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10th Regiment.-Private Michael M'Cartney, æt. 27, wounded by a musket ball, May 11th, 1858, at Chitawarah, which passed through the left side of the body, from behind forwards, passing through the diameter of the colon. For a period of three months he passed fæces through the opening. February 25th, 1859. Wound still continues to discharge; complains of great pain in the abdomen; has piles, and is troubled with diarrhœa; he is rather anemic in appearance. March 4th.-Diarrhoea still continues; a truss has been applied over the fistulous opening. 10th. The truss discontinued, as it causes much flatulence. 15th.-No improvement; complains of cold and shivering.

13th Regiment.-Private John Henderson, æt. 36, wounded at Cabul, in October, 1840, by a musket ball, which entered the left side at the extremity of the last rib, and made its exit about two inches from the spine, passing obliquely downwards and backwards, penetrating the colon, followed by very profuse discharge of fæces; the wound was of a very dangerous nature. He was taken prisoner, and suffered great privations. He was admitted into Fort Pitt, July, 1844, with both apertures of entrance and exit of ball discharging fæces. Various methods of treatment were tried to effect a cure, but without success; the wounds would close for a short time, and then break out again, so that he was eventually dicharged the service, August 26th, 1844.

The following preparation is from a sailor who was wounded in the act of rowing towards the enemy. It is to be regretted that there is no detailed history of this interesting case; but, from the state of the parts now exhibited, there can be no doubt that the patient lived for some time, perhaps years, in a most wretched condition. No. 1270.-Gunshot wound of the large intestine, terminating in artificial anus. (Vide Plate IV., fig. 1.) The ball entered on the left side, wounded the colon as it was curving downwards to become the descending colon, and passed out, fracturing the eleventh rib at its anterior third. The aperture in the abdominal walls is about three inches in diameter, and a knuckle of intestine protrudes. The opening in the gut is about one and a half inches in diameter, and the mucous service is everted and has become very firmly united to

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