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has fallen into thier clutches, and has been true mortgagee of his rights. Such then are the made instrumental in performing several spe- mal-practices of the Mofussil people, and such cies of iniquity. All the venders and the are the machinations resorted to to defeat the distributors are well acquainted with the ends of justice. I know of a person who paid native character. Many of them there- not three months ago twenty-four rupees each fore write on the back of some stamps cer- for two copies of stamps, (the duty of which tain dates of their fictitious sale's delivery, was only eight rupees each) of January before and their own names, and instead of disposing last, for drawing out deeds of mutual separaof them according to those dates, reserve them tion and partition. The intentions of this perfor future occasions. When a person wishes son I need not specify here. to forge or get an agreement, a deed of mortgage, or a partition of an anterior date made, Now analize this Regulation, take it thick he immediately sends for old stamps from the and thin and let us know what good it is capavenders, and pays them for their friendly and ble of producing? It is just like the Regulaseasonable services double or treble the amouut tion about transit duties, working effects of the of duty leviable on them, and thus cheats and most mischievous kind, and calculated to dedefrauds the persons whom it is his object to generate the natives more and more so long as injure. To elucidate the subject a little more it unfurls its banner in this land of darkness. clearly, I shall give an example here. A When we therefore consider that the stampmortgagee by virtue of a mortgaged deed fore-regulation is an impediment to justice, harascloses the property of the mortgager, in de- sing as it is in these hard times to suitors of fault of the payment of this money, and puts every description, and connot but be prejudiit up for sale. If the mortgager be well versed cial to the moral amelioration of our countryin the buisness of swindling, he immediately men, and that our country is labouring under the gets an old stamp brought from the venders, privations of poverty, and in consequence of and makes out a mortgage deed of the same the failure of several mercantile firms, her spirit property to a different individual, bearing a of commercial enterprize has been very much date prior to that of the lawful mortgageer. benumbed, we cannot refrain from raising an The pretended mortgagee then comes forward unanimous voice against it, and shall hail the with the false instrument, and in consequence day with pleasure when the happy tidings of of his appearing the first mortgagee becomes the abolition of this detestable regulation reaentitled to the property, and thus deprives the ches our ear.—Reformer.




If the soil and the climate are favorable to the sugar-cane, the same circumstances appear to be equally favorable to coffee and cotton. The first of this two plants is found to grow best at a considerable elevation above the level and somewhat removed from the immediate influence of the sea, and requires to be shaded from the meridian sun; -advantages which the new settler would have here, in the undulating and shady character of the country. There are to be seen in gardens a few specimens only, for it is not cultivated as an article of commerce. An attempt to grow it to some extent was made some years since and failed, and from the situation of the place pointed out as the locality of the plantation it would seem, a worse one could not have been chosen, it being upon a bare hill, near to the sea shore and exposed to the direct influence of the hot and dry winds already spoken of. That a plant susceptible of being so easily affected by exposure to the sun, should have withered and died on such a spot cannot be a matter of wonder to any one who has any acquaintance

with the subject. And until the experiment of planting according to old rules shall have failed, the evidence of the few solitary plants which are planted and properly sheltered in various gardens, as has already been stated, and which yield abundantly, must lead to the inference that under similar circumstances, large plantations of it will give similar results.

To the new settler no crop is perhaps better suited to meet the exigencies of the moment than cotton. Cotton may be planted and gathered from lands yet uncleared of the stumps remaining after the forest which covered them had disappeared: it will grow on rich or light soils, and whilst its planting affords a gradual means of preparing the ground for the plough and for other crops which may promise greater advantages to the planter, it yields him in the meanwhile, a quick and profitable return for his labor. In the course of a very few months after planting the pods are already in a fit state to be gathered, and a trifling expense of machinery enables him to prepare his cotton for market.

