A Collection of Letters, Statutes, and Other Documents, from the Ms. Library of the Corp. Christ. Coll., Illustrative of the History of the University of Cambridge, During the Period of the Reformation, From A.D. MD, to A.D. MDLXXII |
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Page lvii - That your petitioners are honestly attached to the doctrines and discipline of the Church of England, as by law established, and are well persuaded of the great benefits it has conferred and is conferring upon the kingdom at large. They beg leave also to declare their sincere attachment to the University of Cambridge ; - Hansard's Debates, vol.
Page lvii - House their belief, as Protestant Christians, that no civil or ecclesiastical polity was ever so devised by the wisdom of man as not to require, from time to time, some modification from the change of external circumstances or the progress of opinion.
Page xliv - The articles agreed upon by the bishops and other learned and godly men, in the last convocation at London, in the year of our Lord MDLII., for to root out the discord of opinions, and establish the agreement of true religion ; likewise published by the king's majesty's authority, 1553.
Page 305 - ... things which thou didst give them, so we for our time may fruitfully use the same, to the setting forth of thy holy word, thy laud, and praise; and finally, that both they and we may reign with thee in glory, thro Jesus Christ our Lord.
Page lix - ... of the civil and ecclesiastical establishments of this realm. " The University is a body recognized by the law of England as a lay corporation, invested with important civil privileges, and on that account resting on no secure foundation which is not in harmony with the social system of the state. Your petitioners therefore humbly beg leave to suggest, that, as the legislative bodies of the United Kingdom have repealed the Test Act, and admitted Christians of all denominations to seats in Parliament...
Page liv - That young students in divinity be directed to study such books as be most agreeable in doctrine and discipline to the church of England...
Page 278 - ... aut aliqua alia re, causa vel materia quacunq; in aliquo non obstante. In cujus rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes.