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je suis père, et vous le serez aussi un jour

ils ne sont pas aussi riches que

nous le sommes

je le ferai, si je le puis

I am a father, and some day of
other, you will be (one) also
they are not so rich as we are (it,
i. e. rich)

I will do it, if I can (do it)

LE, thus used, is declined in some cases, and not in others.

When le supplies the place of a substantive, it then assumes the gender and number of that substantive, as: Madame, étes-vous la mère de cet enfant ?-Oui, je la suis; Madam, are you the mother of that child?-Yes, I am. Mesdames, étes-vous les parentes dont Monsieur m'a parlé ?—Oui, nous les



1. The laws of nature and decency oblige us equally to defend the honour and interest of our parents, when we can do it without injustice.

2. We ought not to condemn, after their death, those that have not been condemned during their life.

3. Is that your idea?-Can you doubt that it is?

4. Are you Mrs. Such-a-one?—Yes, I am.

5. Are those your servants?—Yes, they are.

6. Ladies, are you glad to have seen the new piece?—Yes, we


7. Į,, a* slave! I, born to command! alas! it is but too true that I am so.

8. She was jealous of her authority, and she must be so.

9. Was there ever a girl more unhappy, and treated with more ridicule than I am?

10. You have found me amiable: why have I ceased to appear so to you?

(1.) Decency, bienséance.

(2.) We ought, falloir; condemned, le.

(3.) Idea, pensée; that it is, ce être, subj-1.

(4.) Mrs. madame; such-a-one, un te..

(5.) Those, ce là; they, ce.

(6.) Ladies, mesdames.

(7.) Slave, esclave; but, ne que.

(8.) Must, devoir, ind-2.

9.) With more ridicule, plus ridiculement

11. Have we ever been so quiet as we are? 12. Madam, are you married?—Yes, I am. 13. Madam, are you the bride?—Yes, I am.

242. When le supplies an antecedent, adjective or a verb, it is undeclined.


je le ferai si je le puis (le faire) I will do it if I can Madame, êtes-vous enrhumée ?-Oui, je le suis.

Mesdames, êtes-vous contentes de ce discours?-Oui, nous le


Fut-il jamais une femme plus malheureuse que je le suis ?

REMARK. The le is also undeclined, when substantives are used adjectively, as :

Madame, êtes-vous mère ?-Oui, je le suis.

Mesdames, êtes-vous parentes?—Oui, nous le sommes.
Elle est fille, et le sera toute sa vie.

But it is declined if the adjectives be used substantively, as:

Madame, êtes-vous la malade ?-Oui, je la suis.

Therefore this question: étes-vous fille de M. le duc ? is to be answered, oui, je le suis; but this, étesvous la fille de M. le duc ? it is to be by Oui, je la suis.


243. Pronouns in the first and second persons, when the subject, must be repeated before every verb, if each of them is in different tenses. It is always even preferable to repeat them, when the verbs are in the same tense.


je soutiens et je soutiendrai toujours vous dites, et vous avez toujours you say, and (you) have always dit accablé de douleur, je m'écriai, overwhelmed with sorrow, I exet je dis

I maintain, and (I) will always maintain

nous nous promenions sur le haut du rocher, et nous voy

ions sous nos pieds, etc.


claimed and (1) said

we were walking upon the summit of the rock, and we saw under our feet, etc.

In all cases, these pronouns must be repeated, though the tenses of the verbs be the same, if the first is followed by a regimen, or accusative.


vous aimerez le seigneur votre you shall love the Lord your God, Dieu, et vous observerez sa and (you shall) observe his law


244. The pronouns of the third person, when the subject, are hardly ever repeated before verbs, except those verbs be in different tenses.


la bonne grâce ne gâte rien; elle ajoute à la beauté, relève la modestie, et y donne du lustre

il n'a jamais rien valu, et ne vaudra jamais rien

il est arrivé ce matin, et il repartira ce soir

a graceful manner spoils nothing ; it adds to beauty, heightens modesty, and gives it lustre

he never was good for any thing, and never will be

he is arrived this morning, and (he) will set off again this evening


1. My dear child, I love you, and I shall never cease to love you : but it is that very love that I have for you which obliges me to correct you for your faults, and to punish you when you deserve it.

2. I heard and admired these words, which comforted me a little, but my mind was not sufficiently free to make him a reply.

3. Thou art young, and thou aimest, no doubt, at the glory o surpassing thy comrades.

4. God has said: you shall love your enemies, bless those that curse you, do good to those that persecute you, and pray for those who slander you. What a difference between these morals and those of philosophers!

(1.) Correct for, reprendre de.

(2.) Heard, écouter, ind 2; words, discours, sing.; my mind, etc. (I had not the mind, etc.); sufficiently free, assez libre; to make a reply, répondre à. (3.) Aimest at, aspirer à; surpassing, l'emporter sur, etc.

(4.) Slander, calomnier; between, de; morals, morale, f.; and that, à celle.

However, perspicuity requires the repetition of the pronoun, when the second verb is preceded by a long incidental phrase, as: il fond sur son ennemi, et, après l'avoir saisi d'une main victorieuse, il le renverse, comme le cruel aquilon abat les tendres moissons qui dorent la campagne.


1. He took the strongest cities, conquered the most considerabl provinces, and overturned the most powerful empires.

2. He takes a hatchet, completely cuts down the mast which was already broken, throws it into the sea, jumps upon it amidst the furious billows, calls me by my name, and encourages me to follow him.

3. He marshals the soldiers, marches at their head, advances in good order towards the enemy, attacks and routs them, and after having entirely routed them, (he) cuts them to pieces.

(1.) Overturned, renverser.

(2.) Completely cuts down, achever de couper; jumps upon it, s'élancer dessus; billows, onde.

(3.) Marshals, ranger en bataille; routs, renverser ; entirely routed, achever de mettre en désordre; cuts, tailler.

245. A personal pronoun, when the subject, must be repeated before verbs, when passing from an affirmation to a negation, and vice versá, or when the verbs are joined by a conjunction, except et and ni.

il veut, et il ne veut pas


he will and he will not

il donne d'excellents principes, parce qu'il sait que les progrès ultérieurs en dépendent il donne et reçoit

il ne donne ni ne reçoit

he lays down excellent principles, because he knows that upon them depends all further progress

he gives and receives

he neither gives nor receives

Pronouns, when the regimen or the object are repeated before every verb.


l'idée de ses malheurs le pour- the idea of his misfortunes pursuit, le tourmente et l'acca


sues (him), torments (him), and overwhelms him

il nous ennuie et nous obsède he wearies (us) and besets us un

sans cesse



not repeated before such compound verbs as express the repetition of the same action, and when the verbs are in the same tense, as :

Je vous le dis et redis, il le fait et refait sans cesse.


1. It is inconceivable how whimsical she is; from one moment to another she will and she will not.

2. The Jews are forbidden to work on the sabbath; they are as it were locked in slumber; they light no fire, and carry no


3. For nearly a week she has neither eaten nor drunk.

4. The soldier was not repressed by authority, but stopped from satiety and shame.

(1.) (She is of a whimsical cast inconceivable) whimsical cast, bizarrerie f. (2.) (It is forbidden to), forbidden, défendre; sabbath, jour du sabbat; locked, enchaîné; slumber, repos; light, allumer.

(3.) For, depuis; nearly, près de, a week, huit jours; has eaten....drunk, ind-1.

(4.) Repressed, réprimer; stopped, s'arrêter, ind-3; from, par.


246. The pronouns of the third person, il, ils, elle, elles, le, la, les, must always relate to a noun, whether subject or regimen, taken only in a definite

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