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FOR 1875.

APPLETON'S JOURNAL will sustain, during the ensuing year, its reputation for general excellence. The publishers will endeavor, more strenuously than ever, to furnish a periodical of a high class, one which shall embrace a wide scope of topics, and afford the reader, in addition to an abundance of entertaining popular literature, a thorough survey of the progress of thought, the advance of the arts, and the doings in all branches of intellectual effort. As the design is to make a superior literary journal, engravings will be employed only when they serve to illustrate the text, and never merely as pictures.

Without adhering too rigidly to any set plan, the contents will be grouped approximately as follows:

and unfamiliar countries.

I-LITERATURE OF ROMANCE, constisting of popular serial novels, from both American and English writers, and the best short stories obtainable, whether from native or foreign writers. II-TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, AND DISCOVERY, embracing papers descriptive of places, tales of adventure and discovery, with notes of all that is doing in the way of exploration, or that is brought to light of new III-NATURE AND NATURAL HISTORY, under which will be given entertaining papers on the characteristics of the earth's surface, the habits of animals, and all that pertains to the physical world around us. IV.-SOCIAL THEMES, including papers expressing the ideas of capable observers on social progress, the arts and felicities of the household, and such matters as pertain to our daily lives.

V. THE ARTS, embracing criticisms of new paintings, new architecture, etc.; observations on decorative and household art, and a general survey of the progress of the arts in all their branches. VI.-MISCELLANY will cover selections from new books, brief translations from Continental journals, and extracts giving the core of the more noteworthy papers in the English magazines.

VII-SCIENCE AND INVENTION will consist of popular papers on subjects covered by these terms, and will record the progress made therein.

VIII.-NEW BOOKS will be carefully and impartially reviewed, in the sole interest of the reader; and notes will be subjoined, affording intelligence in regard to literary matters here and abroad. IX.-CURRENT TOPICS will consist of the editor's gl nces at themes occupying the public mind; at various utterances by leading spirits in literature, philosophy, and criticism; and at the gayeties and amusements of society. It is designed to make this department notable for its entertaining vivacity.

The broad purpose of the editors will be to make a magazine of weekly issue that shall rival in interest and variety the regular monthly publications; and for this purpose the space at their command enables them to give much more material for the same yearly subscription than that contained in the largest of the monthly magazines. Published Weekly. Price 10 cents per number; or $4 per Annum, in advance.

By the recent Post-Office Law, the postage on all periodicals, after January 1, 1875, must be prepaid by the publishers. Subscribers, therefore, will hereafter receive their numbers without charges for postage.

Any person procuring FIVE Yearly Subscriptions, for weekly numbers, and remitting $20 00, will be entitled to a copy for one year gratis. In remitting by mail, a post office order or draft, payable to the order of D. APPLETON & Co, is preferable to bank notes, as, if lost, the order or deaft can be recovered without loss to the sender.

Volumes begin with January and July of each year.

APPLETON'S JOURNAL and either Harper's Weekly, Harper's Bazar, Harper's Magazine, Lippincott's Magazine, the Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's Monthly, or the Galaxy, for one year, onieceipt of $7 50, which includes epayment of postage, APPI ETON'S JOURNAL and Littell's Living Age, for $10.50, including postage; the JOURNAL and POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, for $8, including postage prepaid by the publishers. For those who prefer it, the JOURNAL is put up in MONTHLY PARTS, and in this form its scope and variety, as compared with other magazines, become conspicuously apparent. Subscription price, $4 50 per annum, including postage prepaid by the publishers.

D. APPLETON & CO, Publishers, New York.

The panic of last fall has brought distress and trouble into many families. When business is dull, and expensive luxuries, and even lectures and concerts, must be given up, and time hangs heavily, and the mind broods upon its troubles, one must read, and there is then no more welcome visitor than the monthly magazine, especially if it be bright with illustrations.

Not the least of the blessings of the recent financial trouble is that it has made us more considerate of, and helpful to, cach other. If those who feel compelled to stop their magazines will seck out some neighbor poorer than themselves, and divide the subscription price (paying the larger part), they will do a really kind action, and they will be surprised to see how neighborly two families will become, who take the same magazine together, and how it will grow in interest when you talk it all over with your next-door friends.