As to its adaptation to the soil and climate

of this island, reference must again be made looked-for disappointment is not yet ascertainto a few specimens of this plant of various ed, but those may not be greatly mistaken kinds, viz: the Pernambuca and Manila, who attribute it to the exposure of the hills, which the praise-worthy enterprise of some on which the plantations are made, to the individuals residing here have imported and sirocco-like wind already alluded to. Time reared in their gardens. Samples of the Per- will determine whether, when planted in more nambuca have been returned from Liverpool inland and sheltered situations, it will be where they had been sent to be valued, with liable to the same vicissitude. The quality the price of 13d. per lb. affixed to them. These of that produced was pronounced excellent. samples are by no means equal to the quality Pepper is raised here and to a very consiof the same species now produced under a derable amount, which competent dealers more careful cultivation. The Manila seed estimate at from eight to ten thousand piculs yields a still more beautiful fibre; which for annually. The cultivation of this vine is alfinenes and softness, can be compared to no most entirely in the hands of the Chinese other than to Sea Island. Unfortunately, who, by hard work and great economy, make the trials which have been made in planting a living by it; but it is doubtful if at the this latter kind have not been so successful present low price of this article, it can be as the former, which grows luxuriantly and successfully carried on by Europeans, on a yields abundantly; whilst the Manila seeds have hardly attained the height of twenty inches, and give here and there only a few pods. Whether this arises from bad seeds, unsuitable soil, or uncongeniality of climate, are circumstances which will be determined by future experiments.

Having pointed out sugar, coffe, and cotton as commodities likely to thrive well on this island, I now proceed to refer to other species of cultivation already established here. These are principally plantations of the finer spices, such as nutmeg, cloves and


large scale. Connected with most of pepper groudas is a plantation of gambier, the leaves of which latter plant after having been boilded in water to extract the substance which afterwards by concentration becomes the astringent known here under the name of gambier, and terra japanica in Europe, are put to the roots of the pepper vines and make an excellent manure.

Around the settlement there are fields of

paddy or rice, cultivated by people indigenous to the East, but on a very small scale, suflicient, however, to demonstrate the practicability of a greater extension of this comThe two former are owned by Europeans modity, as well as those which have already who represent the profits to be amply remunerative of the outlay of capital. The nut-after to their more extended cultivation. been named, should attention be turned heremeg, by its congeniality to the soil grows luxuriantly and yields abundance of nuts The suggestions which have been thrown which bear the highest market price. Plan-out on the capabilities, &c. of this Island are tations of cloves have been made also by as applicable to the three united settlements, Europeans, and when after gathering the first crops there seemed to be the best founded hopes of their long continuing to yield, they have had to witness the sudden decay of the trees as if struck by lightning or cut off at the root, and there scarcely remains, at this day, a healthy clove tree among the lately flourishing groves. The cause of this un-collectively.

viz: Penang, Malacca and Singapore, and for a more comprehensive and valuable elucidation of the subject I would refer to the production of a much abler pen than that which traces these brief observations, and which, after having been recorded in the Penang Gazette, are about to be published


presented will be quite ample.

The next great point for consideration is,, where; for the general reader, the view here to inquire if the different branches of agriculture, which have been pointed at as suitable to the soil and climate of this Island, can be carried on with as much economy here as in other tropical countries. Effectually to develope this very important part of the subject, it would be necessary to have access to documents not attainable here;—therefore an approximative comparison is all which can be hoped for under such circumstances, and as in the statement of the relative value of labour here, with that of slave-holding countries, all the facts relating to this Island will be found, it will be easy for any one who wishes to arrive at great exactness to compare them with such statements as may be had else

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The situation of this Island, off the south eastern projection of the Continent of Asia, having on one side the vast population of China, and on the other that of India-both countries within a few days' sail, is such, as to insure to it an ample working population, so long as by a removal hither a better support can be had than at home. And that they do benefit by migrating here, may be inferred by the numbers of them who annually resort here. Of these the Chinese are by far the most venturesome, for during the junk season hordes of them are cast upon these shores, some to remain, whilst others take shipping here and spread themselves among the Islands in the

neighbourhood, or on the Malayan Peninsula. of, a selection is made of the most efficient Both Indians and Chinese arriving here in a men. state of great destitution, many take to the Let us now endeavour to see the cost of jungle, perhaps rather from necessity than choice, finding it easier to obtain there that work is still carried on, or was till very lately, ordinary labor in countries where plantation support, which in the settlement is not to be had; and hence that large Chinese population performed by slaves. The price of each of hid in the jungle, the thievish and murderous from Africa, is in the Brazils about two hunthese unfortunate persons, when first landed inroads of whom in the night on the defence-dred dollars each; in the West Indies from less inhabitants of the skirts of the settlement, three to four hundred dollars: and this for miare but too frequently felt.

