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Printed by Law and Gilbert, St. Jolui's Square, Clerkenwcli


TURNING OVWatton, as an amufement fuited

URNING over the well-known pages of our

to the feafon, while a brother of the quill was gone to realize his precepts on a neighbouring river, we could not but be ftruck with an analogy, if not a refemblance, between our critical occupation and that of the patient angler. Perpetually watching the great ftream of literature, we fometimes bring to land a noble fish, which affords us excellent fport, and fupplies a pleafing narrative for our friends; while the fmaller fry, which for ever play at the furface, and feem to court the hook, are packed together in our bafket; and if they prove not fit to make a separate difh, are employed as garnish for their nobler brethren; or, when they appear entirely worthless, are thrown to the cats and dogs, which continually fpit and growl beneath the Critic's table. Our Preface is a felect feast, made only from the nobler captures; a courfe of luxuries, to which we now once more invite our readers to fit down. Let us hope that our work may always prove, if not "a reft after tedious fiudy," as Sir H. Wotton faid of angling, yet a study not in itself tedious; and in general, according to the remainder of that character, "a chearer of fpirits, a diverter of fadness, a calmer of unquiet thoughts, a moderator of [evil] paffions, and a procurer of contentednefs *."

See Iz. Walton, Hawkins's Edit. 1775, P. 43.

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The faith of the Apostles, attacked in every poffible way by the licence of modern pens, never fails to meet with found and able defenders, and "Wifdom is" ultimately "juftified of her children." Dr. Laurence will always, we doubt not, appear among thefe defenders, and his Differtation on the Logos of St. John* affords a moft honourable specimen of his ability to investigate and to fupport the truth. That the Unitarian will yet refift is probable enough; but, whether he ought to refift, let the readers of this tract confider. In two inftances we have been lately gratified by excellent lectures in theology. But they are of very different kinds. Those of Dr. Marfht are preparatory to a general courfe of Divinity, and are employed in defining and diftributing the fubject, or in confiderations preparatory to the whole. Dr. Ireland's Lectures, calculated for ftill younger ftudents, are defigned to lead them into a view of the ftruggles of paganism against the first triumphs of the Gofpel, and thus to connect, in one course of inftruction, the knowledge of antiquity and the truths of Chriftian faith. The Profeffor will doubtlefs fill up the outline he‍ has given, by a correct and complete inveftigation, fo far at least as public lectures will admit; and Dr. Ireland has promifed a fequel to his volume, in which his young hearers are to be fupplied with the direct proofs and leading doctrines of our holy Religion. Mr. Faber's Differtation on the Prophecies, long delayed in our Review for reafons before affigned, has at length been noticed in this volume§; and though we are far from agreeing uniformly with

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the author, we are by no means defirous to withhold from him the commendation which his endea vours demand. The volumes of facred prophecy are inftructive under every contemplation, and unintentional error is. much more venial in a Chriftian, than wilful difregard. The abridgment of Pearfon on the Creed, by Dr. Charles Burney*, though principally intended as a manual for young people, may be recommended to those of every age. What Burney draws from Pearfon, few can be qualified to overlook, in this age of fuperficial attainment.

In our account of Sermons, let us be allowed to begin with thofe of Bishop Horfley †. What we knew and revered in the man is there moft luminoufly exemplified by his writings. Extenfive learning, deep penetration, and a powerful talent of reafoning, qualified him to interpret the Scripture in a ftyle which few other divines have been able to at tempt; and if he preached differtations, they were fuch as it became his fituation and abilities to produce, and fuch as no congregation could hear without improvement. In praifing, however, according to their merits, the fermons of our illuftrious friend, we would not be thought to depreciate fuch difcourfes as thofe of Mr. Gisborne, and Dr. Finlayson §. The Apoftles themselves differed in their style of preaching and writing; and if one furpaffed the rest in energy and profundity, the others had their gifts and graces, which equally became their characters. Dr. Outram's volume, befides containing two excellent difcourfes, has alfo a claffified and authenticated view of the opinions of certain fectaries, on the great doctrines of Religion, which ought to be in the hands of every Clergyman,

No. VI. p. 584. + No. VI. p. 6oo. The account is concluded in the prefent Number. No. V. No. III. p. 253.

P. 511.

No. II. p. 166.

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