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D.C.L. (Oxon.), LL.D. (Cantab., Edin., et Dubl.), PH.D. (Lugd. Bat.), F.R.S., F.R.A.S., Hon. F.R.S.E., &c., Correspondant

de l'Institut de France,


It is now many years since this Association has done honour to the science of Astronomy in the selection of its President.

Since Sir George Airy occupied the chair in 1851, and the late Lord Wrottesley nine years later in 1860, other sciences have been represented by the distinguished men who have presided over your meetings.

The very remarkable discoveries in our knowledge of the heavens which have taken place during this period of thirty years—one of amazing and ever-increasing activity in all branches of science-have not passed unnoticed in the addresses of your successive Presidents; still it seems to me fitting that I should speak to you to-night chiefly of those newer methods of astronomical research which have led to those discoveries, and which have become possible by the introduction since 1860 into the observatory of the spectroscope and the modern photographic plate.

In 1866 I had the honour of bringing before this Association, at one of the evening lectures, an account of the first-fruits of the novel and unexpected advances in our knowledge of the celestial bodies which followed rapidly upon Kirchhoff's original work on the solar spectrum and the interpretation of its lines.

Since that time a great harvest has been gathered in the same field by many reapers. Spectroscopic astronomy has become a distinct and acknowledged branch of the science, possessing a large literature of its own and observatories specially devoted to it. The more recent discovery of the gelatine dry plate has given a further great impetus to this modern side of astronomy, and has opened a pathway into the unknown of which even an enthusiast thirty years ago would scarcely have dared to dream.

In no science, perhaps, does the sober statement of the results which have been achieved appeal so strongly to the imagination, and make so evident the almost boundless powers of the mind of man. By means of its light alone to analyse the chemical nature of a far distant body; to be able to reason about its present state in relation to the past and future; to measure within an English mile or less per second the otherwise invisible motion which it may have towards or from us; to do more, to make even that which is darkness to our eyes light, and from vibrations which our organs of sight are powerless to perceive to evolve a revelation in which we see mirrored some of the stages through which the stars may pass in their slow evolutional progress-surely the record of such achievements, however poor the form of words in which they may be described, is worthy to be regarded as the scientific epic of the present century.

I do not purpose to attempt a survey of the progress of spectroscopic astronomy from its birth at Heidelberg in 1859, but to point out what we do know at present, as distinguished from what we do not know, of a few only of its more important problems, giving a prominent place, in accordance with the traditions of this chair, to the work of the last year or two.

In the spectroscope itself advances have been made by Lord Rayleigh by his discussion of the theory of the instrument, and by Professor Rowland in the construction of concave gratings.

Lord Rayleigh has shown that there is not the necessary connection, sometimes supposed, between dispersion and resolving power, as besides the prism or grating other details of construction and of adjustment of a spectroscope must be taken into account.

The resolving power of the prismatic spectroscope is proportional to the length of path in the dispersive medium. For the heavy flint glass used in Lord Rayleigh's experiments the thickness necessary to resolve the sodium lines came out 102 cm. If this be taken as a unit, the resolving power of a prism of similar glass will be in the neighbourhood of the sodium lines equal to the number of centimètres of its thickness. In other parts of the spectrum the resolving power will vary inversely as the third power of the wave-length, so that it will be eight times as great in the violet as in the red. The resolving power of a spectroscope is therefore proportional to the total thickness of the dispersive material in use, irrespective of the number, the angles, or the setting of the separate prisms into which, for the sake of convenience, it may be distributed.

The resolving power of a grating depends upon the total number of lines on its surface, and the order of spectrum in use; about 1,000 lines being necessary to resolve the sodium lines in the first spectrum.

As it is often of importance in the record of observations to state the efficiency of the spectroscope with which they were made, Professor

Schuster has proposed the use of a unit of purity as well as of resolving power, for the full resolving power of a spectroscope is realised in practice only when a sufficiently narrow slit is used. The unit of purity also is to stand for the separation of two lines differing by one-thousandth of their own wave-length; about the separation of the sodium pair at D.

A further limitation may come in from the physiological fact that, as Lord Rayleigh has pointed out, the eye when its full aperture is used is not a perfect instrument. If we wish to realise the full resolving power of a spectroscope, therefore, the emergent beam must not be larger than about one-third of the opening of the pupil.

Up to the present time the standard of reference for nearly all spectroscopic work continues to be Ångström's map of the solar spectrum, and his scale based upon his original determinations of absolute wavelength. It is well known, as was pointed out by Thalén in his work on the spectrum of iron in 1884, that Angström's figures are slightly too small, in consequence of an error existing in a standard mètre used by him. The corrections for this have been introduced into the tables of the wave-lengths of terrestrial spectra collected and revised by a Committee of this Association from 1885 to 1887. Last year the Committee added a table of corrections to Rowland's scale.

The inconvenience caused by a change of standard scale is, for a time at least, considerable; but there is little doubt that in the near future Rowland's photographic map of the solar spectrum, and his scale based on the determinations of absolute wave-length by Pierce and Bell, or the Potsdam scale based on original determinations by Müller and Kempf, which differs very slightly from it, will come to be exclusively adopted.

The great accuracy of Rowland's photographic map is due chiefly to the introduction by him of concave gratings, and of a method for their use, by which the problem of the determination of relative wave-lengths is simplified to measures of near coincidences of the lines in different spectra by a micrometer.

The concave grating and its peculiar mounting, in which no lenses or telescope are needed, and in which all the spectra are in focus together, formed a new departure of great importance in the measurement of spectral lines. The valuable method of photographic sensitizers for different parts of the spectrum has enabled Professor Rowland to include in his map the whole visible solar spectrum, as well as the ultra-violet portion as far as it can get through our atmosphere. Some recent photographs of the solar spectrum, which include A, by Mr. George Higgs, are of great technical beauty.

During the past year the results of three independent researches have appeared, in which the special object of the observers has been to distinguish the lines which are due to our atmosphere from those which are truly solar-the maps of M. Thollon, which, owing to his lamented death.

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