POETRY. Art. 43. Lines, addreffed to Mrs. Jordan. 4to. Is. Becket. 1787. The poet paffes high compliments on this favourite A&trefs; accompanied with candid and juft acknowledgements of the tranfcendent merit of Mrs. Siddons, in tragedy. Art. 44. A Probationary Ode for the Laureateship, by George Keate, Efq; written in 1785, with Notes critical and explanatory, by the Editor. 4to. 25. Kearley. 187. A grofs mifapplication of wit and humour.-Mr. K. holds a refpectable rank in the republic of letters.-This fatire on him, and on his writings, feems to have been dictated by private spleen.We never can approve thefe perfonal attacks. They are an intolerable abufe of the liberty of the prefs.-If they have any literary merit, fo much the worse. Art. 45. The Progrefs of Mufic: an Ode, occafioned by the Grand Celebration at the Abbey. 4to. Is. 6d. Kearsley. Unluckily, this poem came into our hands just after we had, by mere accident, been taking a comparative view of Dryden's and Pope's two celebrated odes on the fame fubject--the Praife of Mufic.Under the impreffion made on our minds, by the beauties of those Mighty Mafters,' it might be fomewhat unfair to fpeak of the merit of the prefent performance:-which, therefore, we will lay on the shelf, till that impreffion is become a little fainter. Art. 46. The Satires of Juvenal, tranflated into English Verse; with a correct Copy of the original Latin on the oppofite Page; cleared of all the most exceptionable Paffages, and illuftrated with marginal Notes from the best Commentators. Alfo, Dr. Brewfter's Perfius, with the Original on the oppofite Page, and Notes from Caufabon, to illuftrate the Defign and Method, as well as Scope of the feveral Satires. By E. Owen, M. A. Rector of Warrington, and Mafter of the Free School in that Town. 8vo. 2 Vols. 78, bound. Lowndes. 1785. Though, as much friends to decorum as Mr. Owen, we cannot fay that we wholly approve of mutilating ancient Authors, and prefenting them to the public by piece-meal; and though we think Dryden's tranflation not fufficiently accurate in fome paffages, yet the force and spirit of it have not been equalled in any later effay; and we fufpect that the public will not be fufficiently grateful for Mr. Owen's attempt while Dryden's is in their hands. We fay not this to depreciate the merit of the prefent work. It is, on the whole, a laudable performance. The tranflator is evidently a man of learning, genius, and tafte: and though we might find errors, if we diligently fought for them, yet it is as free of inaccuracies as could have been expected in a work of this nature where the difficulties originally were not a few, and where Our Author's plan, instead of leffening, tends rather to increase them. If he fometimes' (as he elegantly expreffes it) dilates or embellishes a thought, it must be remembered that he had an English ear to please and that, if he fometimes wants the eafe and grace of an original, he had his author's thoughts and images to preferve. The Hh 2 The first is like that civil verfatility of manners which every man Owes to the varying cuftoms of the age in which he lives; but the other is like that integrity and ftrictness of principle which never bends to fashion or convenience at the expence of one fingle virtue.' The notes, at the bottom of the page, and thofe at the close of the fecond volume, will be of great ufe to the young learner. On the whole, we must bear our tribute of applause to Mr. Owen for his well-meant and ingenious performance; and we fincerely wish that he may meet with fuch indulgence from the public, as may be fome reward for his merit and industry. MEDICA L. B-k--k Art. 47. A Synopfis of a Courfe of Lectures on Anatomy and Phyfiology. By Bufick Harwood, M. B. F. R. S. Profeffor of Anatomy in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Cambridge, Merrill; London, Cadell. 1787. A performance ufeful only to the anatomical clafs at Cambridge. The arrangement feems to be judiciously formed, and we doubt not that the course of lectures, of which this is the outline, will be profitable to the ftudents in' phyfiology and anatomy. R m Art. 48. Nofologia Methodica Oculorum, or a Treatife on the Dif eafes of the Eyes; felected and tranflated from the Latin of Francis Boier de Sauvages. By George Wallis, M. D. 8vo. 4s. 6d. Boards. Robinfons. Dr. Wallis hath here given us a methodical arrangement of the difeafes of the eyes, compiled from the admirable Nofology of Sauvages, a work, the merit of which is univerfally acknowledged. He has not purfued the fyftem of Sauvages, but adopted one of his own, claffing the difeafes according to their feat. Thus, I. Difeafes of the eye-lafhes, and eye-lids. II. Difeafes of the angles of the eye. III. Difeafes of the conjunctive membrane. IV. Diseases of the corneal tunic. V. Difeafes of the chambers of the eye. VI. Difeafes of the uvea, and its membranes. Vll. Difeafes of the chryftalline lens, and its capfula. VIII. Difeafes