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century, described by Skelton, 439;
in Italy, by Petrarch, ib. n. 2
Thierry, William of, his alarm at the
progress of enquiry, 58

Thixtill, John, fell. of Pembroke, one
of Bilney's converts, 564
Thorpe, sir Robert de, master of
Pembroke, commences the divinity
schools at Cambridge, 300; execu-
tors of, complete the erection of
the divinity schools, ib.
Tiedemann, theory of, that the medi-

æval knowledge of Aristotle was
derived from Arabic translations, 93
Tomlyn, Wm., his reckless manage-

ment of the hospital of St. John
the Evangelist, 424

Tonnys, John, prior of the Augusti-

nians at Cambridge, 565; aspires
to learn Greek, ib.

Topica of Aristotle, never quoted
prior to 12th century, 29
Toulouse, civil law taught at, before
foundation of university, 38, n. 1;
university of, formed on the model
of Bologna, 74; founded in the
thirteenth century, 80
Tournaments, celebration of, in the
neighbourhood of Cambridge, 138
Translating, Agricola's maxims on,


Trapezuntius, Georgius, his career
as a scholar, 429; his logic intro-
duced by authority at Cambridge,
ib.; a prescribed text-book at the
university, 630

Trinity College, Oxford, originally
Durham College, 203

Trinity, gild of the Holy, at Cam-
bridge, 248

Trinity Hall, foundation of, 242;
designed exclusively for canonists
and civilians, ib.; formerly a hostel
belonging to the monks of Ely, ib.
n. 1; conditions imposed at, with
respect to elections of a master
and fellows, 243; library given to,
by the founder, ib.; certain sta-
tutes of, substituted for those of
Gonville Hall, 246; its early sta-
tutes an echo of the traditions of
Avignon, 255; Bilney's converts at,

Trivium of the Roman schools, 24
'Trojans,' the opponents of Greek at

Oxford self-named, 524
Tübingen, university of, compromise
between the nominalists and real-
ists at, 417

Tunstal, Cuthbert, patronises Eras-

mus's Nov. Inst., 512; academic
career of, 591; character of, 592;
temporising policy of, ib.; his writ-
ings, ib.; his Arithmetic, ib.; his
interview with Tyndale, 593; de-
scription of, by Tyndale, 594;
preaches at the burning of Tyn-
dale's New Testament, 600; dis-
posal of the Linacre endowments
by, 603, n. 2

Twyne, Brian, disingenuous argu-
ment of, against the antiquity of
the university, 145, n. 1; his sug-
gestion that the 'Trojans' at Ox-
ford were Cambridge men, 539
Tyndale, Wm., his observation on
Erasmus, 488, n. 3; his New Tes-
tament a carrying out of an idea
sanctioned by Erasmus, 587; why
the work was denounced by the
moderate party, 588; probably did
not go to Cambridge until after
Erasmus had left, 589; probably a
pupil of Croke, ib.; his reminis
cences of Oxford, 590; his life in
Gloucestershire, 591; his inter-
view with Tunstal, 593; his ser-
vices compared with those of Tun-
stal, 595; his career on leaving
England, ib.; his attainments as a
scholar, 596; his scholarship vin-
dicated, 597; followed Luther's
teaching, 598; demand for his
New Testament in England, 599;
character of the work, 600; burn-
ing of the same at Paul's Cross, ib.


Ultramontani, foreigners so named
in the university of Bologna, 73
Ultramontanists, English, at the
council of Basel, 281; their influ-
ence paramount at Cambridge in
the 15th century, 287
'Undergraduate,' the term inapplica-
ble to students during the greater
part of the Middle Ages, 352
Unity of the intellect, theory of the,

Universals, controversy respecting,

prevalent in the schools, 56; every
science, as such, can deal only
with, 190
Universitas, real significance of the
term, 71; its first application to
Paris, ib.; the term employed in
various senses, ib.; Universitas
vestra, singular meaning of the
expression, 72, n. 1

[blocks in formation]

University education, conflicting
opinions as to the value in which
it was held in the Middle Ages,
University Hall, Clare Hall originally
so called, 250, n. 1; 251
University library, foundation of
the, 323; benefactors to, ib.; two
early catalogues of, ib.; first library
building, ib.

