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The gentlemen had not long admired the beautiful sublimity of the scene, when a cloud of dingy white was observed gathering around the summit of Rattlesnake Mountain. At first, it was thin and shadowy, as the vapor which enveloped Samuel when he rose at the summons of the sorceress; but it gradually accumulated, like the soiled plumes of a regiment rushing from the battle field in confusion and dismay.

"Is that an omen of an approaching thunder shower?" inquired the stranger. "It forebodes a sudden, and a dreadful one," replied Vandellyn, speaking low, and keeping his eye fixed upon the mountain. The bargeman rowed with almost supernatural strength; and the quick, convulsive heavings of his breath had a fearful sound amid the stillness of the coming storm.

Long before they could reach Diamond Isle, the sky was covered with one deep, black mantle of clouds; the lake was dimpled by the falling rain, and illumined with forked lightning; and the thunder rolled from mountain to mountain, ever and anon bursting out in echoing peals, as if the spirits of the air shouted their far off warnings to each other.

The scene was too terrific in its majesty for even the poet to enjoy; for an instinctive dread of thunder was one of his peculiarities. "Row faster, bargeman, and avoid the current," were the only words he uttered; but his eye changed its wonted flash of inspiration for the intense light of fear.

The boat cut the black waves rapidly, and, amid the uproar of the elements, they landed in safety. With

out waiting for their hasty summons to be answered, Vandellyn entered the wretched hut of Mrs Campbell. The old woman, crouching in the corner, seemed to rejoice at the sight of a human being. "I have lived here twenty long years," said she; "but never have I seen a storm like this."

Few words were spoken by the gentlemen, as they watched the clouds heavily and reluctantly dispersing. Nearly an hour elapsed, before a speck of clear blue sky looked forth, like a seraph stilling the tempest; but the sun at length shone out in its glory, making the grass glitter with transient pearls, and showing every spider's web studded with diamonds, fit for the regalia of a fairy queen. The light entered a small window and shone obliquely upon an embroidered genealogical tree, which immediately attracted the stranger's attention. Fixing his eye upon it for an instant, he exclaimed, "James Mac Ferguson! was he a relation of yours, ma'am ?” "He was father to my husband's first wife," answered the woman. "Has he any heirs living?" "Yes, there are two great grandchildren, George and Mary Campbell; but it is precious little they'll be heir to, I guess." "George and Mary Campbell," repeated the stranger, as if talking to himself. "Did I not hear - He paused, and looked inquiringly at Vandellyn; who, blushing slightly, replied, "If you have heard that I am educating the young lady, and intend to marry her, you have heard the truth." The unknown glanced his eye round the miserable dwelling. A frown flitted over his brow for an instant; but it passed away, as he added, half

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audibly, “Well, she is beautiful and virtuous, I am told. How can you support her, young man ?" continued he, aloud. Recent circumstances rushed at once upon the mind of the Recluse. His blood boiled with indignation at the unfeeling question; and he answered haughtily, "By the exertion of my talents, sir. My mind is my kingdom." "It is nobly said," rejoined the stranger. "When romance leads us to be useless, it is not without sin. Have you any papers belonging to James Mac Ferguson ?" continued he, turning toward Mrs Campbell. "There are some writings in that case of drawers,” she replied, “which my old man would never have burned." "Will you trust Mr Vandellyn and myself to look at them ?" "Folks that know Mr Vandellyn, trust him with anything," rejoined the old woman. "I would not trust *him when he was rich, but I will now."

The young man looked gratefully at her; for he loved to remember what had softened her stern heart towards him. The papers were produced with alacrity; and, on opening the third roll, the unknown exclaimed, "I have found it at last!" After examin ing it carefully, he explained to Arthur and Mrs Campbell that it was the grant of a large tract of land in Missouri, to James Mac Ferguson, for services rendered the United States during the revolutionary war; that a lead mine of immense value had been discovered in this tract; and that he had come to New York with forty thousand dollars, prepared for the purchase, provided any heirs could be found. "And I am delighted," continued he, "to find those heirs are George and Mary Campbell,"

"I am glad too, for their sakes," rejoined the Recluse. "I am not the rich man now that I was when I first became their friend; and I shall not allow any trifling services I have rendered, to interfere with their choosing a wealthier one." "Oh, shame fall on her, if she should forsake you, after all your goodness," cried the old woman. "Arthur Vandellyn, thou art a noble creature!" said the stranger, warmly pressing his hand, and fixing his admiring eye upon him. "But," added he, with an arch smile, " you are not fit for the world you live in. Suppose, instead of taking it for granted that Mary Campbell is going to cast off a disinterested lover, merely because she is mistress of twenty thousand dollars, you should make a little more inquiry into the value of this property?” "You told me it was worth forty thousand," replied the Recluse. "If I did, I told you truly," said the stranger, smiling; "for I came both ready and willing to give eighty thousand for this valuable tract."

The young mau looked upon him with unrestrained surprise. Who could it be that thus lavished gold around him like a successful alchymist! Whoever he was, he continued to speak to the Recluse with more freedom than any other man would have dared; and he was listened to with increasing and even affectionate respect. After a long conversation, the important paper was placed in Arthur's hands, at Mrs Campbell's repuest. A letter was immediately written to apprise Mary of her good fortune, and the stranger offered to take it to Miss Campbell in person. Vandellyn's reserve had been entirely conquered by the gracious

nobility of his character and manners; and, when he bade him farewell, the ensuing morning, he expressed an earnest wish that their acquaintance might be renewed. "Perhaps it may, at some future time," replied the unknown; and he spoke it so emphatically, that his friend could not drive it from his mind, until a letter from Mary, a few hours after, changed the current of his thoughts. She wrote to tell him she had heard of his late misfortunes, and to reproach him for his unkindness in concealing them from her. She said she did not ask permission for George and herself to work for him, until his debts were paid; that she had resolved upon it, and would not change her purpose. Arthur almost rejoiced at the distress which had procured him such a proof of her attachment and energy; and his curiosity was doubly excited to know how far unexpected wealth would have power to dazzle her unsophisticated nature.

Two days elapsed before be received a reply to the letter he had sent by the stranger. Its contents convinced him that Mary rejoiced at her change of fortune, only because it gave her the power of evincing her gratitude to him. Her first request was, that a comfortable house and good nurse should be provided for her grandmother. She then proceeded to tell him that the dark-eyed man who offered to purchase the lead mine, visited her contiuually, and urged her to marry his eldest son; who, he said was handsome ; twenty times as rich as Arthur Vandellyn, even when she first knew him; and, besides all that, he had seen her, and was desperately in love with her. Mary

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