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1148 Miscellanea Manuscripta. A Collection of Italian and Latin
Poems in MS. Poesie di Refrigeri Rime degli Accademici
Selvaggi di Bologna-Peletarii Scripta quædam in Virgi-
lium de Transpositionibus Operis Virgilii-de Descript. et
Comparationibus Virgilii-Carmina Latina Diversorum,
Auctorum, &c. From the Cassano Collection, 21. 2s. 4to.
1149 OVIDIUS ET HERMANNUS. Ovidii Nasonis de Vetula Libri
cum Præfatione Leonis Protonotarii Palatii Byzantini. In
the Bibl. Latina Fabricii, vol. i. p. 465, is a curious account
of this Poem which is often quoted by Roger Bacon, Sel-
den, &c. Leyser in his Historia Poetarum Medii Ævi,
ascribes these Poems to Leo Protonotarius himself. In the
present MS. the Poem concludes with some verses beginning
Singula dum contemplor ibi descripta libello,
Illum vix possum credere, Naso, tuum.

Vitæ Sanctorum-Ego Hermannus Clericorum Minimus precibus pauperum inclinatus quendam Libellum de Sanctorum Passionibus colligere propono in quo evitarus fastidiosum dispendium ac reluceat brevitatis compendium. In one vol. Manuscript of the end of the Fourteenth century. In double columns very legibly written on vellum. The Life of St. Thomas a Becket, St. Alban, St. George the Martyr, the Passio Undecim Millia Virginum, &c. are included in the Lives of the Saints, 10l. 10s. folio. 1150 Magistri Pauli Logica. Explicit Logica Magistri Pauli de Venetiis scripta in Civitate Novaræ, anno 1425, on vellum,


31. 3s.. 1151 MORLINI, (HIERONYMI) NOVELLARUM OPUS AUCTUM AÐ NUMERUM, LXXXX. MS. upon paper, very legibly written, 12l. 12s.

This Manuscript of the Novels of Morlini is very valuable. It contains a Preface by the Author, in which he defends himself from the Grammatical Errors of the printed text. He then states his intention of printing a new edition, with the addition of Nine Novels, &c. These Novels are contained in the present volume, and have not hitherto been published. There is a long account of this Manuscript in the Borromeo Catalogue, No. 142. 1152 Petrarchæ, (Francisci,) de Remediis utriusque Fortunæ et de Vita Solitaria. MS. of the Fifteenth century upon vellum, 21. 2s.



1153 Poesie Diverse de piu Celebre Autori di questo Secolo rac-
colte del Marchese Federico Ferreri, 1720.
MS. on paper,
10s. 6d.

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1154 ROMAN DE LA ROSE. Ci commence li Romans de la Rose ou l'Art d'Amours est enclose (commence par Guillaume de Lorris et achevé par Jean de Meun.)

Very fine Manuscript of the early part of the Fifteenth century upon vellum. It is elegantly written in double columns in the Gothic character, and contains 157 leaves and



77 grotesque miniatures, from the Mac Carthy Library, No. 2825, it was sold for 750 francs, in yellow morocco, 31l. 10s. 1155 Petrarcha Rime. MS of the Fifteenth Century upon paper very legibly written, 61. 6s. 1156 Petri de Kiosenheim. Roseum Memorabile Divinorum Eloquiorum sive Veteris et Novi Testamenti Libri Carmine Latino redditi. Manuscript of the Fifteenth Century upon vellum with illuminated Capitals. Ex Libris Venerabilis Capituli Fulea Albiensis, 21. 2s.


1157 Regimen Sanitatis Mag. Arnaldi de Villanova-Disputatio Corporis et Animæ, (Carmen). Poeme en Vieux Patois, 3 Tracts. MS. of the Fifteenth century upon vellum, 21. 2s.



1158 Angleterre. Mémoires concernant l'Histoire d'Angleterre sous le Regne de la Reine Anne.

Manuscript upon paper very legibly written, and containing 347 leaves. It contains also a Table des Matieres, in a very modern hand. From the Library of Dom Brial, 31. 3s. folio. 1159 ARETINI, (Leonardi, BrunI,) de Primo Bello Punico Liber. A very beautiful Italian Manuscript of the fifteenth century upon vellum. The capital letters are illuminated in a most elaborate stile of ornament. In the finest preservation, and bound in green morocco, 81. 8s. 8vo. 1160 ARRETINI, (LEONARDI,) in Primum Bellum Punicum Commentarii.

MS. of the fifteenth century upon vellum, with illuminated capitals; in old red morocco, 31. 3s.