serable creatures, one-third of whom die in the process of being acclimated, which adds to the cost of those who survive. A creole slave bears a much higher price, but for the purpose here intended, let the average price of grownup slaves be put down at the lowest valuation of four hundred dollars each. Here then is a capital of 400 dollars, the simple interest on which at 6 per cent. is.....

In point of fact, therefore, an abundance of working hands can never be wanting here so long as the means of supporting life may be easier had here than in India, or China. And it has already been said that this state of things still continues, as is evinced by the arrival here, each year, of one or two thousand Chinese. On the coming in of the junks a great number of them enter into engagements of voluntary servitude for one year, with masters in want of servants, and for this specified time of service medical attendance, & capitation tax. the passage money, generally from ten to twelve Spanish dollars, is paid to the captain of the junk; the master further agrees with his ser

Maintenance in food, clothing,

drs 24.


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Average cost of Chinese labour



Shewing a difference of....


vant to pay him a sum usually fixed at five in Singapore...... dollars, on the expiration of the year :--he further covenants to find him rice and fish during this time-the expense of which is about one and a quarter to one and a half or nearly twenty-eight per cent. in favor of the Spanish dollar per month. Thus for about cost of labour here-and be it observed that thirty-three dollars he obtains the services of no account is made of a much higher rate of an able-bodied labourer, for twelve calendar interst than that put down here; the rate of inmonths. To such labourers who are free from terest being oftener 10 and 12 than 9 per cent. these engagements, and who may be had at in those countres; the maintenance of helpany time, and in almost any numbers, the or-less children and of the superannuated; deteridinary wages paid is from three to four dollars oration by accidents and old age of the slaves, per month. But in this case they find their and many other contingencies, which are but food themselves, and at their own cost. too well known to the practised planter, all Others may be hired for special purposes, re- of which tend to enhance the cost of each quiring a longer or shorter time, at twelve slave. and a half cents per day and not found in food. Slavery having been abolished from all the This class of labourers cons sts principally of British possessions, the former masters, in orMalays, who, not being inclined to works der to carry on the business of their properties, which require constant and steady application, have entered into agreements with the apprenlet themselves out for such jobs as clearing tices to work at a specified price. In Barlands, ditching, &c. &c. Mechanics receive badoes, containing the densest black (lately six dollars and upwards per month, accord- slave) population of any British West India ing to their craft and skill. The labourers of colony, and where, from this circumstance, laIndia, although not as hardy as the Chinese, bor may be supposed to be cheapest, the price demand and receive higher wages than these; of field labor, limited to 8 and 10 hours per day, this arises probably from the circumstance of is fixed at 1s. 6d. which at 6s. 3d. per currency there being less competition among them. dollar is about 4 of a Sp. dollar. Whether the Many of them have small gardens outside the food and general maintenace of the apprentice settlement, where, beside raising vegetables is at his own charge, or at that of the employthey keep cows from which they supply the er, I have no means of ascertaining; but let inhabitants with milk and butter. Others us take the most favorable view of it and adown and drive buffalo carts for public conve- mit that twenty-four cents per day covers the nience. On large plantations they would be master's whole expense, even this admission particularly useful in attending cattle and shews the price of labor to be in Barbadoes working the carts, for neither of which infinitely greater than here-more than double business the timid Chinese has much relish, and this without taking into account the preferring the quiet routine of planting, weed- parish establishments which the new system ing and gathering. It is seen then, that the has introduced, the expense of which is levied cost of field labour is had here at from thirtyon the estates and which naturally enters three, thirty-six and forty-eight dollars per into the accounts as a fair charge against the annum, the average of which is thirty-nine apprentice. dollars. It need not be said that these are picked men since it must be apparent to all It is scarcely necessary to dwell on a subject that inasmuch as there is plenty to choose out requiring so little investigation to make it per


