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avant, 366, boast.


bachelours, 78, bachelors, aspirants to knighthood.

bade, 390, ordered, bade.

ball, 21, bale. This spelling occurs

in Wm. of Palerne, 1819, and Cursor Mundi, 4775.

banely, 247, promptly, willingly, readily.

Barathron, 405, Barathrum, the abyss, hell. The first citation in N. E. D. is dated 1520.

barnes, see bearne.

bearne, 14, 90, 112, 242, 424, child,

man, person.

beere, 321, bier.

behoved, 336, behooved.

beliue, 73, 387, 452, quickly. bent, 63, 149, 192, 223, grassy slope, field; thy bent, 393, the bent. Cf. 236.

bere, 144, noise, uproar. beronen, 172, overflown, surrounded. betooke, 426, delivered, committed. bidd, 268, petition, ask for; or bide (Sk). See note. bigged, 383, built.

biglye, bigglye, 390, 418, greatly, mightily.

bine, 254? This word occurs in Floris and Blaucheflour, Trentham мs. 1010,

"Blancheflour seide byne,

be gilt of our dedes is moyne."

So far as I have been able to determine, this is the only occurrence of the word outside of D. & L. The context in both poems shows that the word may be an adverb. It is possible that bine is an ablaut form of O. N.

beinn, direct, straight, prompt. Cf. nu beint, just now. birth, 234, maiden, lady (M. E. bird, burd). I think that the scribe has confused th and d here as in lodlye and lothelich.

blee, 65, 98, color, complexion.
blenched, 32, turned to.
blinn, 254, cease.

blusche, 388, cast a glance, blushed, 191.

bode, 149, abode, remained. boolish, 58 ? "Perhaps tumid,’ swelling, rounded." Thus bole in 1. 32 from O. E. bolne, to swell.— Sk.

both, both; 12, also.

bower, 383, bower.

bowes, 23, boughs.

bowne, 216, prepared, ready.

bradd, 175, made a sudden motion,

jerk, brandish; 216, start.

brake, 265, 271, 414, broke. brand, 175, brand, sword. brawders, 63, embroideries. breath, 34, breath, odor. breathed, 23, emitted odors.

breme, 34, 74, bold, fierce, boldness. bremelye, 364, boldly, fiercely, vigorously.

breuelye, 283, briefly ? or for bremelye (Percy)?

brode, 63, broad.

burgens, 71, burgeons, buds. burlyest, 145, stoutest, largest. burne, 411, man, warrior. burnisht, 175, polished, made ready. but, 9, 56, 316, but; 254, unless. buy, 254, pay for, atone for. Cf. bye.

bye, 16, pay for, make amends. See note.

[blocks in formation]

dallyance, 108, 281, dalliance, pleas- fayre, 64, fair one; 30, 385, fair.

[blocks in formation]

geere, 175, gear, trappings.

gentlye, 345, nobly, like a gentle-


glented, 384, gleamed, shone sud-

glode, 28, glided.

glowed, 225, glowered, looked angry.
gogled, 147, shook.

gone, 151, walk, go.

gran, 225, gnashed the teeth.
greaten, 17, increase.

greened, 73, turned green.
grislye, 154, terrible, grim.
groome, 84, 86, 190, man, creature.
grow, 289, grow.

gryme, 225, variant of grim, anger,
fury. See note.
grype, 173, raven.
gryped, 274, gripped.
hart, 7, heart.
heard, 196, heard.

heard, 199, herd, company.
heare, 158, hair.

hend, 80, prompt, gracious.
hendlye, 213, graciously.
hew, 158, hue.

hide, 158, skin.

holte, 55, hill.

hore, 31, white, hoar.

hyeth, 199, speedeth, hasteneth.
hynd, 106, 340, gentle, courteous.
hyndes, 279, hinds, servants.
ilke, 94, same; 262, each.

i-wisse, 104, certainly.

kaitiffe, 237, caitiff.

keene, 10, 51, keen, bold.

keere, 436, turn. See kere, kyreth,
and cheereing.

ken, 131, show, inform.

kere, 47, turn; kered, 117, turned.

See keere, kyreth and cheereing.
killethe, 205, killeth. Cf. quellethe.
kind, 85, sort, kind.

kindlye, 131, 231, kindly; 111, by

kirtle, 83, kirtle.

kithe, 436, native country, region.
Cf. kythe.

kithen, 392, make known.

kyreth, 230, turneth. See keere, kere,
and cheereing.

kythe, 47, see kithe.


lach, 303, take, receive; lacheth,
298, taketh. See latche.
lake, 302, see leake.
land, 25, leaned or layd, as in 1.
63?"-F. The form land may
be the preterit of lenden, remain,
or it may be, as F. suggests, a
miswriting for layd, or leaned.
lapped, 160, wrapped.

latche, 435, receive. See lach.
layeth, 228, loathsome, deadly. This
spelling occurs in Parl. 152. Cf.

leake, 249, play, sport. Cf. lake
above and layke, Parl., 49.

learned, 179, taught.

leed, 315, 339, 350, man, person.
leege, 374, liege.

lenghtened, 29, lengthened.
lent, 188, committed, entrusted.
Leonades, 339, see note.

[blocks in formation]

lowly, 82, lovely or lowly? See text-

ual note.

lowted, 70, 179, 334, 352, bowed.

maine, 443, main, might. Cf. meane.
marde, 141, marred, spoiled.
marreth, 243, marreth.

mauger, 316, in spite of.

maymed, 141, maimed.

me, 30, myself.

meane, 434, main, might, power. Cf.


meanye, 243, company.

merke, 406, murky, dark.

middest, 335, midst.

mikle, 300, much, great.

minned, 349, mentioned.

mold, 134, 323, earth.

mores, 40, maurs, high open places.
morninge, 186, mourning.
mourninge, 406, mourning.
murthered, 366, murdered.
musters, 277, displays, tricks.

my list, 318, me list. The same con-
fusion of my and me occurs in
Havelok 2204, Layamon's Brut,

nay, 433, 443, nay, or possibly nay
ne, nor, as Sk. suggests.

ne, 8, nor.

nebb, 169, point, end, beak.

neere, 356, near, or nearer.

neighed, 91, 137, approached.
noe, 11, etc., no.
nooke, 142, corner.

on, 1, etc., on; 407, of.
or, 140, 367, ere, before.
ost, 443, oste, 57, host.
pappe, 381, breast.

paradice, 13, paradise.

pight, 227, pitched, pierced.

plaine, 56, 227, flat, even. See note

to 1. 56.

ports, 409, gates.
presse, 52, crowd.

pratinge, 259, prattling, chattering.
prestlye, 203, 306, readily, promptly.

prickes, 430, spurs, rides fast; or
dresses elaborately.

profrereth, 79, offereth, profereth.
prouet, 306, provest.

quakinge, 155, quaking, trembling.
quellethe, 203, killeth. Cf. killethe.
quintful, 155, proud, haughty, deli-

cate. This spelling of quaintful
occurs in Wm. of P., 1401, and
Sir Ferumbras, 1681, 3257.

raigne, 238, reign.

railinge, 376, running, flowing.

rattlinge, 146, rattling, noisy.

rayling, 24, ornamenting.

reacheth, 200, extendeth, stretches


recon, 14, reckon.

retch, 246, wretch.

riche, 456, govern, control.

rise, 66, twig.

rood, 377, rood, cross.

ronge, 138, rang. Cf. runge.
roughe, 57, 200, rough.
rought, 239, wrought.
rout, 146, 200, crowd.
rudd, 66, complexion.

rudlye, 355, roughly, strongly, rude-
ly. But see textual note.

runn, 26, ran.

runge, 146, rang. Cf. ronge.
rydinge, 138, riding.

sadlye, 322, seriously, still.
sate, 36, sat.

sayd, 454, became heavy (in sleep).
cf. sayed.

saye, 50, 151, saw. See textual note
to lines 50 and 151.

sayed, 36, became heavy (with
sleep). Cf. sayd and see note.
seemelye, 50, seemly.

selcoth, 96, 181, strange thing, won-
der. This spelling occurs in Sc.
F., 72.

seluen, 37, self.

sett, 310, value? See N. E. D. set,


shapen, 266, shaped.

sheere, 59, pure, clear.

shent, 370, shamed, disgraced. side, 166, wide.

sides, 376, sides.

sikinge, 187, sighing.

sith, 127, 318, 365, since.

slade, 454, open place, valley. slapp, 285, blow, slap. sonn, 65, sun.

sonne, 18, son.

sorrowful, 152, sad, causing sorrow. specyaltye, 208, partiality, particular right.

speed, 359, success.
speede, 117, suceed.
spilleth, 208, destroys.
staleworth, 104, stalworth.
steuen, 408, voice.

stinted, 177, ceased.

stout, 104, stout, proud. swang, 337, beat, struck.

swaynes, 54, lads, servants.

sweeres, 54, squires. Variant of the

more usual swyere.

swelt, 337, become faint, die. swire, 337, neck.

swond, 176, swoon.

talents, 174, talons? I find this

variant of talons in Wright's Dial. Dict. See note.

teened, 391, vexed, troubled.

teenful, 174, troublesome.

the, 3, thee.

the, 391. See note.

the, 75, 196, 268, they. tho, 115, then.

tho. 379. See note. tholed, 1, suffered.

throngeth, 251, crowds, presses. thy, 236, the. Cf. line 63. till, 91, to.

tipen, 194, bend, tilt.

to, 87, too.

touchinge, 174, touching.

truse, 11 (1) package-F., or, more

probably, (2) truce. Cf. Sc. F.,

[blocks in formation]

ant of unride. See note to 1. 1647 of Guy of Warwick, E. E. T. S. ed., pp. 371-2. The spelling without e occurs in Alex. 566, Town. Mys., p. 221, E. E. T. S. ed., Ormulum, etc.

vunlye, 45, variant of winlye, joyfully, pleasantly. Cf. vepan for wepan, vyrschipp, vreke, etc. in Bradley-Stratmann.

wakinge, 35, watching.

waleth, 298, afflictest, vexest. walts, 299, overthrows.

wan, 319, won.

wapen, 196, blows (cf. whap)? fluttering? rustling? weapons? See note.

wappeth, 217, lashes about, beats. ware, 84, wore.

warrant, 206, protect.

wary, 255, curse.

wasts, 42, wastes.

wayte, 287, await, wait for. wayted me, 48, looked around,

watched. See note.

weaknesse, 233, see note.

weene, 344, expect.

weldeth, 13, ruleth, governeth.

were, 22, where. Cf. where for were.

Sc. F., 72.

whilest, 397, whilst.

wight, 217, 293, person, wight. wild, the wild, 75, the wild animals. willed, 120, desired.

winne, 5, 293, pleasant, joyous; 139,

see note.

winlye, 75, 80, 428, joyously, pleas


winn, 129, joyous; 139.

winn, 344, overcome.

wist, 144, knew.

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