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The last general synopsis of the Hepatica was published by Gottsche, Nees and Lindenberg, forty-six years ago (No. 315), and with the single exception of a review of the literature of the decade 1847-58 (No. 297), no general bibliography of any considerable period has ever been published. The literature is yearly growing more formidable, and the need of an index is seen in the frequent duplication of names and descriptions. It is desirable, therefore, to take our bearings in order that we know more clearly the nature and extent of our publications. The intended purpose of this index is: (1) To present an author catalogue of the publications relating to this group, supplemented by a topical index for the purpose of more ready reference; (2) An index of all the species described, with a reference of each to the genera recognized at the present time; and (3) A classified arrangement of the species to show our present knowledge of their geographic distribution. The first of these we present herewith. That it is entirely complete we cannot reasonably hope, yet we believe it fairly represents the literature bearing on the subject to the close of the year 1892. We shall gladly receive notice of any omission Or needed correction. It is hoped that the further parts will not be long delayed.

While the greater part of the more important literature is in Our own possession, access to several rare papers has been possible Only through the kindness of the authorities of the library of Columbia College, the Gray Herbarium, and the Royal Herbarium

at Kew. In addition, lists of the published papers of prominent living contributors to the literature have been sent to the authors themselves, who have kindly corrected the lists of their publications.

For the verification of some of the titles I am further indebted to Prof. A. B. Seymour, of Cambridge, Mass., and Mr. A. W. Evans, of New Haven, Conn.



Abeleven, Th. A. H. J.

1-Flora van Nymegen. Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief, 2d ser. V. 552 (1889).

(List of 30 Hepaticæ.)

Ångström, Johan. Lögdö (Medelpad), Sweden, 24 Sept. 1813; † Ornskoldsvik, 19 Jan. 1879.

2-Dispositio Muscorum in Scandinavia hucusque cognitorum. 12mo. pp. 33, Upsala (1842).

3-Förteckning och beskrifning öfver Mossor, samlade af Professor N. J. Andersson under Fregatten Eugenies verldsomsegling aren 1851-53. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Forhandl. 1872, No. 4, 3-29; 1873, No. 5, 113-151.

(Includes Hepaticæ from Straits of Magellan, New Holland, Sandwich Is., Galapagos Is., Tahiti, Mauritius and St. Helena.)

4-Rättelser och tillägg till förteckning och beskrifning öfver Mossor, samlade af Prof. N. J. Andersson under Fregatten Eugenies verldsomsegling 1851-53. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetensk. -Akad. Forhandl. 1876, No. 4, 50-55.

5-Primæ lineæ muscorum cognoscendorum, qui ad Caldas Brasiliæ sunt collectæ. II. Hepaticæ. Ofversigt af Kongl. Vetensk.-Akad. Forhandl. 1876, No. 7, 77-92.

Anzi, M.

6-Enumeratio Hepaticarum quas in provinciis Novo-Comensi et Sondriensi collectarum. 4to, pp. 19, Milan (1882).

Arcangeli, Giovanni. Florence, Italy, 18 July, 1840.

7-Sopra alcune Crittogame raccolte nel Piceno e nell' Abruzzo. Atti delle Soc. Tosc. di Scienze Nat. (Pisa), V, 243-246 (1887).

8-Elenco delle Muscinee fino ad ora raccolte al Monte Amiata. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. xxi. 465-475 (1889).

9-Sopra alcune Epatiche raccolte in Calabria. Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. xxi. 535-537 (1889).

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