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and permits the asthmatic engine to heave a long-drawn sigh, while he glares through the murky smoke and sulphurous gleams of the smithy.

DEFINITIONS.-I. Ob ser vā'tions, remarks. 2. Il lŭs'trate, give example of. 3. An'ec dōtes, short stories. 4. Pe rus'ing, reading. 5. Cour'te ous ly, politely.

6. Aus tēr'i ty, severity. 7. Tŏl'er ant, forbearing; inclined to favor. 8. Hǎm'pers, large baskets. 9. Děl'icã cies, luxuries. 10. Im pěnd'ing, about to happen. II. Bux'om, ruddy; strong. 12. Gi găn'tic, huge; great. 13. Rōgues, mischievous persons. 14. Im prăc'ti ca ble, impossible. 15. E man'ci pā'tion, freedom. 16. Abhôrred', hated. 17. Thral'dom, slavery. 18. Ped'agogue, teacher. 19. Se ren'i ty, calmness; peacefulness. 20. An i ma'tion, spirit; life. 21. Com mis'sions, charges; missions. 22. Ex'e cute, perform. 23. Lēēr, grin. 24. Im'port, meaning. 25. Billet-doux (bil'ladoo), love-letter. 26. Jún'tōs, groups. 27. Sā'gest, wisest. 28. Spec'u la'tion, guessing. 29. Cy'elops, big, strong men like the fabled Cyclops who worked with Vulcan, the blacksmith-god. 30. Spěc'tre, apparition; ghost. 31. Asth măt'ic, wheezy. 32. Mûrk'y, cloudy.

NOTE.-Bu ceph' a lus, the famous horse ridden by Alexander the Great in his youth.

The Stage Coach.


1. Perhaps the impending holiday might have given a more than usual animation to the country, for it seemed to

me as if everybody was in good looks and good spirits. Game, poultry, and other luxuries of the table were in brisk circulation in the villages; the grocers', butchers', and fruiterers' shops were thronged with customers; the housewives were stirring briskly about, putting their dwellings in order; and the glossy branches of holly, with their bright-red berries, began to appear at the windows.

2. The scene brought to mind an old writer's account of Christmas preparations: "Now capons and hens, beside turkeys, geese and ducks, with beef and mutton, must all die for in twelve days a multitude of people will not be fed with a little. Now plums and spice, sugar and honey, square it among pies and broth. Now or never must music be in tune, for youth must dance and sing to get them a heat, while the aged sit by the fire. The country maid leaves half her market, and must be sent again, if she forgets a pack of cards on Christmas eve. Great is the contention of holly and ivy, whether master or dame wears the breeches. Dice and cards benefit the butler; and if the cook do not lack wit, he will sweetly lick his fingers."

3. I was roused from this fit of luxurious meditation by a shout from my little traveling companions. They had been looking out of the coach windows for the last few miles, recognizing every tree and cottage as they approached home, and now there was a general burst of joy: "There's John! and there's old Carlo! and there's Bantam!" cried the happy little rogues, clapping their hands.

At the end of a lane there was an old, sober-looking servant in livery, waiting for them; he was accompanied by a superannuated pointer, and by the redoubtable Bantam, a

little old rat of a pony, with a shaggy mane and long, rusty tail, who stood dozing quietly by the roadside, little dreaming of the bustling times that awaited him.

4. I was pleased to see the fondness with which the little fellows leaped about the steady old footman and hugged the pointer, who wriggled his whole body for joy. But Bantam was the great object of interest; all wanted to mount him at once, and it was with some difficulty that John arranged that they should ride by turns, and the eldest should ride first.

5. Off they set at last; one on the pony, with the dog bounding and barking before him, and the others holding John's hands, both talking at once, and overpowering him with questions about home and with school anecdotes. I looked after them with a feeling in which I do not know whether pleasure or melancholy predominated; for I was reminded of those days when, like them, I had neither known care nor sorrow, and a holiday was the summit of earthly felicity. We stopped a few moments afterward to water the horses, and, on resuming our route, a turn of the road brought us in sight of a neat country-seat. I could just distinguish the forms of a lady and two young girls on the portico, and I saw my little comrades, with Bantam, Carlo, and old John, trooping along the carriage road. I leaned out of the coach window in hopes of witnessing the happy meeting, but a grove of trees shut it from my sight.

6. In the evening we reached a village where I had determined to pass the night. As we drove into the great gateway of the inn I saw on one side the light of a rousing

kitchen fire beaming through a window. I entered; and admired for the hundredth time that picture of convenience, neatness, and broad, honest enjoyment-the kitchen of an English inn. It was of spacious dimensions, hung round with copper and tin vessels highly polished, and decorated here and there with a Christmas green. Hams, tongues, and flitches of bacon were suspended from the ceiling; a smokejack made its ceaseless clanking beside the fireplace, and a clock ticked in one corner. A well-scoured deal table extended along one side of the kitchen, with a cold round of beef and other hearty viands upon it, over which two foaming tankards of ale seemed mounting guard. Travelers of inferior order were preparing to attack this stout repast, while others sat smoking and gossiping over their ale on two high-backed oaken settles beside the fire. Trim housemaids were hurrying backwards and forwards under the directions of a fresh, bustling landlady, but still seizing an occasional moment to exchange a flippant word and have a rallying laugh with the group round the fire. The scene completely realized Poor Robin's humble idea of the comforts of midwinter:

Now trees their leafy hats do bare
To reverence Winter's silver hair;
A handsome hostess, merry host,

A pot of ale now and a toast,
Tobacco and a good coal fire,

Are things this season doth require.

Definitions.—1. Cā'pons, cocks fattened for the table.

2. Wit, sense. 3. Lux ū'ri ous, pleasurable.


4. Medi

ta'tion, thought; reflection. 5. Su'per ǎn'nu à ted, very aged. 6. Re doubt'a ble, terrible (used humorously). 7. Mel'an chol'y, sadness. 8. Pre dom'i na ted, prevailed. 9. Fe liç'i ty, happiness. 10. Re şum'ing, continuing. II. Dis tin'guish, make out; see. 12. Wit'ness ing, seeing. 13. Con vẽn'ience, ease; comfort. 14. Spa'cious, wide; ample. 15. Di měn'sions, size. 16. Sus pènd'ed, hung. 17. Vi'ands, articles of food. 18. Tǎnk'ards, large drinking cups. 19. In fe'ri or, lower. 20. Re påst', meal. 21. Sět'tles, long seats or benches, generally of wood. 22. Flip'pant, trifling. 23. Răl'ly ing, bantering; challenging. ence, treat with respect.

24. Rěv'er


My Kate.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

ELIZABETH BARRETT was born in London in 1809. Her father was a wealthy English gentleman, and he watched carefully over the early education of his daughter, who was a remarkably bright child.

Before she was seventeen years old, Miss Barrett published her first production, "An Essay on Mind." She was a great admirer of Tennyson, and some of her poems resemble his style.

In 1846 she was married to Robert Browning,


who also was a poet.

Mrs. Browning died on June 29, 1861, and so great a favorite was she in Italy that the people of Florence placed a memorial tablet in front of the house in which she died.

1. She was not as pretty as women I know,

And yet all your best made of sunshine and snow

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