fectly plain to the most common understanding. tries, not only is labor dearer, but you must Here there is abundance of hands to choose use such only as is to be had; such as has out of greater or a smaller number may be been paid for good or bad; recourse must employed for a longer or a shorter time, at be had to punishments to compel the services the will of the master. He may dismiss them of the refractory; the master must be at the at pleasure at the end of his crop; he is reliev- pains of ascertaining whether the food and ed from the trouble of feeding and clothing clothing dealt out are consumed and used, or them, and if in times of sickness or when by whether they become articles for improper natural decay the helpless servant receives traffic-and finally he is denied the merit of bis the attention and maintenance from the mas- charities by the enactment of laws, to the inter, the act is one of voluntary charity and forcement of which is attributed those provisibenefice. The servant's claim is a moral but ons for the needy which may be seen on his not an obligatory one. In slave-holding coun- property.


The distant reader in whose hands the foregoing brief remarks may chance to fall, will naturally look for a statement of the land regulation for this island. He is doubt lessly aware of its being a possession of the East India Company's and under the Bengal Government. The Company grants leases for a determined period, but it never parts with the fee of the land. The following abstract of the Regulations is taken from the Singapore Chronicle of January 1833 :


As well might the island have been doomed to perpetual sterility as to have imposed such conditions, and it cannot be a matter of surprise that since the enactment of these regulations, not one single lease has been taken out. And indeed it is but too obvious that no man in his senses would incur the necessarily heavy expenses of clearing land of dense masses of trees, or drain it where required, having in the first place to pay a quit-rent of one dollar per acre during a period when he did not re"Persons desirous of cleaning and culti-ceive one pice of returns from it-and three vating waste and forest land, must make dollars, for a second period-encreased to application to the superintendent of lands, three, six, and finally to the ruinous rent of stating the district and place where the dollars, or one thousand dollars per land is situated; also the description of land, hundred acres-and in default of payment and also its extent. After due survey the to forfeit all his improvements. He would superintendent will report the application to just begin to see his nutmegs and cloves in the Chief Civil Authority, who, if no objection bearing when his quit rent was trebled from exists, will grant a permit to clear the land, one to three dollars and failing to pay it, he which must be effected within such time as must have to forfeit the fruits of his labour and may be determined. The land being cleared, fitteen years rent. the holder of the permit shall be entitled to a lease, subject to the following limitations and provisions:-that the rate of rent shall not exceed one dollar, (Spanish) per acre, on the first lease given, fifteen years being the duration; that the lease so granted shall be, at its expiration exchanged for a second lease for a further term of fifteen years, at such rate as shall be determined on, not exceeding three dollars per acre:-that on the expiration of the second lease, a third for fifteen years shall be granted at a rate exceeding six dollars per acre-and that at the expiration of the third lease, a fourth shall be granted at a rate not exceeding ten dollars per acre, per an


"It shall be optional with the Government in the event of lease-holders refusing to accept a lease at, or under, the rates above specified, to eject the holder and resume the land with all buildings thereon. The rate of ten dollars per acre being declared to be the maximum of rent demandable for lands occupied for cultivation and beyond the limits of the town, or any other town which may be hereafter established, it shall be optional with holders to demand a permanent lease of 999 years at the rate of ten dollars per acre, per annum."

The benefit derived by landlords in giving out long leases and on moderate terms is now so well understood as to make it difficult to understand how in these enlightened days, so narrow a policy as the one prescribed has endured so long, and more especially when, vernment of the place, sensible of the impolicy as it is generally understood, the local Goof the measure, has long since pointed out and recommended a more liberal course. That the Company would gain greatly by it is made evident by the fact, that whereas now a very trifling sum is received for rent of land beyond the limits of the town," the whole island, containing about 1,35,000 square acres, if under improvement, and the land leased out on the most moderate terms, would even And that there yield a large annual amount. would be plenty of enterprising capitalists and planters ready to take advantage of the favorale circumstances which it has been the aim of these observations and details to point out, and willing to pay liberally for land Such on long leases, cannot be doubted. favorable regulations would bring to these shores the energy and experience of men long accustomed to the improvements of modern I colonial agriculture; who, apprehending no

