; THE BOSTON REVIEW. DEVOTED TO THEOLOGY AND LITERATURE. VOLUME III. Sanctos ausus recludere fontes. BOSTON: JOHN M. WHITTEMORE AND COMPANY. NEW YORK: M. W. DODD. LONDON: TRUBNER AND CO. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1863, by THE BOSTON REVIEW COMPANY, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. BOSTON: PRINTED BY A. A. KINGMAN, 116 WASHINGTON STREET. 1 Andrews' Life of our Lord upon the Annual of Science, Wells', 1863, noticed, Appleton's Annual Cyclopedia and Reg- Atonement, article on, 1; tendency to di- Atonement-Steps Downward, article on, 217; preliminary views, 218; this doc- trine fundamental and central, 219: Papist corruption of it, 221; Hagen- bach quoted, 222; Peter Dens, 223; Pelagian perversions of Atonement, 223; and other related errors, 225; Universalist stairway, 227; Semi- Autobiography of Heinrich Steffens, arti- cle reviewing, 445; Schleiermacher, 446; Book-Hunter, Burton's, The, noticed, 207. Books, inside and outside, 209; book- Broadcast, Adams', noticed, 206. Cakes, Of, 117; their composition, 118; Calvin John, 153, 292, 400, 492, 608. Christopher North's Life, noticed, 632. Christ's Testimony to Our Canonical Scriptures, article on, 274; popular now to compliment Christ's words as religiously authoritative, 274; and to depreciate the other biblical penmen, 275; Mr. Peter Bayne's recent book noticed and commended, 276; point stated, to show what Christ affirmed as to the whole canon of Scripture, 276; claimed for the Old Test. writers equal authority with himself, 277; relied on their testimony to his divine mission, 278; endowed his apostles with the same authority, 280; their testimony as to themselves, 281; and to the ear- lier canon, 282; argument recapitu- lated, 283; man not competent to make a Bible, 283; Christ not honored by this one-sided flattery, 284; the Bible an indivisible record and revelation, 285: the Christian finds it none too Church of England, The, articles on, 56 |