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as alfo for all faithful christians both living and dead, that it may avail both me and them to everlasting life. A


ftantibus, fed & pro omnibus fidelibus chriftianis vivis atque de functus, ut mihi & illis proficiat ad falutem in vitam æternam. Amen.

The Priest puts the wine and the water into the

Chalice, faying:

God, who in crea

ting human nature haft wonderfully dignified it, and reform'd it again by a yet greater miracle: grant, that by the myftery of this water and wine, we may be made partakers of his Divinity, who vouchfafed to become partaker of our humanity; namely Jefus Chrift, thy Son, our Lord, who with thee, in the unity of the holy Ghoft, liveth & reigneth, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

DEus, qui humanæ fubftantiæ dignitatem mirabiliter condidifti, & mirabilius reformafti: Da nobis per hujus aquæ & vini myfterium, ejus Divinitatis effe confortes, qui humanitatis noftræ fieri dignatus eft particeps, Jefus Chriftus, Filius tuus, Dominus nofter; qui tecum vivit & regnat in unitate Spiritûs fancti Deus, per omnia fæcula fæculorum. Amen.

Then offering the wine in the Chalice, in the middle of the Altar, he says:

WE offer thee, O OFferimus tibi, Do

Lord, the Cha

mine, Calicem fa


lutaris,tuam deprecantes clementiam, ut in confpectu divinæ Majeftatis tuæ, pro noftra & totius mundi falute cum odore fuavitatis afcendit. Amen.

The Priest IN fpiritu humilitatis,

& in animo contrito fufcipiamur à te,Domine; & fic fiat facrificium noftrum in confpectu tuo hodie, ut placeat tibi, Domine Deus.

lice of falvation, be-
feeching thy clemen-
cy, that it may afcend
before thy divine Ma-
jefty, as a most sweet
odour, for our falva-
tion, and for that of the
whole world. Amen.

bowing, says:
ACcept us, O Lord,

in the spirit of humility, and a contrite heart; and grant, that the facrifice we offer this day in thy fight, may be pleafing to thee, O Lord God.

Then bleffing the bread and wine, he fays:

VEni, fanctificator, Come, O almighty

omnipotens, æterne Deus, et benedic hoc facrificium tuo fancto nomini præpa


and eternal God,

the fanctifier, and ☀ bless this facrifice, prepared for the glory of thy holy name.

He washeth his hands, faying:

Pfalmus xxv. 6.

Lavabo inter inno- I

centes manus me

as, & circumdabo altare tuum, Domine.

Pfalm xxv. 6. Will wash my hands among the innocent, and will encompass thy altar, O Lord.


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That I may hear the voice of praife, and fhew forth all thy marvellous works. Lord, I have loved the beauty of thy houfe, and the place of the habitation of thy glory. Destroy not, O God, my foul with the impious, and my life with bloody men.

In whofe hands are iniquities, their righthand is filled with gifts.

But I have walked in my innocency: redeem me, and have mercy on me.

My foot hath food in the right way; in the churches I will bless thee, O Lord. Glory be to the Fa

ther, &c.

univerfa mirabilia tua.

Domine, dilexi decorem domûs tuæ, & locum habitationis gloriæ tuæ.

Ne perdas cum impiis, Deus, animam meam, & cum viris fanguinum vitam me


In quorum manibus iniquitates funt, dextra eorum repleta eft muneribus.

Ego autem in innocentia mea ingreffus fum: redime me, & miferere mei.

Pes meus ftetit in directo; in ecclefiis benedicam te, Domine.

Gloria Patri, & Fi

lio, &c.

The Priest bowing down in the midst of the Altar,


REceive, O holy Sufcipe, fancta Tri

Trinity, this ob

nitas, hanc oblatio


nem, quam tibi offerimus ob memoriam Paf fionis, Refurrectionis & Afcenfionis Jefu Chrifti Domini noftri, & in honore beatæ Mariæ femper Virginis, & beati Joannis Baptifta, & fanctorum Apoftolorum Petri & Pauli, & iftorum & omnium Sanctorum ; ut illis proficiat ad honorem, nobis autem ad falutem. Et illi pro nobis intercedere dignentur in cœlis, quorum memoriam agimus in terris. Per eundem ChriAum Dominum noftrum. Amen.

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lation we make thee, in memory of the Paffion, Refurrection and Afcenfion of our Lord Jefus Chrift; and in honour of bleffed Mary, ever Virgin, and of bleffed John Baptift, & of the holy Apostles, Peter and Paul, of thofe and of all the Saints; that it may be available to their honour, and our falvation. And may they vouchsafe to intercede for us in heaven, whofe memory we celebrate on earth. Thro' the fame Chrift our Lord. Amen.

Turning himself towards the people, he says: Rate, fratres,


meum ac veftrum facrificium acceptabile fiat apud Deum Patrem omnipotentem.

Brethren, pray that my facrifice and yours may be accepta ble in the fight of God the Father almighty.

The people answer:

Sufcipiat Dominus

facrificium de ma

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nibus tuis, ad lau- thy hands, to the


praife and glory of his name, and to the benefit both of us, and of all his holy Church.

dem & gloriam nominis fui, ad utilitatem quoque noftram, totiufque Ecclefiæ fuæ fanctæ.

Then follows the fecret prayer, which is every day different.

While the Prieft is faying the fecret prayers, you may fay the following one:


Ercifully hear our prayers, O Lord, and gracioufly accept this oblation, which we thy fervants are making to thee, that as we offer it to the honour of thy name, fo it may be to us here a means of obtaining thy grace, and in the next life, everlafting happiness. At the end of the Secret, the Priest fays with a loud voice:

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