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Printed for R. HETT, at the Bible and Crown,
and J. OSWALD, at the Rofe and Crown, both
in the Poultry. MDCCXL.

[Price Stitch'd One Shilling and Six-pence.]

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HE following Sheets pretend

to no more than a Vindication of the ScriptureDoctrine of Original Sin, from Mr Taylor's Misrepresentations of it, and his Objections against it; and a Vindication of several Texts of Scripture, in which this Doctrine is contained, from the forced and unnatural Senfes which, the Author apprehends, Mr Taylor hath put upon them, in favour of his own Scheme.


No further Explication and Proof of this Doctrine is here attempted, than what was necessary to these Purposes. The Writer most sincerely joins with Mr Taylor's hearty Wish, in his Preface, That we may all study the Scriptures impartially, peaceably, and in the Spirit of Love. It is hoped nothing will be found contrary to that Spirit in the ensuing Pages. Mr Taylor would have us freely use our own Judgment, without any Regard to his. And he declareth, If we are led into any Error, by an implicit Faith in what he faith, we ourselves Shall be accountable for it. This Book is writ with a fincere Intention and Defire, that none may be accountable for any fuch Error. If any Sentences should be thought too fevere, the Writer hopes the candid Reader will confider, how difficult it is to read over a Book, wrote with so much Spirit

Spirit and Warmth as that which this remarks upon, without, now and then, catching a little of the Author's Fire. He prefumes, therefore, that the Admirers of Mr Taylor's Book cannot justly find Fault with this Performance, on that Account: He is rather apprehenfive of the Cenfures of some others, who, perhaps, will not find their Indignation at Mr Taylor's Book fufficiently expressed in this. But, however that be, he is fure, that he hath honestly endeavoured to fet Things in a just Light, without aiming at gratifying any Party; and therefore hopes he shall efcape the fevere Cenfures of all true Lovers of Truth, and of the Word of God. He is of Opinion with Solomon, that only by Pride cometh Contention; and that if we all studied the Scriptures with a more humble Mind, we should study them more impartially and peaceably;


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