et Notæ Virorum Doctorum Criticæ et Philologicæ quibus suas passim intertexuit, S. BUTLER, 8 vols. 8vo. calf neat, £1.8s. Cantab. 1809

"Upon the whole, this edition may be considered the MOST POPULAR, in this country, of the works of ÆSCHYLUS." - Museum Criticum.

2030 EFFUSIONS of Love from Chateler

to Mary, Queen of Scotland, translated from a Gallic MS. with Songs, Sonnets, and Notes, frontispiece, 12mo. hf. calf gilt, 3s. 6d.


2031 EGEDE'S Description of Greenland, showing the Natural History of the Country, the Genius and Way of Life of the Ancient and Modern inhabitants, their Plants, Beasts, Fishes, &c. map and plates, 8vo. bds. 3s.


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2034 ELDON (Lord Chancellor) The Public and Private Life of, with sélections from his Correspondence, by Horace Twiss, Esq. portraits and plates, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 18s. 6d. (pub. £2. 2s.)


"These volumes abound in capital anecdotes,

possess passages of very effective writing, and form a work which ought to be in the library of every lawyer, statesman, and English gentleman." -Blackwood. 2035 ELDON-SURTEES' Lives of Lords Stowell and Eldon, comprising, with additional matter, some corrections of Mr. Twiss' Work on the Chancellor, 8vo. cloth, 3s.

1846 2036 ELEGANT Extracts in Poetry, selected for the improvement of Young Persons, 2 vols. royal 8vo. calf gilt,

marbled leaves, 4s. 6d.

1816 on the


2037 ELIOT'S (W. G.) Treatise Defence of Portugal, with a Sketch of the Manners and Customs of the People, also the Principal Events of the Campaigns under Wellington, military maps, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 2s. 6d. 2038 ELIZABETH (Charlotte), The Christian Lady's Magazine, edited by Charlotte Elizabeth, 26 vols. 12mo. uniformly bd. hf. morocco gilt, marbled edges, a nice set, £2. 18s. 2039 ELLIOTT'S (C. B.) Travels in the Three Great Empires of Austria, Russia, and Turkey, maps and frontispiece, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. 2040 ELLIOTT'S (E. B.) HORE APOCALYPTICE, a Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical, including the Prophecies of Daniel, plates, 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 18s. best edition, SCARCE. 1846



2041 ELLIOTT (Grace Dalrymple) Journal of My Life during the French Revolution, portraits, 8vo. newly bd. calf gilt, marbled edges, 7s. 6d. (pub. 10s. 6d. unbd.) 1859

Mrs. Elliott was the friend of Marie Antoinette, of the Duke of Orleans, and of many other celebrities of the French Revolution, and her Journal contains many interesting and authentic details not hitherto published.

2042 ELLIS' (J.) Defence of the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England, to which are added the Lambeth Articles, 12mo. neat, 3s. scarce. 1700 2043 ELLIS' (G.) Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, post 8vo. calf gilt, marbled leaves, 6s. 6d. 1848 2044 ELLIS' (Sir Henry) ORIGINAL LETTERS Illustrative of English History, with Notes and Illustrations, THE THREE SERIES COMPLETE, engravings and facsimiles, 11 vols. post 8vo. hf. calf gilt, £3. 5s.




Illustrative of English History, with
Notes, and Illustrations, FIRST SERIES,
3 vols. post 8vo. bds. 5s. 6d.
2046 ELLIS' (Hon. G. A.) Historical In-
quiries respecting the Character of Lord
Chancellor Clarendon, post 8vo. bds. 2s.


2047 ELLIS' (W.) Narrative of a Tour through Hawaü or Owhyee, with observations on the Natural History of the Sandwich Islands, &c. map and plates, 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 4s. 6d.


2048 ELLIS' (W.) Three Visits to Madagascar, during the years 1853-4-6, including a journey to the capital, with notices of the Natural History of the Country, and of the present Civilization of the People, map and engravings 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. (pub. 16s.)


