THE 0LIO; OR, MUSEUM OF ENTERTAINMENT. "A just image of human nature, representing its humours, and the changes of fortune to which it is subject, for the delight and instruction of mankind."-DRYDEN. Printed by Shackell and Carfrae, and Published by JOSEPH SHACKELL, 2, BARTLETT'S PASSAGE, FETTER LANE. SOLD BY LONGMAN AND CO.; WHITTAKER AND CO.; SHERWOOD AND CO.; SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL; B. STEILL; C. STRANGE, CARVILL, NEW YORK; AND ALL BOOKSELLERS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. MDCCCXXX. AY45 5 PREFACE. + THE completion of a fifth Volume of "THE OLIO" calls upon us again to make our bow to its supporters. In our last Preface, we pledged ourselves to spare no labour or expense in our efforts for the future. We trust our readers will consider that pledge redeemed, and that they will take it as an earnest of our resolution rather to increase than diminish our endeavours. In referring to that which has already been presented to the public, we must not forget to mention that many alterations and improvements, suggested by time and experience, will be made in the forthcoming volume. A new and elegant fount of type has been cast expressly for the work; and, at the request of numerous readers, the blank space at the back of the embellishment will be filled up by letter-press. By this arrangement nearly three pages of matter will be added to each Monthly Part. We refer our readers with much satisfaction to the series of TALES AND ROMANCES herein presented to them, which, together with our able and original illustrations, present an attraction superior to that of any other periodical. |