| Edward Bysshe - English language - 1710 - 624 pages
...fraught with Fire Unquenchable, the Houfe of Woe and Pain. Milt. Nine times the Space that meafares Day and Night To mortal Men, he with his horrid Crew Lay vanquilh'd, fouling in the fiery Gulph ; Confounded, tho' immortal : But his Doom Referv'd him to more... | |
| Charles Gildon - Criticism - 1718 - 490 pages
...paffen quietly : For (he in Hell and Heaven had power equally. Sfin. Nine times the Space that meafures Day and Night To mortal Men, he with his horrid Crew Lay vaoquifh'd, rowling in the fiery Gulph : Confounded, tho' immortal : But hi. Doom Referv'd him to more... | |
| Theophilus Cibber, Robert Shiells - Poets, English - 1753 - 418 pages
...chains, and penal fire ; Who durft defy th' Omnipotent to arms. Nine times the fpace that meafures day and [night To mortal men, he with his horrid crew Lay vanquifh'd, rowling in the fiery gulph, Confounded, tho' immortal Who that hears this, can think it... | |
| John Milton - 1754 - 342 pages
...adamantine chains and penal fire , Who durft defy th' Omnipotent to arms. Nine times the fpace that mcafures day and night To mortal men , he with his horrid crew Lay vancjuish'd , rolling in the fiery gulf, Confo'.:nd^d though immortal ! But his doom Referv'd him to... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - Criticism - 1762 - 464 pages
...fubjecT: defcribed is in itfelf difmal. • * • • '* . . » Nine times the fpace that meafures day and night To mortal men, he with his horrid crew Lay vanquifli'd, rowling in the fiery gulf Confounded though immortal : but his doom ' » Sec chap. i&.... | |
| Lord Henry Home Kames - Criticism - 1765 - 576 pages
...whole agreeable, though the fubjecl defcribed is in itfelf difmal : Nine times the fpace that meafures day and night To mortal men, he with his horrid crew Lay vanquifh'd, rowling in the fiery gulf, Confounded though immortal : but his doom Referv'd him to more... | |
| John Milton - 1767 - 376 pages
...adamantine chains and penal fire, Who durft defy th'Omnipotent to arms. Nine times the fpace that meafures day and night To mortal men, he with his horrid crew Lay vanqui(ht, rowling in the fiery gulph Confounded though immortal : but his doom Referv'd him to more... | |
| Joseph Priestley - Criticism - 1777 - 346 pages
...adamantine chains and penal fire, Who durflr defy th' Omnipotent to arms. Nine times the fpace that meafures day and night To mortal men, he with his horrid crew Lay vanquim'd, rolling in the fiery gulph, Confounded, though immortal. PARADISE LOST, Book I. Proper names... | |
| Samuel Johnson - English poetry - 1779 - 278 pages
...adamantin chains and penal fire, Who durft defy th' Omnipotent to arms. Nine times the fpace that meafures day and night To mortal men, he with his horrid crew Lay vanquifh'd» rolling in the fiery gulf, Confounded Confounded though immortal : But his doom Referv'd... | |
| José Cadalso - 1781 - 336 pages
...vain atempt. Him te Almighty Pow'r. Hurl'd headlong flaming from t^ ethereal sky With hideous ru'n and combustion, down to bottomless perdition ; there to dwell in adamantine chains and penal fire, VJbo durt defy th , Omnipotent to arms, De la culpa del hombre inobediente, . C:yel fruto de aquel... | |
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