University library, Oxford, when com-
menced, 203, n. 2; original statute
respecting its management, ib.
University press, the, 625; its inac-
tivity in the sixteenth century,

Urban 11, his object in authorising
the Crusades, 88

Urban Iv, pope, orders the Francis-

cans to quit Bury, 150

Urban v, use of benches and seats
at lectures forbidden by, 131, n. 1


Vacarins, lectures at Oxford on the
civil law by, 38 and n. 2

Valence, Peter de, writes a denuncia-
tion over Leo's proclamation of
indulgences affixed to the gate of
the common schools, 557; is ex-
communicated by Fisher, ib.; story
respecting, ib.

Valerius Maximus, the classical lec-

turer at C. C. C., Oxford, ordered
by bp. Fox to lecture on, 521, n. 2
Valla, Laurentius, his contests with
the civilians of Pavia, 418; his
controversy with an eminent jurist,
419; the classical lecturer at
C. C. C., Oxford, ordered by bp.
Fox to lecture on the Elegantic of,
521, n. 2

Vaughan, Dr. Robt., doubtful charac-
ter of his assumptions with respect
to Wyclif, 269

Venetus, John, preaches against La-
timer at St. Mary's, 611
Vercelli, university of, founded in
the 13th century, 80

Verses, memorial, on the trivium
and quadrivium, first found in Dor-
bellus, 566, n. 3
Vicenza, university of, its founda-
tion the result of a migration from
Bologna, 80

Victorinus, his translation of the
Isagoge of Porphyry used by Ger-
bert at Rheims, 44; passage in
translation of Porphyry by, 51;
quotation from same translation,

Vienna, university of, formed on
the model of Paris, 74; division
into 'nations' at, 79, n. 2; statute
of, quoted, ib.; the eldest daugh-
ter of Paris,' 215; mathematical
studies required for degree of mas-
ter of arts at, in 14th century, 351
Virgil, lectures on, by Gerbert at

Rheims, 44; three copies of, in li-
brary of Christchurch, Canterbury,

Vischer, Dr., his observations on the

progress of nominalism in the
Middle Ages, 196, n. 2

Vitelli, Cornelius, teaches Greek at
Oxford, 478

Vitrarius, friend of Erasmus, pre-
ferred Origen to any other father,
Vives, Frobenius declines to publish
the works of, in consequence of
absorbing attention commanded
by the Lutheran controversy, 385
Vulgate, the Latin, errors in, pointed
out by Roger Bacon, 158; dis-
carded by Erasmus in his Nov.
Test., 523


Wainfleet, Wm., provost of Eton,
probably prepared the second sta-
tutes of King's College, 307, n. 1
Waltham, earl Harold's foundation
at, 162
Warham, archbp., presented Erasmus
to the rectory of Aldington, 504;
munificence of, to Erasmus, 518
Warton, his explanation of the de-
cline of the monasteries as centres
of education, 207

Watson, John, fell. of Peterhouse,
master of Christ's, a friend of

Erasmus at Cambridge, 499; letter
from, to Erasmus, ib.; one of
Barnes' opponents, 577
Wendover, Roger of, testimony of,
to the successful preaching of the
Franciscans, 91 and n. 1
Wessel, John, rebels against the au-
thority of Aquinas, 409
West, Nicholas, fell, of King's, bp.
of Ely, remodels the statutes of
Jesus College, 321 and n. 5; does so
in professed conformity to the de-
sign of Alcock, 322 and n. 1; though
an eminent canonist forbids the
study of the canon law at Jesus
College, 322; ostentatious charac-
ter of, 583; attends Latimer's ser-
mon before the university, ib.;
asks him to preach against Luther,
ib.; inhibits him from preaching,


