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Book Second.


The First Commandment.

On Believing in God.

IRST of all believe that there is one God, even He who created and framed all things, and made all things out of that which is not, and comprehendeth all things, being alone incomprehensible. Believe, therefore, in Him, and fear Him, and fearing Him be sober. Keep, therefore, these things, and thou shalt cast away all wickedness from thyself, and thou shalt put on the whole virtue of justice, and shalt live unto God, if thou shalt keep this commandment.”

The Second Commandment.

On Avoiding Evil-Speaking, and on Alms-Giving.


E saith unto me, "Hold fast to simplicity and be innocent, and thou shalt be as the babes that know not the wickedness that destroyeth the life of men. In the first place speak evil of no man, nor listen with pleasure to a slanderer; otherwise thou that hearest shall be guilty of the sin of the slanderer, if thou believe the slander which thou hearest, for if thou believe it, thou thyself wilt have somewhat against thy brother. Thus thou wilt be guilty of the sin of the slanderer. Slander is evil, it is an unruly devil, never keeping at peace, but always having its habitation in variance. Abstain, therefore, from it, and thou shalt have prosperity with all men. But put

on the holiness in which there is no cause of offence, but all its works are smooth and joyous. Do good, and from thy toils which God giveth thee, give with simplicity to all that are in need, not doubting to whom thou shouldst give, and to

whom thou shouldst not give. Give unto all; for God willeth that things should be given to all men from His own gifts.

"They, therefore, who receive His gifts will have to give an account unto God for what reason they received them, and to what purpose they have put them. They who receive in affliction shall not be condemned; but they who receive in hypocrisy shall pay the penalty. He then who giveth is guiltless. For as he received from the Lord the ministry to fulfil, so he fulfilled it in simplicity, not doubting to whom he should give or not give. This ministry then, when fulfilled with simplicity, is glorious before the Lord. He, therefore, who thus ministereth with simplicity shall live to God. Therefore keep the commandments as I have spoken unto thee, that thou and thy house may be found to repent with simplicity, and that thy heart may be pure and undefiled.

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