Page images
[blocks in formation]

Bachelors, a Comedy, 153
Bahar Danufh, by Scott, 434

Ballard's Stockbroker's Vade Mecum, 453
Bailleul's Reply to Carnot, 114

Bailleul, Reponfe de Carnot, 116
Baillie's Morbid Anatomy, 73
Banister's Husbandry, 271

Bannantine's Memoirs of Defpard, 32
Barrow's Eight Sermons, 234
Barruel's Jacobinifm, 32

Application of, ibid.
Barruel, Lettre d'un Voyageur à l'Abbé,

Barry's Letter to Dilettanti Society, 272
Barthelemy, Carite et Polidore, 76
Barthelemy's Charite and Polydorus, 192
BARTOLOMEO's Voyage to the Eaft In-
dies, 397

Barton's Natural Hiftory of Pennsylvania,


Batavians, by Bitaube, ibid.

Bath Abbey, Account of, 190
Battle Ridge, a Tale, 272
BEATTIE's Mifcellanies, 427
Beddoes's Contributions, 152

Beddoes on Pulmonary Confumption, 355
on Venereal Difeafe, 112

Beeke on the Income Tax, 234
Belinda, or the Kiffes, 73
Belmont Lodge, a Novel, 192
Bencher, the, 33

BERLIN, Wraxall's Memoirs of the Court
of, 117

Berry, Sir Edward, Portrait of, 36, 156
BERTRAND de Moleville's Annals of the

French Revolution, 437
BERWICK, Fuller's Hiftory of, 371
Bevill's Law of Homicide, 72
Bible, Abrégé de l'Hiftoire de, 196
Biblica Horæ, an. 36
Bidlake's Sermon, 115

Sermons, 154

- Eugenio, 274

[blocks in formation]


Blenheim, Mavor's Defcription of, 456
Boaden's Aurelio and Miranda, 34
Boetticker's Statistical Tables, 456
Boifgelin, Le Pfalmifte, 316
Bois', du, Wreath, 313

Bolland's Epiphany, a Poem, 113
Bonaparte, Copies of Letters from, 151
Bonefonius's Kiffes, 73

BONNOR's Views of Gloucefter Cathedral,

Goodrich Caftle, 267

Booker's Hop Garden, a Poem, 274
Book-keeping, Booth's Syftem of, 32
Books, London Catalogue of, 354
Booth's Syftem of Book-keeping, 32
BOSSUET's Funeral Orations on Duchefs
of Orleans, 345

Condé, ibid.

Prince of

Boffuet's Select Sermons, tranflated, an. 396
Bofwell's Life of Dr. Johnfon, new Edit.

[blocks in formation]


Bowles's, J. Retrospect, 34

BOWLES's, W. L. Combe Ellen, 30
Bowles's, W. L. Battle of the Nile, 113
BRAAM's, Van, Embaffy to China, i
Braam, Van, Voyage des Indes, 76
Bray's Poems, 355

Brehm's Inquiries in Philofophy, 434
Brewer's Winter's Tale, 454

Bridgman's Thefaurus Juridicus, an. 75
Browell's Navies of Foreign Powers, 354
Brown's Agriculture of Yorkshire, 452
Browne's, C. Inkle and Yarico, 113
BROWNE's, W. G. Travels in Africa,
237, 288, 327

Brun, Barons de Fellfheim, 196


BRYANT's Obfervations upon Morritt, Charlton's Rofella, 233


Bryant's Expoftulation, 394

Troy, Remarks on, 453

Bubble and Squeak, 234

Buckmafter, Jof. Portrait of, 275

Buce, Recherches Mathematiques, an. 156
Buffon, Hiftoire Naturelle, 316
Bullen's Elements of Geography, 272
Buonaparte, Campaigns of, 434

's Narrative of Siege of St. Jean

d'Acre, ibid.

[ocr errors]

Portraits of, 115, 116

Burchell's Subftance of Acts of Parliament,

[ocr errors]

Charmes, des, on Bleaching, 311
Chatham, Earl, Portrait of, 436
Chatterton's Works, an. 396
Chefter's, Bishop of, Charge, 435
Chichefter's, Bishop of, Charge, 36
China, Coftume of, 156

Donovan's Infects of, 354

Chinese Portraits, an. 116

Chitty's Law of Bills of Exchange, 111
Cholmondeley, Lord, Dr. Clarke's Letter

to, 34

Chriftian Inftitutes, 115

Militant, 274

Churchill's Philofophy of Man, 454

BURDON'S Examination of the Purfuits of City Biography, 71

Literature, 390

Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy, an. 236

Butcher's Sermons, 194

Butler's, C. Horæ Biblicæ, 195

Age of Chivalry, 72

[ocr errors]

S. Hudibras, 455

[ocr errors]

W. Chronological Table, 232

Butter on the Venereal Rose, 233


Caddick's Hebrew Teftament, 194

Hebrew made easy, ibid.