of the vitreous humor. IX. Diseases of the retina. X. Diseases of the choroideal meinbrane. XI. Difeafes of the bulb of the eye. XII. Diseases of the optic nerves. XIII. Difeafes of the muscles of the eyes. XIV. Difeafes of the fat, and cellular membrane in the inferior part of the eye, and the orbit itself. Befide the defcription and cure delivered by Sauvages, Dr. Wallis has added the opinion of other celebrated writers, with feveral remarks of his own. As to the tranflation, what there is of it is faithful; but we fee no reason why fo much of Sauvages' mathematics is rejected; the problems, for instance, to determine the concavity and convexity of glaffes, fuitable to given degrees of fhort and long fightednefs, are certainly very useful; as are also several other matters paffed over by Dr. Wallis. The chief excellence of the work confifts in the Author's remarks on the operations on the eye, which leave us no room to doubt of his abilities as a practical or operative oculift. R 700 Art. Art. 49. Thefaurus Medicus, five Difputationum in Academia Edinenfi ad Rem Medicam pertinentium, a Collegio inftituto ad hoc ufque Tempus, dilectus à Gulielmo Smellio. Tom. III. & IV. 8vo. 75. each. Boards. Edinburgh, Elliot. London, Robinsons. 1785. These two volumes are a continuation of the collection of thefes published at Edinburgh, which we noticed in our Review, vol. lix. P. 305. The differtations contained in the third volume are, De Chinchona, Pultney. De Vermibus, Palmer. De Rachitide, Nooth. De Actione Mufculari, Smith. De Febre Bengalenfe, Lind. De Fe bribus arcendis, Monro-Drummond. De Muficis, Odier. De Cynanche, Crawford. De Perfpiratione Infenfibili, Hamilton. De Cyftirrhea, Parnham. De Vino, Wainman. De Morbis Cali Mutatione medendis, Lilie. De Arteriarum et Venarum Irritabilitate, Dennifon. De Hominum Varietatibus, J. Hunter. De Phyfiologia Plantarum, Bell. De Alimentorum Concoctione, Stevens. De Rabie Canina, Heyfham. De De The fourth volume contains, De Fatus Nutrimento, Evans. Attractione chemica, Kier. De Nutritione, Wade. De Igne, Cleghorn. De Hydrocephalo interno, Quin. De Confuetudine, Hen. Cullen. De Frigore, Arch. Cullen. De Cerebro, Nihell. De Syftematis Nervofi Officiis, Stuart. De Vafis abforbentibus, Winterbottom. Syncope, Hare. De Aeris Effectibus, De Butts. De Tetano, Gul. Monro. De Contagione, Owen. De Somno, Cleghorn. De Evaporatione, Paterfon. De Leucophlegmatia, Unthank. De Aere fixo, Emmet. De Sanguinis Putridine, Ferris. De Submerfis, M'Donnell. EDUCATION, &c. Art. 50. Recreation for Youth: a ufeful Epitome of Geography and Biography. By John Paterfon Service. Small 4to. 3s. 6d. bound. Kearsley. 1787. In this compendium, we have a general view of the feveral kingdoms, &c. of the globe, in alphabetical order, and the author concludes the first part of his work with what he calls a Treatife on Natural Geography.' He divides geography into two parts, natural and artificial; natural geography, he fays, refpects the globe in its real and natural ftate.' Under this head Mr. S. confiders continents, islands, promontories, &c. The fecond part is a biographical dictionary, abridged, as the Author acknowledges, from the large work under that title, in twelve volumes *. Mr. Service's publication may be ufeful to thofe who do not poffefs larger works of a fimilar kind. That divifion of the geographical pages in which the productions, arts, government, &c. of each country, are defcribed, will afford much information to many readers. MILITARY AFFAIRS. Art. 51. General Regulations and Orders for his Majefty's Forces. 8vo. Is. 6d. Walter. Thefe regulations are drawn up, at his Majefty's command, by Adjutant General Fawcett; and are a foundation for establishing among the troops that uniformity and fyftem in the performance of all exercises and movements, which are effentially requifite for mi * See Review for March laft, p. 210. litary operations, and which conftitute the chief excellence of every well regulated army. ASTROLOGY! R m. Art. 52. The New Aftrology; or the Art of predicting and foretelling future Events by the Afpects, &c. of the Heavenly Bodies. By C. Heydon, Jun. Aftro-Philo. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Kearsley. 1786. Art. 53. An Aftrological Catechifm, wherein the Principles of Aftrology are fully demonftrated by way of Question and Anfwer. 12mo. 15. Kearsley. 