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Now spends the more, the more he was restrain'd;
So he; yet though in laying out his store

He doubly takes, yet finds himself grow poor;
With that he marks, and tells her out a score,
And doubles them, and trebles all before.



Fond boy! the more thou payst thy debt still grows
[the more.
At length, whether these favours so had fir`d him 41
With kindly heat, inflaming his desiring,
Or whether those sweet kisses had inspir'd him,
He thinks that something wants for his requiring,
And still aspires, yet knows not his aspiring; 45
But yet though that he knoweth so she gave,
That he presents himself her bounden slave,
Still his more wishing face seem'd somewhat else to



And boldned with success and many graces,
His hand, chain'd up in fear, he now releas'd,
And asking leave, courag`d with her embraces,
Again it prison'd in her tender breast :
Ah, blessed prison! pris'ners too much blest!
There with those sisters long time doth he play,
And now full boldly enters Love's highway,
While down the pleasant vale his creeping hand doth




She, not displeas'd with this his wanton play,
Hiding his blushing with a sugred kiss,
With such sweet heat his rudeness doth allay,
That now he perfect knows whatever bliss
Elder Love taught, and he before did miss ;


That moult with joy, in such untry'd joys trying, He gladly dies; and death new life applying, Gladly again he dies, that oft he may be dying.


Long thus he liv'd, slumbring in sweet delight, 65
Free from sad care and fickle world's annoy,
Bathing in liquid joys his melted sprite;

And longer mought, but he (ah, foolish Boy!)
Too proud, and too impatient of his joy,

To woods, and heaven, and earth, his bliss imparted,
That Jove upon him down his thunder darted, 71
Blasting his splendent face,and all his beauty swarted.


Such be his chance that to his love doth wrong;
Unworthy he to have so worthy place,

That cannot hold his peace and blabbing tongue;
Light joys float on his lips, but rightly grace
Sinks deep, and th' heart`s low center doth embrace.
Might I enjoy my love till I unfold it,

I'd lose all favours when I blabbing told it:
He is not fit for love that is not fit to hold it.


Explaining the




Taken from the Glossaries


And more comprehensive than either.


Abace, in the two old
quartos; but in the fo-
lios Abase, to lower, to
let fall.
Abear, to bear, carry, de-
mean, behave.
Abet, to vindicate, and, to

Abide, Aby, Abyde, to abide,
suffer, endure,
Abode, abiding, staying,
or delay.
Abray out of sleep, raise,a-
wake. Abrayd,awaked.
Abusion, fraud, abuse.
Accloy, to cloy, fill up.
Accloyes, chokes up,
fills up.
Volume VIII,

Accosting, in falconry, to crouch or stoop. Accoste, to approach. Accoy'd, soothed, appeased Accoyled, stood around, gathered together. Accrewed,increased, united, collected. Achates, 1st and 2d quartos. The folios Cates, i. e. provisions. Adaw, to daunt. Some

times signifies to abate. Addeme, adjudge, deem. Address, to dress, prepare, order, make ready. Admirance, admiration. Adoe, business.


Adorne, (substantively) Agraste, did so much ag

adorning, ornament. Adredd, Adrad,frightened, to be afraid, to dread. Advance, to hasten, to set forward.

Advise, to consult, deliberate, consider. Advisement, counsel, advice, circumspection. Adward, award, judg

ment, sentence.

Affect, affection, passion. Affrap, to encounter, to strike down. Affray,terror,tumult. To Affray, to terrify. Affrended, made friends. Affret, rencounter, hasty meeting. Affronting,opposing front to front; meeting face to face. Affy, betroth. Affide, be

trothed, affianced. Aggrace,favour,kindness Aggrate, to gratify, to please. Agbast, frightened, asto


grace; shewed so much grace and favour. Agrise, to dread and fear greatly; to astonish, to give abhorrence. Aguise, to put on an ap

pearance; to set off after a new manner.

Albe, albeit, although. Algates, by all means, any way, wholly; nevertheless.

All, altogether, wholly; also used for although. Alla Turchesca, in the Turkish manner. Allegge, alleviate, lighten. Alleggeaunce, alleviation, ease, comfort. Alew, howling, lamentation. Aloofe, at some distance. Alow. low; the a added. Amate, 1. To subdue, to daunt, to distress, to terrify. 2. To associate with, to keep company. Amenage, manage, carriage.

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