Caldron, or Follies of Cambridge, 355

Calonne's Letter, 113

Cambrian Regifter, 110

Cambridge University Calendar, 151
Campagnes des François, 76

Campbell's, A. Introduction to Scotch
Poetry, 355

T. Pleafures of Hope, 274
Campe's Columbus, or Difcovery of Ame-
rica, 353


Cortes, or Difcovery of America,

[blocks in formation]

Political State of Ireland, 153

Union or Separation, 35

Ri. Medical Strictures, 73

Clemence, Les Pelerins, 156

Clowes on the Character of Swedenborg,


Coachmen, Manual for, 112

Coad's Cute for Corruption, III
Coalition, Arguments for a, 114
Coals, a Letter on the high Price of, 232
Cole's Tear of Regret, &c. 313
Collard's Praxis of Logic, 190
Colman's Feudal Times, 73
Coltman's British Itinerary, 275
Combe, H. C. Portrait of, 396
COMBE Ellen, by Bowles, 30

Pizarro, or Conqueft of Peru, 454 Comber's Memoirs, 1.0

[blocks in formation]

Commercial Magazine, 353

- Table, 71

Committee, Select, Reports of, 314
Competence of Parliaments to incorporate,


CONDE, Prince of, Biographical Sketches

of, 345

Conder's Provincial Coins, 109

Condillac, Langue des Calculs, 276
Condorcet, Moyen d'apprendre, &c. 76
Confpiracy, Account of the prefent, 152
Conftable, Obfervations on the Office of,

Conftant Lover, by Kotzebue, 72
Conftant, Suite de la Contre Revolution,

with Concerns of, 435

Continent, Interference of Great Britain

Cordelia, or Romance of real Life, 273
Cornwallis, Marquis, Portrait of, 155
Coromandel Coaft, Drefs, &c. of, an. 36
Correfpondence de Charette, 236
Corficans, a Drama, 273

Cortes, or Difcovery of America, 453
Coffigni, Voyage à Canton, 276


[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Denholm's Hiftory of Glasgow, 191

Derham's Phyfice-Theology, 33

tures, 26

DUPPA's Journal of Occurrences at Rome, 53

Duppa's Subverfion of Papal Government, 272

Durand, Recueil des Edifices anc. et mod.

Durham, Hearne and Byrne's View of,
Durham's, Bishop of, Sermon, 115
Dutch Expedition vindicated, 455
Dutton's Wife Man of the Eaft, ibid.
Pizarro in Peru, 234

Duvoifin de l'Ordre Social, 76
Dwight on Infidel Philofophy, 155
Dyde's Antiquities of Tewkesbury, 110
Dyer's Addrefs, 72

[blocks in formation]

Eaftern Anecdotes, 272

EASTON'S Human Longevity, 415

Edmond, Orphan of the Caftie, 395
Education, Evans on, 33

DESENFANS's Plan for a Gallery of Pic- EDUCATION, Female, More's Strictures

Desjardins, Campagnes des François, 76

Defpard, Memoirs of, 32

Defpiau, Choix d'Amusemens, 76

Deftination, by Clara Reeve, 273

Diable nouveau Boiteux, 236
Dibdin, Charles, Portrait of, 436

---'s, T. Five Thoutand a Year, 153 Dictionnaire de l'Academie, 76

de Poche, ibid.

Diderot's Natural Son, 34

Difcarded Secretary, 113
Difcourfe at Warminster, 356

Difcovery and Refolution, Views of the

Ships, an. 316

Difeafes, mortal, Ontyd on, 34
Diffenters, Vindication of, 115
Donoghue's Effay on the Paffions, 312
Donovan's Infects of China, 354

Natural Hiftory of Shells, 192
Dorfet, Duke, Portrait of, 235
Dot de Sufette, Roman, 276
Dotteville, Oeuvres de Tacite, 76
Douglas's Speech on the Union, 395
Drake's Literary Hours, 233
Drennan's Letter to Pitt, 74
Dryden's Works, by Malone, an. 156
Duigenan's Political State of Ireland, 435
Duncan's Annals of Medicine, Vol. III.

