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finest specimens of gothic architecture in Europe. The fplendid painted gothic window, at the weft end, is to be removed; and, a new one, after a defign of Mr. Weft's, is to be fubftituted. His majefty is repairing and beautifying the fmall chapel adjoining to that of St. George, at Windfor, as a royal maafoleum. It is also reported that the caftle is to be embellished with beautiful gothic windows. Fif teen years is the period allowed for the completion of the new large window; and the fubject is to be the crucifixion.

The alterations in the houfe of commons, preparatory to the meet ing of the imperial parliament, began in Auguft. The oaken wainf coting at each fide having been removed, gave again to the view the venerable walls of what was once St. Stephen's Chapel. The gothic pillars, the finished ferollwork, and the laboured carvings, were, generally speaking, in good prefervation. But what is more obfervable is, that the paint ings which fill the interstices, having been protected from the action of the air for fo many centuries, are, in many parts, as fresh and vivid as if they could only boast a twelvemonth's date. In the right hand corner, behind the fpeaker's chair, and about five feet from the ground, there is a virgin and child, with Jofeph hending over them, well preferved, and tolerably executed in colour; and Edward III. and his queen and fuite making their offering to the virgin. Under them, in fix niches, as many knights in armour, with their tabards of arms, and in each angle an acolyte holding a taper. Adjoining thefe, and on the fame level, are two whole

length figures of angels, their heads reclining on the thoulders, and holding each, extended before them, a piece of drapery, or mantle, charged with various devices, or armorial bearings; their wings compoted of peacock's feathers, very highly finished, and in which the green and gold are, in general, as lively as if they had been newly laid on. The fame may be faid of the gilding of the cornices, which, as far as they have been laid bare, are very richly decorated. On each fide of the altar are pictures of thè Nativity, and Prefentation in the Temple, the Marriage in Cana; and a fourth, in which the devil is introduced coming through the air, perhaps reprefenting the Tempta tion.

On the fouth wall, hear the altar, are three beautiful stone stalls, with rich flowered arches, and west of them a narrower one, reaching below them. Over the figures, on each fide, on an inverted frieze, are the arms of the royal family and nobility in 18 fhields, and between each fhield grotefque figures of men and animals. On the oppofite fide of the chapel are figures of men in complete armour, with inferiptions under them, which are nearly illegible. Under two of them, how ever, were diftinctly to be read the names of Euftace" and "Mercure" in black-letter characters. The interior roof of the building, which has at all times been visible over the house of com mons, fpeaks fufficiently as to the flyle of the architecture, and the laboured minutia of the ornaments; hut, not having been covered in the fame manner with the lower parts, it offers but a very faint idea of the fuperb finishing and expenfive decoration beftowed by our ancestors

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npon a building, which has been fo ftrangely converted to a purpofe very foreign indeed from its primitive use.


4. His majesty's fhip Marlborough, of 74 guns, commanded by captain Southby, was totally wreck ed off Belleifle, the whole of the officers and crew have arrived fafe at that port, having been refcued from the wreck by the Captain man of war, and the Amity, a hip from Malaga, detained by the Captain. In confequence of fome inflammatory hand-bills pofted about the metropolis, inviting this day a mob on Kennington-Common, the life guards were ordered out. The volunteer corps were alfo ftationed in the environs. The police officers, in cafe of difturbance, attended at the Axe and Gate in Downing ftreet, and the following hand-bill was circulated:


"Sunday, November 9, 1800. "Whereas an inflammatory handbill has been diftributed and pofted up, inviting every journeyman, artizan, mechanic, and tradefman; every manufacturer, labourer, &c. to meet this day on KenningtonCommon, under pretence of petitioning the king and parliament; and whereas there is reafon to apprehend that fuch meeting would, from its circumftances, endanger the public peace: notice is hereby given, that the magiftrates have taken measures to prevent any number of perfons from aflembling in confequence of fuch hand-bill; and all well-difpofed perfons are exhorted to abstain from going to fuch

meeting, and to return peaceably to their houses, avoiding the hazard which they must incur by joining in any tumultuous proceedings."

9th. A most tremendous wind arofe about eleven o'clock in Loudon, and for 100 miles round, and did incalculable damage to houfes, and occafioned floods in the coantry, by which much property in cattle, &c. was deftroyed.

The dreadful hurricane of this day committed ravages in feveral parts of Germany, but efpecially in Holland. At Rotterdam the damage done was alfo confiderable: it pierced a dyke in one place, where 1520 head of cattle were drowned.

