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the house from which you could see the road in the park, down which a coach could come. Flo found out this place, and on the day when I was to come home, Flo would take her seat at this place, and no one could make Flo move from her seat till she saw the coach come down the road that led up the park to the house, and then Flo would jump down from her seat and bark for joy, and run in-to the hall, and to the door, and wait till the coach came up to the door, and jump and bark and frisk for joy. Flo was so glad to see me come home once


"Was it not wise of Flo to find out the one seat by which she might see the coach come in-to the park?"




"I HAD a bird, and the bird was in a cage. I did love to hear the bird sing, and I took care of the bird. But one day I said to myself,

"Would my bird like to be out in the air, and to sing his songs as he sits on a tree, or does fly up in the sky? I will try. I will let bird free, and let him sing his songs in the air if he does like to do so.


"So I set my bird free, and my bird flew off, and did sing, and did say, in his way,


Oh, the sweet air, how I do love the sweet air! I am a free bird. I may fly all day long if I like.'

"The next day I was at tea, and I heard,

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Oh, that is my bird, said I, and I went to look, and I saw my bird, who sat on a tree near to me, and he did hop down and sit on

my hand, and he sang a sweet glad song, as much as to say,

"I am a free bird-a free bird. I do love to be a free bird. I do love you that you did set me free. I do fly in the air, and I do say, I am free, I am free, I am free.'

"And then my bird flew up in the air, and I did not see my bird till the next day; and the next day, and the next day, my bird came when I was at my tea, and my bird sang me the same song, and then my bird flew up, and I have not seen my bird more.

"But I am glad that my bird loves to be free, and to sing his joy song up in the air."

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"ONCE I had an owl, a white owl, and the owl was so tame he did love to be with me. His home was in a tree not far from my house, and each day he came to see me.

"An owl does not love the sun, for the owl goes out at night, he can see best in the dark; but my owl was so fond of me that he came to see me in the day. It was such fun to see him come up the walk to my house, hop-hophop-hop. He did not look to the right or to the left, but he did hop right on till he came to me, and I gave him bits of meat, and he did like the bits of meat, and he did make a good meal.

"And then he would come and sit on my desk, and he would take up a pen, and peep in at the ink, as if he too would like to write a note, and then he would sit on the desk and wink at me, wink-wink-wink, so fast. It was fine fun to see the owl sit and wink. He did look so wise, more wise than he was. And when he had sat a long time, he would hop down from the desk, and hop out on the lawn, and then he would turn to wink at me once more, as much as to say,

"Good-bye for this once.'

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