Westcott, canon, his estimate of Tyn-

dale's New Testament quoted, 597
Westminster Abbey, estates of the

lady Margaret professorship en-
trusted to the authorities of, 436
Whately, archbp., his recognition of
the need of a History of Logic,

Whewell, Dr., his observation on
Roger Bacon combated by later
writers, 170, n. 1

White canons, the, their house op-
posite to Peterhouse, 139
White Horse Inn, the, 572; site of,

ib. n. 1; known as Germany,' 573
Whitford, Rich., fell. of Queens' Col-
lege, leave of absence granted to,
372, n. 2
Wilkinson, Tho., retires from the
presidency of Queens' College to
make way for Fisher, 446
Williams, George, Mr., his opinion

with respect to statutes of King's
College quoted, 306, n. 2; 307, n. 1
Wingfield, sir Rich., appointed high

steward in 1524, 584, n. 3; his
reasons for desiring the office, ib.
Wittenberg, arguments used at,
against the study of Greek, 538,

n. 1
Wolsey, cardinal, the reputed author

of the spoliation of St. John's Col-
lege,468; sympathies of, mainly with
Oxford, 469; an imitator of bp. Fox
in his innovations at Oxford, 521;
founds a chair of Greek at Oxford,
526; is solicited to accept the office
of chancellor and declines, ib. ;
his name appears in the list of

benefactors of St. John's College,
ib. n. 5; his visit to Cambridge,
542; his character contrasted with
that of Fisher, 544; his relations
to Cambridge, 545; virtues ascribed
to, in Bullock's oration, 546; his
victims at the universities, 548;
is constituted sole reviser of the
statutes of the university of Oxford,
549; is invested with similar powers
at Cambridge, ib.; obtains the
king's licence to endow Cardinal
College, 551; invites scholars from
Cambridge to the new foundation,
552; his scholastic learning, ib.;
pleads that he is not authorised to
burn Luther's early treatises, 570;
orders active search to be made
for Luther's works, 571; declines
to appoint a commission to en-
quire into the doings of the Cam-
bridge Reformers, 575; is attacked
by Barnes, 576; summons Barnes
to London,578; authorises Latimer
to preach in defiance of the bp. of
Ely, 584

Wood, Anthony, respecting the loss
of the most ancient charters of
Oxford, 81, n. 1; on the inter-
course between Paris and Oxford,
134; censured by Mr Anstey, 160,
n. 1; his explanation of the decline
of the ardour of the universities
in the 14th century, 208; his ob-
servation that nearly all the bishops
came from Oxford, 425; his retort
on Croke's assertion that Oxford
was colonia a Cantabrigia deducta,

Woodlark, Robt., founder of St. Ca-

therine's Hall, 317; provost of
King's College, ib.; his ability as
an administrator, 318; forbids the
study of the canon and civil law
at St. Catherine's, ib.; no books
on these subjects in the library he
gave to the society, ib. n. 2
Woodville, Eliz. (queen of Edw. rv),
gives the statutes of Queens' Col-
lege, 316

Worcester, earl of, a disciple of Gua-
rino at Ferrara, 396

Wyclif, John, De Dominio Divino of,
opposed to papal claims founded
on the canon law, 36; how far a
follower of Occam, 261; his rela-
tions to the Mendicants, ib.; his
efforts on behalf of the secular
clergy at Oxford, 264; leaves Ox-
ford, 265; his return, ib.; his

character, 267; period at which
he assumed that of a reformer,
ib. n. 1; (?) the original of Chau-
cer's Parish Priest, ib. n. 2; not
originally hostile to the Mendi-
cants, 268; vehemence of his at-
tack upon them, 270; his doctrines
opposed to the civil and canon law,
272; his works prohibited, ib.
Wykeham, Wm. of, motives that led

him to found New College, 302; in-
fluence of his example, 363


Year, the, 1349, 241; 1516, prospects
of reform in, 558
York, school of, in the eighth cen-
tury, 9


By the same Author.



Seventeenth Century:







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