COMMITTEE. Chairman - LORD BROUGHAM, F.R.S., Mem. of the Nat. Inst. of France. Vice-Chairman - EARL SPENCER. Treasurer - JOHN WOOD, Esq. W. Allen, Esq. F.R. and R.A.S. Captain Beaufort, R.N., F.R. and R.A.S. George Burrows, M.D. Samuel Duckworth, Esq. John Elliotson, M.D., F.R.S. Thomas Falconer, Esq. John Forbes, M.D., F.R.S. Sir I. L. Goldsmid, Bart., F.R. and R.A.S. Francis Henry Goldsmid, Esq. B. Gompertz, Esq., F. R. and R.A.S. Professor Graves, A.M., F.R.S. G. B. Greenough, Esq., F.R. and L.S. Sir Edmund Head, Bart., Α.Μ. M. D. Hill, Esq., Q.C. Rowland Hill, Esq., F.R.A.S. The Rt. Hon. Sir J. C. Hobhouse, Bart., M.P. Thomas Hodgkin, M.D. David Jardine, Esq., A.M. Henry B. Ker, Esq. THOMAS COATES, Esq., Secretary, 42. Bedford Square. LONDON: Printed by A. SPOTTISWOODE, New Street-Square. THE BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE DIFFUSION OF " USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. VOLUME II. PART II. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. ADVERTISEMENT TO THE SECOND VOLUME. THE Committee think it right to record in this place their thanks for the pecuniary assistance which the Society has received from several Noblemen and Gentlemen towards the Biographical Dictionary. It was never expected by the Committee that there would be at its first appearance a large sale for a work which from its nature must fill many volumes and the publication of which must extend over a considerable time. But other successful works have оссиpied as long a time in publication as the Biographical Dictionary will probably require, and notwithstanding their bulk and cost have found a large number of purchasers. These considerations, joined to the universal demand for a complete Biographical Dictionary founded on the best authorities and brought down to the present time, determined the Committee to commence this work notwithstanding the difficulties incident to such an extensive undertaking; and they have the pleasure of stating that the demand for the work has been encouraging and is increasing. The completeness which they have so far attempted to give to the work is in their opinion one of its great merits; and in this respect it ma may be advantageously contrasted with another wellknown work of great value, the French Biographie Universelle. Numerous articles which may seem unimportant or trifling to a reader who merely turns to a book for amusement, are valuable sources of information to the student, whether his researches are devoted to the history of science, literature and the arts, or to the political history of the world. A work formed on this plan requires a large capital at its outset, but the only pecuniary aid which the Society can give to the Dictionary is the surplus of the income derived from its other works after defraying the ordinary expenses of the Society; and as this was insufficient for the purpose, the Committee have gladly availed themselves of the assistance of the Noblemen and Gentlemen whose names are subjoined. The first list contains the names of those who have agreed to subscribe annually for three years the sums set opposite to their names; which sums are to be repaid in the event of the sale of the Dictionary enabling the Society to do so. The second list contains the names of those who have assisted the Society by Donations. |