[blocks in formation]

on, 91

Education of Young Ladies, Effay on,

[blocks in formation]

Eglife Gallicane, fur les Libertés de, &c. 115

Egypte, Voyage de Pythagore en, 156 EGYPT, Sonnini's Travels in, 317, 366, 407, 456

Elleimere, a' Novel, 192

Ellis's Solicitor in Parliament, 393
Emilia and Alphonfo, 273
Emilie et Alphonfe, 156
Emily Dundorne, 34
Enchanted Mirror, 273

Encyclopædia Britannica, Supplement,
Part I. 109. Part II. 392
Enfield's General Biography, 151

Sermons, 35

England, Addrefs to Natives of, 354
ENGLAND and Scotland, St. Fond's Tra
vels in, 60

Epic Poems on Cardinal Virtues, 152
Epiphany, a Poem, 113

Eflays, by a Gentleman of Exeter, 271
Ethelwina, or Houfe of Fitzauburne, 233
Etherington's Being of God, 75
Eton, Letter to Mr. 110-

Eugenio, or Precepts of Prudentius, 272
Euripidis Phoeniffe, 455


Europe, Droit maritime, 76


FRY's Pantographia, 351

Puiffances, Examen de la Conduite, FULLER's Hiftory of Berwick, 371

Eva, a Novel, by Kelly, 233
Evans on Education, 33

Evenemens Militaires, Precis des, 456
Exhibition, Key to the, 191

Guide to the, ibid.

Eyre's Discarded Secretary, 113


Faber's two Sermons, 114
/Fairy of Misfortune, 233

Falkland, Lord, on an Union, 194
Falfe Friend, by Robinson, 72

- Friendship, a Novel, 313
Shame, a Comedy, 153
Family Story, by Smith, 454
Fancied Events, by Gooch, 273
Faro Bank, Rape of, 152
Fashionable Involvements, 454
Faulkner's Sermons, 194
Fedaretta, a Tale, 152
Fellowes's Addrefs to the People,
Feltham's English Enchiridion, 434
Females, Remarks on educating, 433
Ferguson's Roman Republic, 272
Ferriar on the Fox-glove, 394
---'s Medical Hiftories, 112

Fefsler, Hiftoire Ancienne, 236

Feudal Times, by Colman, 73

Fever, Malignant, at Uxbridge, Account

of, 454

Finances, Tefts of the National, 34
Fisher's View on the Tyne, 75
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, Portrait of, 316
's, W. T. Nelfon's Triumph, 234

Five Thousand a Year, 153
Florian, Aventures de Don Quichotte, 276
Flower, Benj. Portrait of, 116

FOND's, St. Travels in England and Scot-
land, 60

[ocr errors]

Fontaine's, Aug. Family of Halden, 112
-, Romulus, a Tale, 394
Ren. Flora Atlantica, 236

Fordyce's Third Differtation on Fever, 355
Forefters, by Iffland, 274
Fortune's Frolic, a Farce, 313
Fofter's Speech, 194

Obfervations on, 274
Fothergill on Prefervation of Mariners, 434
France, Hiftoire de la Revolution, 356
———, People and Government of, an. 36
Rife of the new Opinions in, 234
Frederick II. Secret Inftructions of, 352
French Crufade, Failure of, 354

Freedom, Fallacy of, 35

FRENCH Revolution, Adolphus's Memoirs
of, 21

Tardy, 57

Pronouncing Dictionary, by

Frend's Principles of Taxation, 35
Freville, Vie des Enfans celebres, 156

Friends, by Griffin, 152

Frith's Cafe of Lord Thanet confidered, 191

[blocks in formation]

Gerahty's Confequences of a Union, 74
State of Ireland, 35

Gerard's Paftoral Care, 115

Gibraltar, Sortie from Garrison of, 275
Gibson on Bilious Difeafes, 313
Gillespie on Health of Seamen, 193
Gilpin's Sermons, 235

Girl returning from Market, 276
Gisborne's Survey of Chriftian Religion, 435
Glamorgan, Map of County of, 396
Glafgow, Denholm's Hiftory of, 191

Gleichen, Differtation fur la Generation, 196
GLOUCESTER Cathedral, Bonnor's Views
of, 266

Gloucefter Cathedral, Views of, 235
Godwin's St. Leon, a Tale, 434
Goethe's Goetz of Berlickingen, 113
Gortz of Berlingen, 153

Goetz of Berlickingen, 113
Gold's Drefs of Coromandel, &c. 195
Oriental Drawings, 155

Gooch's Fancied Events, 273
GOODRICH Caftle, Bonnor's Views of,

Goodwin's Rifing Caftle, 153
Gore on Floating Bodies, 232
Gortz of Berlingen, 153
Gospels, Annotations on, 75
GOUGH's Sepulchral Monuments, Intro-
duction to, 270

Gourbillon, Di&t. des Confonnances, an. 156
Gouvernmens des anciens Federatifs, 196
Grammar, Mercy's Introduction to, 71
Grammigraphia, or Grammar of Drawing,

Granger, Portraits to illuftrate Part IV.

Graves on the Apoftles, 194
Gray's Poetical Works, 193

Traveller's Companion, 275
Greece, Antenor's Travels in, ibid.
Green on a new Syftem of Morals, 194
Grellier's Terms of all the Loans, 395
Gretry, Memoires fur la Mufique, 156
Grey's Edition of Hudibras, 152

Griffin's Friends, ibid.

Grimani's Italian and French Conversations,



[blocks in formation]


Halden, Family of, 112

Hall, David, Memoirs of, 232

's, H. C. Sermons at Oxford, 356
Hamilton on Hydrophobia, 112
HANDEL and Smith, Anecdotes of, 336
Handel's Sacred Oratorios, 356
Hanfon's Appeal, 33
Harcourt, a Novel, 313

Hardy's Addrefs to Volunteers,, 272
Hare's Apology for Priesthood, 395
- the, 232

Hargrave's Juridical Argument, 191
Harpe, La, Lycée, 356

Harral's Monody on Palmer, 112
Hartley's Philofophical Queftions, 192
HASTED's Hiftory of Kent, Vol. IV. 403
Hawker, Polwhele's Letter to, 354
Hawkftone, Description of, 71

Hay's Sermon before the House of Com-
mons, 154

Hayes's Victim of Prejudice, 111
Hayter's Aflize Sermon, 154
He deceives himself, 273

Health and advanced Age, Effay on, 193
Hearne's and Byrne's Antiquities, No. IV.
Vol. II. 236

Heartwell's Prifoner, 234

Caftle of Sorrento, 313

Holford's Neither's the Man, 73

Holliday's Obfervations on his Life of
Mansfield, 232

Holloran's Poems, an. 76

Holman's Red Crofs Knights, 355
Votary of Wealth, 153

Home, John, Portrait of, 235
Homer's American Library, an. 195
Hooper's Medical Dictionary, 273
Hop Garden, a Poem, 274
Horley's Ethelwina, 233
Horwood's Plan of London, 316
Howard on Superficial Geometry, 109
Howe, Earl, Portrait of, wh. 1. 396
Hudibras, new edition, by Grey, 15%
Hudibras, a new Edition, 455
Hughes on Jacobinifm, 194
Hull's British Flora, 111

Defence of Cefarean Operation, Yiz
HUMAN Longevity, 415
Humourift, Rational, 272
HUTCHINSON's Biographia Medica, 106,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Heiberg's Poverty and Wealth, 73

Helen Sinclair, 34

Helme's Tranflation of Campe's Columbus,

A&t, ibid.

[blocks in formation]

Abridgment of Bill on,
certain Perfons unable to

Tranflation of Campe's Pizarro,

pay, 153

[blocks in formation]

Heron's Hiftory of Scotland, 190
Heflop on the Affize of Bread, 191
Hewgill's Views on the Rhine, 155
Higgins on Bleaching, 311
Hildreth's Niliad, 34
Hinderwell's Scarborough, 71
HINDOSTAN, Maurice's Hiftory of,

Part III. 357

Hiftoire Univerfelle, Precis de, 76
Hiftory, Study of, rendered easy, 433
Hoare's Sighs, a Comedy, 313

Hoche, General, Life of, 191

Hodfon's Sermon, 456

Schedule of, ibid.

three Effays on Taxation of,

A&t, Subftance of, 72

Luard's Abftract of, ibid.

, Kyd's Subftance of, ibid.

, Arguments in Support of a Bill

on, 114

Inde, en rapport avec l'Europe, 76

Indes, Commerce des, 195

Indies, Weft, Edwards's Hiftory of, Vol. III.
an. 456

Indian Antiquities, by Daniell, 436
Industry, Proceedings of the Dublin House
of, 232

Infantry, Review of a Battalion of, 190
Ingram's Syllabus of Political Philosophy,

HOGARTH, S. Ireland's Illuftrations of, Inkle and Yarico, a Poem, 113

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