The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, with a metrical tr. and notes by B.H. Kennedy1882 |
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Page 227 - Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, comprising Pirqe Aboth and Pereq R. Meir in Hebrew and English, with Critical and Illustrative Notes ; and specimen pages of the Cambridge University Manuscript of the Mishnah 'Jerushalmith'.
Page 226 - The Missing Fragment of the Latin Translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra, discovered, and edited with an Introduction and Notes, and a facsimile of the MS., by ROBERT L. BENSLY, MA, Sub-Librarian of the University Library, and Reader in Hebrew, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
Page 8 - Le Verre D'Eau. A Comedy, by SCRIBE. With a Biographical Memoir, and Grammatical, Literary and Historical Notes, by C. COLBECK, MA, late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge; Assistant Master at Harrow School.