HYMNS OF THE AGES. ASPIRATION. THE OFFERING. HEY gave to Thee TH T Myrrh, frankincense and gold; But, Lord, with what shall we Present ourselves before thy majesty, Whom Thou redeemedft when we were sold? We've nothing but ourselves, and scarce that neither; Vile dirt and clay; Yet it is soft and may Impreffion take. Accept it, Lord, and say, this Thou hadft rather; Stamp it, and on this sordid metal make Thy holy image, and it shall outshine The beauty of the golden mine. Amen. Jeremy Taylor. 1650. PEACE. Y soul, there is a countrie MY Afar beyond the stars, Where ftands a wingéd sentrie There, above noise and danger, Sweet Peace sits crown'd with smiles, And One born in a manger Commands the beauteous files. He is thy gracious friend And (O my soul, awake!) Did in pure love descend, To die here for thy sake. If thou canst get but thither, There growes the flowre of peace, For none can thee secure Henry Vaughan. 1621-1695. LOVE divine, how sweet thou art! When fhall I find my willing heart All taken up by thee? I thirst, and faint, and die to prove, He only knows the love of God; O that I could forever fit, With Mary, at the Master's feet ! O that, with humbled Peter, I Could weep, believe, and thrice reply, My faithfulness to prove. Thou know'ft, (for all to Thee is known, Thou know'ft, O Lord, and Thou alone, Thou know'ft that Thee I love. O that I could, with favor'd John, The dear Redeemer's breast ! Thy only love do I require, Nothing in heaven above; Let earth, and heaven, and all things go, Give me Thy only love to know, Give me Thy only love. Charles Wesley. "A" THE ANSWER. LLAH, Allah!" cried the fick man, racked with pain the long night through; Till with prayer his heart grew tender, till his lips like honey grew. But at morning came the Tempter; said, "Call louder, child of Pain! See if Allah ever hear, or answers, 'HERE AM I,' again.' Like a ftab, the cruel cavil through his brain and pulses went; To his heart an icy coldness, to his brain a darkness, sent. Then, before him, stands Elias; says, "My child, why thus dismayed? Doft repent thy former fervor? Is thy soul of prayer afraid?" "Ah!" he cried, "I've called so often; never heard the 'Here am I'; And I thought, God will not pity; will not turn on me his eye." Then the grave Elias answered, "God said, Rise, Elias; go Speak to him, the sorely tempted; lift him from his gulf of woe. "Tell him that his very longing is itself an answering cry; That HIS prayer, "Come, gracious Allah!" is My answer, "Here am I."' Every inmoft aspiration is God's angel undefiled; And in every 'O my Father!' flumbers deep a 'Here, my child.' Dscheladeddin. Tholuck's verfion. Tranflated by Rev. James F. Clarke. |