2049 ELLIS (W.) On the Knowledge and Practice of Religion in Common Life, post 8vo. hf. calf neat, 5s. 6d. 1857 2050 ELLIS' (Mrs.) WOMEN OF ENGLAND, their Social Duties, and Domestic Habits, portrait-Wives of England, their relative duties, domestic influence, &c. frontispiece-Mothers of England, their influence and responsibility, frontispieceDaughters of England, their position in Society, Character, &c. frontispiece, together 4 vols. 12mo. calf extra, marbled leaves, 12s. 6d (pub. £1.18s.) 1840-43 2051 ELLIS (Mrs.) The Morning Call, a Table Book of Literature and Arts, with highly finished engravings on steel, 4 vols. royal 8vo. morocco extra, gilt leaves, £1. 11s. 6d.

n. d.

2052 ELLIS' (Mrs.) Temper and Temperament, or Varieties of Character, plates, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 4s. 6d.


2053 ELPHINSTONE'S (Hon. M.) Cabul and its Dependencies in Persia, Tartary, and India, comprising a View of the Affghan Nation, &c., map and coloured portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 8s. 6d. (pub. £1. 8s.)


"Every reader will see that the writer of this work is a man of enlarged views and masculine understanding, whose principal object is to tell what he has seen or thought as clearly and briefly as he can, his style is clear, precise, manly, and always perfectly unaffected."-Edinburgh Review. 2054 ELSLEY'S Annotations on the Four Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, carmine edges, old style, 10s. 6d.


"We never saw a book more admirably adapted for the use of students, more creditable to the Author's sagacity, diligence, and erudition, or more likely to make the investigation of the New Testament easy and agreeable."-British Critic.

2055 ELUCIDATIONS of the Marvellous, by an Oxonian, consisting of Essays on Magic and Magical Rites-History of Oracles-On Amulets, Charms, Talismans-The Rosicrucians, &c. &c. 12mo. hf. calf, 3s. 6d.


2056 ELWES (John, the Miser) The Life of, by Edward Topham, portrait, 1790Zimmerman's Life, from the French of Tissot, 1797, 8vo. hf. bd. 3s. 1790-97 2057 ELWES' (R.) Sketcher's Tour Round the World, with upwards of 20 finely coloured plates of scenery, &c. from original drawings by the Author, royal 8vo. newly bd. calf gilt, marbled edges, 10s. 6d. 1854

"This book is pleasantly written throughout, and with the picturesque variety that cannot but belong to the description of a succession of such scenery, is also full of interesting and instructive remarks." - Examiner. 2058 ELYOT (Syr Thomas) THE CASTEL OF HELTH, corrected and in some places augmented, Black Letter, sm. 4to. calf neat, £1. 1s. SCARCE.

London, Thomas Berthelet, 1541

Elyot, for his learning and accomplishments, works are scarce, and much sought after. was an honour to the gentry of England. His 2059 ELYOT'S (Sir Thomas) Book, named "The Governor,” new edition, edited by Arthur Turberville Eliot, 8vo. new calf gilt, marbled edges, 8s. 6d. (1564).

Reprint, Newcastle, 1834


"The Governour" (rude as the state of polilitical knowledge was in the time of King Henry VIII.) may justly be said to be an able treatise on interesting and important science of political economy. 2060 EMBLEMS ALCIATI (A.) Emblemata, Elucidata doctissimis Claudii Minois Commentarius, woodcuts, sm. 8vo. calf, red edges, 6s. 6d. SCARCE. 2061 EMBLEMS - ALCIATI Emblemata, cum Commentariis C. Minois, F. Sanctii Brocensis, & Notis, L. Pignorii Patavini, opera Joannis Thuilii Mariæmontani, Tirol, cum Indice triplici, upwards of 200 woodcuts, thick 4to. vellum, 12s. 6d. Patavii, 1661


2062 EMBLEMS-CAMERERII (J.) Symbolorum et Emblematum ex re Herbaria, Desumptorum Centuria una Collecta, plates beautifully engraved, sm. 4to. 2 parts in 1, vellum, 10s. 6d. SCARCE.

Noriberga, 1590 2063 EMBLEMS-CAMERARII (J.) Symbolorum ac Emblematum Ethico, Politicorum, Centurice Quatuor-Arborum et Planetarum, Animal et Quadrupedium, Avium et Volalilium, Piscium et Reptilium, frontispiece and numerous plates, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 14s. SCARCE. Moguntiæ, 1795

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