Nothing finds its way into the pages of a high-class magazine unless it have some permanent value; and illustrated magazines, when bound into handsome volumes, make the most useful and attractive family libraries. For instance, there are now eight bound volumes of SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, constituting a library of more than six thousand pages, embellished with nearly two thousand illustrations. And in the field of children's literature, there can be nothing more beautiful, more interesting or more useful than the first volume of ST. NICHOLAS, just issued. Magnificent in an outer dress of red and gold, and filled from cover to cover with the very best literary and artistic matter for the young, it cannot fail to be a most welcome visitor to every household. What could be better as a Christmas gift than a volume of ST. NICHOLAS? In workmanship it would be impossible to surpass it printing, engraving, paper, binding, being all of the highest order. As to its literary contents we need only quote the opinion of


Author of "MY SUMMER IN A GARDEN," and other charming books, who writes to us as follows:

"The first year of the ST. NICHOLAS more than fulfills the promise of its auspicious birth, and in the bound volume, with its glory of red and gold, we have what may be called a permanent addition to the literature of the young. I have watched the magazine every month of its existence, and have seen its beauties of pen and pencil unfold; but I am surprised now that it becomes a book - and as handsome a book as St. Nicholas himself can hope to find on Christmas- by the variety and wealth of its contents. Never before, I think, has so much literary and artistic talent co-operated in the service of children, and I will not resist the hearty impulse to say to you that you have made the best magazine for children of all ages I have ever seen; it is even more entertaining for grown people than some of the quarterlies. I know the high ideal Mrs. Dodge had for it, and her desire that it should exert a sweet and ennobling influence in the households of the land. It has been made level with the comprehensions of children, and yet it is a continual educator of their taste, and of their honor and courage. I do not see how it can be made any better, and if the children don't like it, I think it is time to begin to change the kind of children in this country."

The subscription Price of ST. NICHOLAS is $3.00 a year, sent, postage paid. The twelve numbers for last year, Vol. I., will be sent for only $2.00. Volume I., clegantly bound in red and gold, $4.00; with gilt sides and gilt edges, $5.00.

One year's subscription to ST. NICHOLAS and twelve back numbers, $5.00. One year's subscription and Volume One, Bound, charges paid, for $6.00. Covers for binding sent, charges paid, for The back Nos. may be exchanged for the bound volume on payment of $1.00 and charges

75 cents.

both ways.

For Sale and Subscriptions received by all NEWSDEALERS and BOOKSELLERS.

For Special Terms on the Bound Volumes of SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, see next page.

SCRIBNER & CO, 654 Broadway, N. Y.

"The Great National Magazine,"

Begins a new year (its ninth volume) with the November number, with broader plans and larger enterprise than ever before, and with the ambition it has maintained from the first, t demonstrate itself to be the brightest, the strongest, the most beautiful and in every way

The Best Popular Magazine in the World.

During the year it will present such marvels of illustrative engraving as no popular magazine has ever been able to publish. Its writers will be, as they have been, the choice and chosen literary men and women of America. Among the attractive features of the year will be

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A New Serial Novel,


By J. G. HOLLAND, author of "Bitter Sweet," "Kathrina," "Arthur Bonnicastle," and

"The Mistress of the Manse."

A Series of Papers, from various pens,


Including descriptive papers on American cities, will open in January with a narrative of WESTERN DISCOVERY AND ADVENTURE, by Major Powell, whose descent of the Colorado is one of the most famous exploits of Western travel. This series will rival "The Great South" papers in the magnificence of its illustrations, while possessing greater variety and wider interest.


"A Farmer's Vacation in Europe,"

Six articles, recounting the experience of a well-known American farmer and engineer (COLONEL WARING, of Ogden Farm, Newport, R. I.), during a tour through some of the less frequented parts of Western Europe, in the autumn of 1873.


Or, "The Modern Robinson Crusoe,"

JULES VERNE'S !atest story, will be continued, with its illustrations.

French Literature and Parisian Life,


With Illustrations by French Artists, will appear during the year.


A New Story, by SAXE HOLM,

Begins in November, and will run for three or four months. There will also be other NOVELETTES and SHORTER STORIES by leading AMERICAN and ENGLISH STORY-WRITERS. The Magazine will continue to hold its pre-eminence in this regard.

The ESSAYS, REVIEWS, and EDITORIAL PAPERS will, as heretofore, employ the ablest pens in both Europe and America.

HOME AND SOCIETY, which has grown in favor and in excellence from the first, will be made more attractive, useful, and valuable in its influence on the social life and culture of the American people. THE ETCHINGS will be still further improved, and there will be greater variety.





"SCRIBNER," by the verdict of the ENGLISH and the AMERICAN Press, is


"The Best of all the Monthlies."

The EIGHT BOUND VOLUMES constitute an Illustrated LIBRARY of MORE
THAN 6,000 OCTAVO PAGES, containing

A Dozen Splendid Serial Stories,

Nearly One Hundred Shorter Stories,

More than a Thousand Separate Articles, Essays,
Poems, Editorials and Reviews,

Embellished with nearly Two Thousand Illustrations.

