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Or whether, as the learn'd contend,
You from the neighb'ring Gaul defcend;
Or from Parthenope the proud,


Where numberlefs thy vot'ries crowd.
Whether thy great forefathers came
From realms, that bear Vefputio's name;
For fo conjectors would obtrude,
And from thy painted skin conclude.
Whether, as Epicurus fhows,

The world from jostling feeds arofe;
Which, mingling with prolifick ftrife
In chaos, kindled into life;
So your production was the fame,
And from contending atoms came.

THY fair indulgent mother crown'd
Thy head with sparkling rubies round;
Beneath thy decent fteps, the road 7
Is all with precious jewels ftrow'd. -
The bird of Pallas knows his post,
Thee to attend, where-e'er thou go'st.

BYZANTI AN S boast, that on the clod, Where once their Sultan's horse hath trod, Grows, neither grafs, nor shrub, nor tree; The fame thy fubjects boast of thee.

THE greateft Lord, when you appear,
Will deign your livery to wear,
In all thy various colours feen,

Of red, and yellow, blue, and green..
1 Naples.

t Bubo, the owl.


WITH half a word, when you require, The man of bus'nefs must retire.

THE haughty Minister of State With trembling muft thy leifure wait; And while his fate is in thy hands, The bus'nefs of the nation stands.

THOU dar'ft the greatest Prince attack, Can't hourly fet him on the rack,

And, as an inftance of thy pow'r, or Inclose him in a wooden tow`r, t

With pungent pains on ev'ry fide;"

So Regulus in torments dy'd.

FROM thee our youth all virtues learn;

Dangers with prudence to difcern;

And well thy fcholars are endu'd" sont ref
With temp'rance and with fortitude

With patience, which all ills fupports;
And secrecy, the art of courts.

THE glittring beau could hardly tell, LOT Without your aid, to read or fpell; fro But, having long convers'd with you, to Knows how to fcrawl a billet-doux, A

WITH what delight, methinks, I trace
Thy blood in ev'ry noble race!
In whom thy features, shape, and mien,
Are to the life diftinctly feen.


THE Britons, once a favage kind,
By you were brighten'd and refin'd:
Defcendants of the barb'rous Huns,
With limbs robuft, and voice that ftuns;
But you have molded them afresh,
Remov'd the tough fuperfluous flesh,
Taught them to modulate their tongues,
And speak without the help of lungs.

PROTEUS on you bestow'd the boon To change your vifage like the moon; You fometimes half a face produce, Keep t'other half for private use.

How fam'd thy conduct in the fight


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With Hermes, fon of Pleias bright:..
Out-number'd, half encompafs'd round
You ftrove for ev'ry inch of ground;
Then, by a foldiery retreat,
Retir'd to your imperial feat.

The victor, when your fteps he trac'd,
Found all the realms before him waste :
You, oler the high triumphal arch
Pontifick, made your glorious march:
The wond'rous arch behind you fell,
And left a chafm profound as hell &
You, in your capitol fecur'd,
A fiege as long as Troy endur'd.

• Mercury.




JOAN cudgels NED..

Written in the Year 1723.

OAN cudgels Ned, yet Ned's a bully:
Will cudgels Befs, yet Will's a cully.
Die Ned and Befs; give Will to Joan,
She dares not fay, her life's her own.
Die Joan and Will; give Befs to Ned,
And ev'ry day fhe combs his head.

STELLA at Wood-Park,

A House of CHARLES FORD, Efq; eight miles from Dublin.

-Cuicunque nocere volebat
Veftimenta dabat pretiofa.

Written in the Year 1723.

ON Carlos, in a merry spite,


Did Stella to his houfe invite :
He entertain'd her half a year
With gen'rous wines and coftly chear.
Don Carlos made her chief director,
That she might o'er the servants hector.
In half a week the dame grew nice,
Got all things at the highest price:




Now at the table-head fhe fits,
Prefented with the nicest bits:
She look't on partridges with scorn,
Except they tafted of the corn:
A haunch of ven'fon made her sweat,
Unless it had the right Fumette.
Don Carlos earnestly would beg,
Dear Madam, try this pigeon's leg;
Was happy when he could prevail
To make her only touch a quail.
Through candle-light fhe view'd the wine,
To fee that ev'ry glass was fine.

At laft grown prouder than the D-1,
With feeding high and treatment civil,
Don Carlos now began to find
His malice work as he defign'd;
The winter-sky began to frown,
Poor Stella muft pack off to town.

From purling ftreams and fountains bubbling,
To* Liffy's ftinking tide in Dublin:
From wholesome exercise and air,
To foffing in an easy chair:

From ftomach fharp and hearty feeding,
To piddle like a lady breeding:
From ruling there the houfhold fingly,
To be directed here by + Dingly:
From ev'ry day a lordly banquet,
To half a joint, and God be thanked:

* The river that runs through Dublin.
A lady. The two ladies lodged together.


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