thing short of ruin to themselves in remaining five hundred square-rigged vessels, and by one in the colonies under the system of free labor, thousand four hundred native craft, all importwould gladly remove here, where, secure from ing from, and all carrying commodities of varisimilar changes as those lately experienced, ous kinds in greater or lesser quantities, to every, they would embark largely in planting sugar, civilized and uncivilized, part of the coffee, spices and other tropical commodities. Globe. And why, when possessed of a supeThe island would soon cease to be a waste, rior climate;-why, when land, labor and food or a receptacle for hordes of half civilized are cheaper; why, when sure of a good home Chinese, who by being brought to work in market; why, when the cost of production is large bodies under European masters, and less-the certainty of realising greater-the subjected to the discipline necessary and con- means of disposing more ample-why, with sequent thereto, would cease to be objects of such natural advantages and such resources, terror, as they now are, and would become may not this island be capable of yielding useful subjects. And need it be added that yearly, products of its own, to an amount prosuch a state of things would be of immense portionably as large as that of Barbadoes? value to the trade of this settlement?

This port is already an important mart for Eastern products, and to the amount of its exports which now are nearly all derived from the countries adjacent, did the island produce crops of its own, to add to these already large amounts, it would become still more important. Of the extent of such an addition, derived from the soil of the place itself, some idea may be formed from the returns of the exports of the island of Barbadoes (an island containing about 1,06,000 square acres, or

about three quarters of the surface of Singa

pore) as taken from the recent valuable work of Mr. Montgomery Martin, an access to which the writer has but just had, and an earlier reference to which would have been of great service to him. It appears from the above that in 1830 Barbadoes exported in aloes, sugar and rum, to Great Britain, £6,24,734 sterling.-To British Colonies £1,36,842-to Foreign States £15,118-total £7,76,694—and employed 20,000 tons of British shipping. The imports during the same year, the last of which there are any returns, by 19,000 tons of British shipping £370,000. The amount of property created was £2,000,000-and of property moveable and immoveable £15,000,000. But a very considerable portion of these two last amounts doubtless represents property in slaves. And Barbadoes, although one of the healthiest of the West India Islands, is far from possessing so remarkably a healthful climate as that of this island, nor its commanding commercial situation on the only direct route connecting the two vast regions of the East -India and China-on the high way from the Straits of Sunda to the Gulph of Siam and the China Seas. Neither is Bridge Town the Capital of that fine island, visited yearly by upwards of

Reference having often been made in the
course of these remarks to the comparatively
low prices of articles necessary and suitable to
agricultural undertakings, the following cur-
rent prices here are added in conclusion.
Burnt bricks, 8 by 44 inch. Į 17 Spnish Dlrs.
9 by 43 Sp. laksa, or 10,000
Burnt Tiles for Roofing Drs. 23 per do.
Burnt Lime, Drs. 3 per Coyan or 40 pls. of
133 lb.

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Square timber of hard hood, 24 feet by 6 In, at

Dirs. 1 each.

Board and Deals of country wood, 18, by 11
inch. 1 inch. thick, Drs. 18 per 100 boards.
Do. 11 feet by 11 inch. 1 inch. thick Drs. 10 per

Do. 8 feet by 8 inch. inc thick Drs. 4 der do.
Buffaloes, two of which equal in strength of 3
bulls or 4 Mules, Drs. 18 each.

Table Rice, Drs 1. 80 per picul cf 1331⁄2 lbs.
Ordinaty do. Drs. 1. 40 do.

Wheat, Bengal, per bag, Drs.2 per 160 lb.
Sugar, brown clayed, Drs. 5 per picul.
Do. white,

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Drs. 6

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The expense incurred by Government for subjects from the incursions of robbers and the support of Police Thanas, is ulesess if they thieves, &c. &c. ; but can they be said to act go on in their present deplorable manner. They are, we doubt not, established for the purpose of securing the property and lives of the

up to that object when thousands and thou-
sands of robberis are daily commited in the very
heart of the city? Government profess to levy

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