The Misfortunes of Arthur, Issue 14 |
From inside the book
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... Duke of Devonshire for graciously lending , for collation , his rare and precious copy , which , next to the text in the British Museum , is the only quarto known to be in existence . London . August , 1900 . 1 I. Importance of the Play ...
... Duke of Devonshire for graciously lending , for collation , his rare and precious copy , which , next to the text in the British Museum , is the only quarto known to be in existence . London . August , 1900 . 1 I. Importance of the Play ...
Page 13
... Duke of Cornwall " [ Counsellor to Arthur ] . The messenger also plays a heavy rôle in both " Gor- boduc " and " The Misfortunes of Arthur " . In our play he is made to carry the entire first scene of the second act . He narrates in ...
... Duke of Cornwall " [ Counsellor to Arthur ] . The messenger also plays a heavy rôle in both " Gor- boduc " and " The Misfortunes of Arthur " . In our play he is made to carry the entire first scene of the second act . He narrates in ...
Page 22
... duke in Cornewaill that helde warre ageynst hym long tyme / And the duke was called the duke of Tyntagil | and so by meanes kynge Vther send for this duk / chargyng hym to brynge his wyf with hym / for she was called a fair lady / and a ...
... duke in Cornewaill that helde warre ageynst hym long tyme / And the duke was called the duke of Tyntagil | and so by meanes kynge Vther send for this duk / chargyng hym to brynge his wyf with hym / for she was called a fair lady / and a ...
Page 23
... duke her husband and said I suppose that we were sente for that I shold be dishonoured Wherfor husband I counceille yow that we departe from hens sodenly that we maye ryde all nyghte vnto oure owne castelland in lyke wyse as she saide ...
... duke her husband and said I suppose that we were sente for that I shold be dishonoured Wherfor husband I counceille yow that we departe from hens sodenly that we maye ryde all nyghte vnto oure owne castelland in lyke wyse as she saide ...
Page 24
... duke hym self was slayne * * so kyng Vther lay with Igrayne * * / and begat on her that nyght arthur . * ** Capitulum Tercium . * * * 1 ) Thenne when the lady was delyuerd the kynge com- maunded ij knyghtes & ij ladyes to take the child ...
... duke hym self was slayne * * so kyng Vther lay with Igrayne * * / and begat on her that nyght arthur . * ** Capitulum Tercium . * * * 1 ) Thenne when the lady was delyuerd the kynge com- maunded ij knyghtes & ij ladyes to take the child ...
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Common terms and phrases
accent Agamemnon Alliteration ARTH Arturus autem blood bloud Brit Brytaines CADO Cador caesura Chaunce Chor Chorus Collier D.-H comma CONA Conan Crowne dare death doth drama Duke Enuie Epil Euen euery Fame farre Fates feare foes forreine Fortune Fulb furies GAWI Geoffrey Geoffrey of Monmouth ghost Gilla giue Gorboduc Gorlois Gray's Inn griefe Grumbine Gueneuora GVEN hand hate hath haue Heauens Herc Heywood's translation Hippolytus hope Ibid Intr iust King kyng Arthur Le Morte Darthur leaue liue loue minde Misfortunes of Arthur MORD Mordred mought neuer Nicholas Trotte peace Pendragon Pictes plague play Prince quod rage Realme Repr reuenge Saxons scene seéke selfe Seneca Shakspere sinnes Sire Sonne Spens Spenser Soc'y Reprint Studley's translation Subiects sword syr Mordred thee thenne Thomas Hughes thou Thyestes tragedy Troades vnto vpon winne woonted wound wrath wrong yeelde
Popular passages
Page 254 - I'll not shed her blood ; Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, And smooth as monumental alabaster. Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men. Put out the light, and then put out the light.
Page 1 - The best in this kind are but shadows ; and the worst are no worse, if imagination amend them.
Page 254 - Rasch tritt der Tod den Menschen an, Es ist ihm keine Frist gegeben, Es stürzt ihn mitten in der Bahn, Es reißt ihn fort vom vollen Leben, Bereitet oder nicht, zu gehen, Er muß vor seinen Richter stehen!
Page 224 - Quae medicamenta non sanant, ferrum sanat, quae ferrum non sanat, ignis sanat" („Was Arzneien nicht heilen, heilt das Eisen; was Eisen nicht heilt, heilt das Feuer").
Page 201 - ... the one bearing in her hand a snake, the other a whip, and the third a burning firebrand, each driving before them a king and a queen, which, moved by furies, unnaturally had slain their own children.
Page 201 - ... three Furies, Alecto, Megera and Ctesiphone, 6 clad in black garmentes sprinkled with bloud and flames, their bodies girt with snakes, their beds spred with serpentes in-stead of heare ; the one bearing in her hand a snake, the other a whip, and the third a burning firebrand ; ech...
Page 153 - In so extreame a sort, as is too strange : Let right and iustice rule with rigours aide, And worke his wracke at length, although too late : That damning Lawes, so damned by the Lawes, Hee may receiue his deepe deserued doome.
Page 253 - That a sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things".
Page 203 - Perge, detestabilis umbra, et penates impios furiis age. certetur omni scelere et alterna vice stringatur crisis ; ne sit irarum modus pudorve, mentes caecus instiget furor, rabies parentum duret et longum nefas eat in nepotes ; nee vacet cuiquam vetus odisse crimen — semper oriatur novum, 3O nee unum in uno, dumque punitur scelus, crescat.
Page 16 - Art, that could scarcely latinize their necke-verse if they should have neede ; yet English Seneca read by candle light yeeldes manie good sentences, as Bloud is a begger, and so foorth ; and, if you intreate him faire in a frostie morning, he will affoord you whole Hamlets, I should say handfulls of tragical speaches.