1161 Aretino, (Leonardo,) Poeta Fiorentino il primo Bello Punico -Vita del clarissimo Poeta Dante Fiorentino composta per Leon. Aretino-Vita del Petrarcha-Oratione di M. T. Cicerone per il medesimo-Chanzona Morale in commemoratione et fama di Chosimo de Medici, in 1 vol.


MS. of the fifteenth century upon paper, from the Nicolini library at Florence, 31. 3s. 4to.

el Libro del primo Bello Punico composto da lui e poi translato in vulgare a uno suo amico.

MS. of the fifteenth century upon vellum with illuminated capitals, in the original binding, 11. 11s. 6d. 4to. 1163 Boccalini, (Trajano) Consideratione di Trajano Boccalini sopra La Vita di Giulio Agricola scritta da Caio Corn. Tacito. MS. on paper, 10s. 6d.


1164 BRETAGNE. Assize des etats Generaux et Ordinaires du
Pays et Duché de Bretagne convoques et assembles par
Autorité du Roy en la Ville de Dinan suivant les Lettres
Patentes de sa Majesté donnes a Paris le 19 Novembre,


1717, faite dans une des Salles du Couvent des Peres Jacobins de la Ville de Dinan, 1717.

Manuscript on paper, containing 218 leaves; bound in red morocco, 21. 2s.

folio. 1165 Caroldo. Conjura Domini Beomontis Theupuli, simul cum Domino Marco Quirino et conjuratis contra Ducale Dominium 1810 Die 15 Junii.


MS. on paper of the seventeenth century, 15s. 1166 CASA. Instruttioni e Lettere di Monsignore della Casa a nome del Cardinal Carrafa dove si contiene il principio della rottura della Guerra tra Papa Paolo IV. e l'Imperatore Carlo V. l'anno 1555, e tutto il negotiato in Francia per essa Guerra fin alli IV d'Aprile, 1566.



MS. upon paper, containing 137 leaves, from the Guildford Library, 31. 3s. folio. 1167 CHRONICON FOROLIVIENSE ab Anno MCCCXCVII. ad Annum MCCCCXXXIII. auctore Fratre Hieronymo Foroliviensi. This contemporary Chronicle was published by Muratori in the 19th volume of the Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, from the present MS. formerly in the possession of દેદ Comes Brandolinus de Brandolinis Foroliviensis Patricius, nobilitate generis et copia virtutum vir ornatissimus." The volume contains many curious annotations, not printed by Muratori, and, at the commencement, is the following note;


Riccordo, come a di 22 di Settembre 1593 Messere Bartolomeo Marcolini Libraio mi donò questo libro, che mi fu sommamente caro si per le cose degne che contiene della Patria, come ancora per essere compagno di altre tre Libri, che avevo, e ho legati nel medesimo modo e della medesima carta, carattere e scritto nell' istessa forma e modo. A tal che e stata gran ventura che d'improvisó questo Libro si sia riunito con gli altri tre volumi; che sia a laude di Dio benedetto. Hieronymus Aspinus, Domini Francisci quondam alterius Hieronymi Filius scribebat.

Two out of the three Books mentioned in the above note are again come together; they are written in the same hand, and bound in the same manner, and the latter is mentioned by Muratori as belonging to the set.

The first, is CHRONICA GESTA BONONIE EDITA a fratre HIERONYMO DE BURSELLIS BONON, ORDINIS PRÆDIC. ET ex diversis AntiquitatIBUS COLLECTA. ab anno 1104 ad annum 1497.

A portion only of this Chronicle, and from a different
MS. is published by Muratori in the 24th volume of the
Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, from 1418 to 1497. At the
year 1106, mention is made of the Countess Matilda.

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This curious Chronicle, which Muratori conjectures to have been written about the year 1362, was published by him in the fourteenth volume of the Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, from the present MS. formerly in the possession of Count Brandolinus de Brandolinis.

Together 3 vol.; from Lord Guildford's Collection, 121. 12s. folio. 1168 CollecTIONS Out of the Booke called REPERTORIUM, alsoe out of the Black-booke, and whiche booke of Trinity Churche, Dublin, and out of other Authors and Manuscripts, concerning the Churches, Monasteries, Cathedrals, Abbyes, and Hospitalls, in and about the Cyty of Dublin, from few yeares before the desolving of the Abbyes in or about the year 1532.

MS. on paper, written about the beginning of the last century, neat, in calf, 41. 4s. folio. 1169 Comestoris, (Petri) Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris Testamenti, (cum Expositionibus, ex Theologicis Apocryphis et Ethnicis Scriptoribus.) This curious History was compiled about the year 1170. The present Manuscript is of the early part of the Fifteenth century upon vellum and in double columns, in fine préservation, 5l. 5s.