10th. The old and new lord mayor, &c. proceeded in the accuftomed ftate to Wefiminfter, where fir W. Staines was fworn into office, for the enfuing year. On returning from Black friers-bridge, the populace took the horses from the carriage of the old lord mayor, alderman Combe, and drew him to Guildhall; and did the fame by lord Nelfon, who, (having obtained the king's permiffion to appear in public before he was introduced at court) was one of the numerous company that dined with the lord mayor; when he received the word voted by the city of London.

12th. His majefly held a levee, at which lord Nelton, and fir W. Hamilton, were prefented on their arrival from Naples.

Were executed before Newgate, Thomas Chalfont, for fecreting a letter, which came within his power, as a forter at the general poft-office, and ftealing thereout a 10. bank note, the property of Meffrs. Bedwell and Co.; Thomas Newman,

for ftealing a gelding, the property of George Arnold; John Price, and John Robinfon, for a burglary in the dwelling-houfe of Mr. John Lambe and Co. and ftealing a quantity of filk; and William Hatton, for malicionfly firing at J. Doonah (a watchman) with a loaded pifiol. 19th. The king held a levee at St. James's, when the Algerine ambaffador, who went to court in one of the royal carriages, had his first audience, and prefent to his majefty two beautiful horfes, the fkins of feveral tygers, &c. a fword and other valuables.

Early this morning the guard of one of the coaches from Dover to London was fhot at by two highwaymen, who ftopped the coach near Shooter's Hill. The poor man has, it is feared, received a mortal wound in his back. The highwaymen fired flugs. There were five infide paflengers, all of whom thefe ruffians robbed of their money.We have fince learnt, that the above unfortunate man is dead.

Recent letters from the Rev. Mr. Jackfon, chaplain to the colony in New South Wales, ftates its condition to be most promifing. Grain, of all kinds, but more efpecially barley, was abundant; and fome hop-feeds, which about three years fince were fent from England to this gentleman, had thrived in fuch a manner, that feveral plantations had been formed, and porter of the best quality produced from it.

DIED. 30th. In his 88th year, after a long and painful illness, at

his feat at Monk's Horton, near Hythe, Kent, Matthew Robinfon Morris, lord Rokeby of Armagh, in Ireland, and an English baronet, and on Monday, December 8, he was buried in the family vault of that parith, where his father, Matthew Robinfon, of West, Layton, in Yorkshire, efq. was buried, in 1778, nged 84. 1778, nged 84. His lofs will be fincerely regretted by all his acquaintance, and ftill more by his poor neighbours, whose wants he was always ready to relieve with the greateft liberality. He, many years ago, twice reprefented Can terbury in parliament; during which time he executed the truft, delegated to him by his conftitueats, with fingular integrity and independence, in the practice of which he perfevered through the courfe of a long life. In his last pamphlet, "An Addrefs to the County of Kent. 1797," he speaks meft truly of himself as one who did from his early years adopt the principles of an old and true whig, the principles of Mr. Sydney, Mr. Locke, lord Molefworth, Mr. Trenchard, and fuch men; from which he has to the best of his knowledge, throughout a long life, in no fingle action or circumftance ever once varied or fwerved, and which he will certainly now relin quifh only at his grave." He was elected for Canterbury in 1747 and 1754; and fucceeded his coufin, Dr. Richard Robinton, primate of Ireland, as an Irith peer, &c. in October, 1794, in confequence of the collateral remainder inferted in

• He took the additional name of Morris in compliance with the will of a relation, but was fo attached to his first name, that, in the title of a pamphlet he published in 1777, on a political fubject, he gave only the initial of his fecond name, writing himfelf "Matthew Robinfon M."


the primate's patent. He is fucceeded in titles, and part of his large eftates in Kent, Yorkshire, and Cambridgeshire, by his nephew Morris Robinfon, late M. P. for Boroughbridge, and now third lord Rokeby, His fifter, Mrs. Montagu, died 25th of Auguft laft, aged 80. Lord Rokeby was a man of very vigorous understanding, and who thought upon all occafions for himself, and acted with unexampled confiftency up to his own principles, which gave him the appearance, and perhaps the reality, of fome eccentricities, of which the relation has been fo exaggerated, as to amount to a tiffie of the moft grofs and ridiculous falsehoods. His folitude, though not interrupted by the intercourfe of formal vifiting, was conftantly enlivened by a fuc ceffion of cafual fociety; and his houfe, at which nothing was facrificed to cold and infipid ceremony and oftentation, conftantly afforded all the liberal pleasures of ancient hofpitality. His addrefs was happy, his manners were eafy and attractive; his fentiments were enlarged, candid, and full of philanthropy; and his converfation was original, energetic, and often highly eloquent. He never failed to fet the fubjects he difcuffed in a new light; and if he did not always convince, he always interefted and entertain-, ed. Though fingle himself, he never loft the most lively anxiety for the welfare of every member of his family. And though the idea of his wealth, added to the hatred of oftentation with which he lived, impreted many with an opinion of his fondnefs for money, yet the numberless poor neighbours as well as others, whom it now appears that he affifted with loans, through