1786. Solomon fays "there is nothing new under the fun." We, by long experience, have determined never to be furprized at any thing. It must however be acknowledged, that thefe two publications are very unfit characteristics of the country and age in which they have made their appearance. THEOLOGY, &c. Art. 54. The Pilgrim's Progrefs from this World to that which is to 12mo. 3s. 6d. As Bunyan's Pilgrim is certainly a masterpiece in its kind, we are glad to fee an edition of it well printed on good paper, and adorned with neat copper-plates. The Editor hath prefixed the Life of the Author, written, like the former accounts, in a train perfectly con genial with honeft John's own pious fpirit, and godly mode of expreffion; and the fame may be faid of Mr. Burder's large explanatory and practical notes :' an extract from one of which may be given as a fpecimen : It is fomewhat furprifing that the Pilgrim's Progrefs fhould be univerfally esteemed, feeing that it condemns the far greater part of those who read it. To inftance in this chapter only: Does not Ignorance fpeak the language of most nominal Chriftians? Do we not hear them ay with him, "They hope well, for their hearts are always full of good motions-they have very good hearts, and they believe in Chrift for juftification ?" But let their condition be truly examined, and it will appear, "that they never had one good or right thought of themfelves in their lives-that their faith is false, fantaftical, and deceitful; and that they do not truft in Chrift, but in themselves." How many deceive their own fouls in this matter? They fay they believe in Chrift, and truft in him, though they never faw their loft condition, and confequently their need of him; are unacquainted with the nature of his righteoufnefs, and ridicule the idea of its imputation to the believer. Their dependence is on what they do, or (which is nearly the fame) on what is done in them. They defpife Chriftian experience as enthufiafm, and think that trufting to the righteoufnefs of Chrift, leads to licentioufnefs. Such is the language both of the parlour and the pulpit in this day; and yet, though it is here fo justly expofed, every body admires the Pilgrim's Progress! How fad, yet how true is the reflection of Hopeful, Alas! there are abundance in every town in this condition, whole families, yea, whole ftreets, and that of profeffed Chriftians too!" The 4 The Lord leffen their number daily, by the light of his glorious gofpel.' From the above quotation, the reader will be apt to infer that our Editor is a Methodist; nor can we think otherwife, though he writes in a better style than fome of that perfuafion. But whatever be the religious denomination under which he would be claffed, his expofitions of Bunyan's allegories will ftrongly recommend his edition of the Pilgrim's Progrefs to the Antinomians, and rigid Calvinists in general. They are given at the end of every chapter, fomewhat in the manner of Doddridge's improvement of Scripture passages, in his Family Expofitor. Art. 55. An Efay on the Goodness of God, as manifefted in the Miffion of Jefus Chrift. Published in pursuance of the Will of the late Mr. Norris, as having gained the Annual Prize inftituted by him in the University of Cambridge. By Edward Pearfon, A. M. Fellow of Sydney-Suffex College. 8vo. 1s. Rivington. 1786. It is not, perhaps, to be expected, that, in an exercife of this kind, much new light fhould be caft upon a trite fubject. It is a fufficient recommendation of the piece to fay, that it is written with a degree of good fenfe, perfpicuity, and elegance, which entitle the Author to a higher reward than the Norrifian Prize. E. Art. 56. Gospel Experiences, and Memoirs of the late pious and reverend Gabriel D'Anville, V. D. M. including feveral Anecdotes of fome of the most celebrated Preachers in the Metropolis: with a concluding Addrefs to the Junior Clergy, and more efpecially to the Students of Oxford and Cambridge. 12mo. 2 Vols. 5s. fewed. Bew. 1786. Gabriel D'Anville takes his name from his father's profeffionwhich was nothing more nor less than that of a blacksmith; and any other name in the fhop would have fuited the character equally well; for it is forged out of the lowest ore, and hammered into form by the molt bungling Cyclops of the trade. This lameft and moft infignificant of all Vulcan's offspring becomes a methodist, and of course (according to his biographer) a hypocrite; for hypocrify and methodifm are, it feems, only two different words for the fame thing. It is no part of our bufinefs to enquire whether this convertibility of terms be right or wrong. The Author's acquaintance with the fubject is fo fuperior to our own, that we must give him credit for the truth of his affertions. He appears to have been in the fecret; but what prompted him to disclose it to the world, is a point which we leave to be decided by those whom it concerns. It concerns not us whether Gabriel d'Anville's picture be drawn from the life; or whether it be the caricature of imagination, where fpleen held the pencil, and impiety fupplied the colours. Let thofe determine the truth or falsehood of it, who think it worth their while to write or to talk of Gofpel experiences, whether in earnest or in jeft; for Stulti in contraria current ! Mr. Burder has divided the two parts of the Pilgrim into 35 chapters. A third part, ufually printed in the common editions, does not appear in this volume. We fuppofe it was not written by Bunyan; and if fo, Mr. Burder was right in omitting it. B-d-kAtt. |