1170 Egidii Romani Liber de Regimine Principum.


MS. of the early part of the Fifteenth Century upon vellum, in double columns, ll. 11s. 6d.

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1171 FRANCE. Lettres et Mémoires servant a L'Histoire de France depuis le 14 Avril 1614 jusqu'au 18 8bre, 1639. Manuscript upon paper very legibly written, and containing 336 leaves, 41. 4s.

1172 Genoa, Genuensium Nobilium Liber Aureus.


Manuscript consisting of nearly 800 pages, and containing a list of the Genoese Nobility, from 1600 to 1790.Marco Gentili Notizie di Genova di 1566 a 1569, a very thick volume containing about 500 pages, Dissertazione del Signor G. Battista Riccheri Nobile Genovese circa il Sommo Imperio e Liberta di S. Remo-Notizie Antichissimi Istoriche ed Avvennimenti di Genova per cui s'intendono notizie dell' Antichissima Istoria ed Avvenimenti della Citta di Genova da non pochi anni avanti e dopo la Nascita di Gesu Christo-Progetto per lo Stabilmento di una Fiera di Genova; together 5 vol. From the Guildford Collection, 41. 4s. folio. 1173 GEORGII SEU GREGORII CYPRII PATRIARCHE CONSTANTINOPOLITANI VITA A SEIPSO SCRIPTA, Græce.

This Work was first published at Venice, by Fr. Bernardo de Rubeis in 1753, from a Manuscript in the Public Library at Leyden. The present MS. containing 135 leaves, is very legibly written on Charta Bombycina, and contains

many important variations from the printed text, a specimen of which was published in 1817 by Matthiæ at Frankfort. Des Patriarchen Gregorias aus Cypern Selbstbiographie, &c. Frankfort, 1817. This MS. is more complete also than that in the Vienna Library; with a copy of the Tract of Matthiæ; 217. folio. 1174 GUISE. Discours particulier contenant le Dessein, Procedé et Execution au vray qua tenu le Roy Henry IIIieme. en la mort de Monsgr. de Guise a Blois en 1588, 10s. 6d. folio. 1175 HISTOIRE. SI COMMENCENT LES ANCIENNES YSTOIRES DU PREMIER ROI ET DES AUTRES APRÈS ET DES ROYALMES DE TOUTES LES PARTIES DU MONDE ET LE COMMENCEMENT DES



Very splendid Manuscript of the Fourteenth century upon vellum, in large folio, containing 271 leaves, written in lettres de forme, in two columns, with summaries in red. It is ornamented with several Miniatures and Capital Letters painted in gold and colours, and is in fine preservation.

This Manuscript contains the Destruction of Thebes, and of Troy, the History of Æneas, the Foundation of Rome, the Histories of Philip, Alexander, Annibal, and Julius Cæsar, and is interspersed with several pieces of old French Rhime. From the La Valliere Library, (vol. 3, p. 56,) 211.

folio. 1176 Histoire de Fredegonde, Princesse de Cherusque, Duchesse d'Hanover, Epouse de George I., Roi de la Grande Bretagne. Les Malheurs de cette infortunée Princesse, sa Prison au Chateau d'Alben ou elle a fini ses jours; ses intelligences secrettes avec le Comte de Konisgmarck assassiné a ce sujet. Avec une Clef Alphabetique pour l'Intelligence de cette Histoire. Manuscript consisting of 291 pages very legibly written, 31. 3s. folio. 1177 Historiarum Veteris Testamenti Libri cum Moralitatibus et Allegoriis Bedæ, Adam. Gregorii, Hier. Isidori et Aliorum. Very fine Manuscript of the Fourteenth Century upon vellum in double columns; in fine preservation, 10l. 10s.

folio. 1178 Historiarum Veteris Testamenti Tabula-Novella Poetriæ, (Carmen)-Colores Verborum-Gaufredus Novella, four Tracts in 1 volume. MS. of the Fifteenth century upon paper, 1l. 11s. 6d.


1179 JANNOZII MANETTI Oratio Funebris in Solenni Laureatione Leonardi Aretini Historici Oratoris ac Poetæ-Platonis Dialogi duo Phædrus et Phædo ab Aretino Latine facti. The Translation of the Phædrus has never been published. Poggii Florentini Oratio in Laudes Leonardi Aretini. This Oration was made at Florence in the year 1443, 3 vol. in 1.

An elegantly written Italian Manuscript of the Fifteenth century upon vellum with illuminated Capitals, 31. 3s.

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