pure henevolence, and on very flight fecurities, prove how much that part of his character was mittaken. He had early conceived an indignation of the corruptions of power and rank; and of the little mean paffions and diftinctions, which too often difgrace them. This gave a colour to all his political opinions, in which no man ever difplayed more conftancy. Independence was his peculiar characteriftic; and no motives of perfonal intereft, ambition, or disappoint, ment, ever intruded themselves in the formation of his opinions. Simplicity and nature were his idols ; and he let the grafs every where fuperfede the plough, and his fences and divifions fall, through his extenfive domains, that his immense and increaling herds of cattle might have a wider range. By thefe means, and an uniform and unoftentatious life, he died poffeffed of a large property in addition to his hereditary eftates. He was author of feveral political pamphlets at various periods of his life; and was much looked up to by the party in his county whofe caufe he elpouled,

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patry, reducing the confumption of of death, at the Old-Bailey, on J. Coward, for ftealing three heifers Elizabeth Deering and J. Mills, for ftealing in a dwelling-houfe s John and Mary Oakes, and Mar garet Miller, for highway robheries; J. Reynolds, W. Barnes, and D. Lawley (a boy) for burglaries; J. Fifher, for ftealing fugar off a wharf; and G. Thomas, for forgery. D. Grant, for receiving ftolen fugar, was fentenced to be tranfported for 14 years. Twenty-eight perfons were ordered to be transported for 7 years; 27 to imprifonment, whip ping, and fines; and Mary Ann Bellows, a girl 11 years old, was ordered to the Philanthropic So ciety. B. Pooley, a letter-carrier, found guilty, at September feflions, of having taken a bill for 2001. out of a letter, and whofe cafe, in confequence of his counsel having objected to the indictment, on the ground that the note not having been duly ftamped, he had not stolen any thing of value, had been res ferred to the twelve judges, was pardoned; but he was ordered to be detained, to anfwer other charges.

bread in their refpective families, at leaft one-third, and, upon no account, to allow it to exceed one quartern loaf for each perfon in each week;" and alfo all perfons keeping horles, efpecially thole for pleafure, to restrict their confumption of grain as far as circumstances will admit. 4th. This day, came on the election, in the prince's chamber, houfe of lords, of a Radcliffe travelling phyfician; when Dr. Vaughan, of All Souls college, in Oxford, was élected. Dr. Ahe, of Hollesfreet, made the prefent vacancy. There are two only of thefe medical travellers belonging to the Univerfity of Oxford; who hold the appointment for ten years, the first five of which they are required to ipend in medical purfuits abroad. No one can be a candidate, who is hot a graduate of the Univerfity of Oxford, There are two fpacious foites of apartments in Univerfitycollege, belonging to the Radcliffe phyficians, who become, by the appointment, fellows for the time be ing. Dr. Turton and fir Francis Millman, formerly travelled under this appointment, which is reckoned the moft Honourable fituation that can be held by a phyfician, in this or any other country. It often requires more intereft to obtain this, than to become a member of parliament. The following great perfonages are the electors, by virtue of their office; viz. the archbishop of Canterbury, the lord chancellor, the chancellor of the univerfity of Oxford, the two lord-chief-juftices of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, the two principal fecretaries of ftate, the matter of the rolls, and the bithops of London and Winchester.

9th. The recorder pafled fentence

10th. The admiralty feffion was held, at the Old-Bailey, when Tä Potter, one of the crew of a fmug gling veffel, was fentenced to be hanged, and to be afterwards, anatomized, for the wilful murder of H. Glynn, late a boatfwain belonging to his majesty's cuftoms at Ply mouth, and who was hot whilft rowing towards the fmuggler, for the purpofe of boarding her, in the execution of his duty, He was ex ecuted on the 18th."

13th. Between nine and ten o'clock three footpads flopped a poft-chaife, in which were three gentlemen, on the road between


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