Dictionary of National Biography, Volume 1Smith Elder, 1885 - Great Britain |
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Common terms and phrases
Abbot Adam Adamnan Addison Ælfred afterwards Alchfrith Aldhelm Alexander Allen Anderson Andrews Anne Anthony à Wood appeared appointed April archbishop became bishop born British British Museum brother buried Cambridge Canterbury catholic Charles church College court daughter death died duchess Duke Eadmer ealdorman Earl Edinburgh edition elected Elfred Elfric England English father favour Florence of Worcester French Gent George Henry Henry VIII Hist History honour Ireland James John July June king king's Lady land Latin letter London Lord Lord Sidmouth March Marlborough marriage married Memoirs ment minister Oxford Papers parliament poem pope prince princess printed published queen Queen Anne received reign returned Robert Rome royal Scotland Scottish sent Sept sermons Simeon of Durham Society Thomas tion took translation treatise volume whigs wife William William of Malmesbury writings wrote
Popular passages
Page 127 - Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison...
Page 175 - This view, most popular at the end of the last and the beginning of this century and coinciding with the golden age of natural sciences, found its strongest support among biologists.
Page 402 - I take my subjects' money when I want it, without all this formality in parliament?" The Bishop of Durham readily answered, "God forbid, sir, but you should; you are the breath of our nostrils." Whereupon the king turned, and said to the Bishop of Winchester, " Well, my lord, what say you ? " " Sir," replied the bishop, " I have no skill to judge of parliamentary cases.
Page 165 - A Testimonie of Antiquitie, shewing the auncient fayth in the Church of England touching the Sacrament of the body and bloude of the Lord, here publikely preached, and also receaued in the Saxons' tyme, aboue 600 yeares agoe. Imprinted at London by John Day, dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath S.
Page 365 - THE Life of John Buncle, Esq. ; containing various Observations and Reflections made in several parts of the World, and many Extraordinary Relations...
Page 126 - I fared like a distressed Prince who calls in a powerful neighbour to his aid. I was undone by my auxiliary. When I had once called him in, I could not subsist without dependence on him.
Page 128 - Booth to his box, and gave him fifty guineas for defending the cause of liberty so well against a perpetual dictator.
Page 365 - Memoirs, containing the Lives of several Ladies of Great Britain; a History of Antiquities, Productions of Nature, and Monuments of Art; Observations on the Christian Religion, as professed by the Established Church and Dissenters of every Denomination...
Page 118 - Addington entered office as first lord of the treasury and chancellor of the exchequer.
Page 334 - Reflections on the Books of the Holy Scripture, to establish the Truth of the Christian Religion.