We have reprinted at great expense the earlier volumes, and now offer a limited number at reduced rates in connection with subscriptions. No other opportunity will probably ever be given to get complete sets of this unrivaled Monthly; the expense of reprinting small editions being so great as to be prohibitory.




We offer the eight vols., bound in cloth, sent to any address in the United States, CHARGES PAID, with one year's subscription, for $20; the same, CHARGES NOT PAID, $16. The eight vols., in extra library style, MARBLE SIDES AND MARBLE EDGES, and a subscripton, for $25; or if sent, CHARGES NOT PAID, $20.

The Postage on ali New Subscriptions will be Prepaid by us.

The Subscription Price of Scribner's Monthly is $4.00 a year. Scribner's Monthly and St. Nicholas, $7.00.

SCRIBNER & CO., 654 Broadway, New York.

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Scribner's Illustrated Magazine for Cirls and Boys, begins with the November Number.

ST. NICHOLAS FOR 1875, nid d by a year's experience in meeting the wan's of young readers, will aim to be an improvement upon the volume just completed, maintaining the same general principles and steady purpose of perfect workmanship, with even greater facilities for obtaining first-class articles and illustrations.

The plan is to have such variety that something may be found in each number to specially arouse or satisfy every young member of the household - something addressed, as far as practicable, to each particular temperament and condition, so that, to a family of boys and girls, ST. NICHOLAS shall be at once playmate, elder companion, sympathizing friend, and co-explorer into the truths and wonders of the world about and above them.

No magazine can expect to answer every question that may arise in a child's mind, or to take the place of father, mother, pastor and teacher in its training; but it can serve to arouse and direct the wits of young readers, to keep the moral and spiritual perceptions in healthy action, and, by recognizing and emphasizing whatever is truest and best in boys and girls, open the way to a more thorough enjoyment of home, and a more generous outlook upon life.

Nor is it designed that the influence of ST. NICHOLAS shall be confined to the children. Already its managers have had abundant reason to rejoice in the hearty sympathy and co-operation of parents and teachers, and in their assurance of genuine enjoyment in i's pages.

Two splendid serial stories for 1875 are to begin in the January number:


By J. T. TROWBRIDGE, Author of the Famous Jack Hazard Series.


By LOUISA M. ALCOTT, Author of "An Old-Fashioned Girl," "Little Women," etc., etc. The editors have also secured a capital stock of


Short Stories and Sketches,

History, Biography, Travel, Adventure,

Outdoor and Indoor Sports, Boys' and Girls Handicraft,

Natural History, Literature and Popular Scieuce, Puzzles and Riddles,

While fun and nonsense have not been forgotten. In short, the aim is to PLEASE AND IMPROVE BOYS AND GIRLS, and to win their best confidence by never abusing it with anything mawkish, patronizing or far-reached or, above all, by any form of undue emotional stimulus.

We prefer to let the animus and execution of each number speak for it, rather than to parade the names of distinguished artists and contributors. In the latter regard, our table of contents for 1875 will be richer than ever, but the Magazine would fail in part of its mission if it did not constantly bring to light good work from

new sources.

The peculiar features of the Magazine, which have conduced largely to its popularity, will be kept up with spirit. Our occasional short German, French and Latin Stories delight young translators in giving immediate value to their studies in those languages.

The Letter-Box serves to draw the young readers of ST. NICHOLAS and its editors into closer communication, enabling them to be of great service to one another.

Jack-in-the-Pulpit, who, of course, is a preacher of the field, not of the church, tells the little folk of many curious and interesting things that they would hardly be able to find out for themselves in any other way. Giving his short lessons in a brisk, original manner, calculated to provoke inquiry, rather than to satisfy it, he sends the children off in every direction searching for further knowledge.

The bound volume contains more than seven hundred large octavo pages of original matter, exquisitely illustrated, and, with its rich, quaint binding, forms the most elegant and attractive gift-book for children ever issued from the press.

The subscription price of ST. NICHOLAS is $3.00 a year, but, up to January 1st, we will send the twelve numbers for the year just closed (Vo!. I) for only $2.00. The same, elegantly bound in red and gold, will be sent, CHARGES PAID, for $4.00.

One year's subscription and twelve back numbers, $5.00. One year's subscription and VOLUME ONE, BOUND as above, sent, CHARGES PAID, for $6.00. (overs for binding sent, charges paid, for 75 cents each. The back numbers may be exchanged for bound volumes on payment of One Dollar and charges both Ways. ALL POSTAGE WILL BE PREPAID BY US.

SCRIBNER & CO., 654 Broadway, New York.

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