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Chief Justice.-The point is if this is a fraud does it avoid the discharge?

The learned

to him by Major Hutchinson. I say the thing is incredible. I would ask if it is consistent with the ordinary practice of mankind, that Major Hutchinson should have applied for the man's dicharge without intimating the terms on which it might be granted? Major Hutchinson swears that he did apprize Holloway of the contents of the letter sanctioning his employment as head founder in the presence of Mr. Calder, who was also employed in the foundry, when, for the first time, Holloway remarked something about losing his own and his wife's military pay, Calder told Major Hutchinson that Holloway was not content as to the terms, when the Major expressed some surprize, and added that the application having been made at the man's own request, he could do no more but give him half an hour to consider of it. Now this occurred a considerable time after the letter was written, and after he had expressed his willingness to stay on the terms agreed on. But let us see what Calder swears. He swears Holloway appeared well satisfied to hear of the appointment to serve three years, and that he (Calder) was present when Major Hutchinson informed Holloway that the official communication had been received, sanctioning the appointment to serve three years, on a salary of Rs 60 per mensem. Calder alone would The Advocate General.-Any friend of the party be enough, and more than enough, to contradict the tes- might do so, and if the defrauder become bankrupt, no timony of Holloway, that he never heard of the three action of trover would lie. But suppose this man had years and 60 Rs before the letter of the 11th August received the discharge, there are still other grounds, for was written. But I will now come, without detailing all the discharge of a soldier is a part of the King's prerothe particular, to that letter, of which, remember, my gative, exercised by his responsible advisers, but still lords, Major Hutchinson is charged with forging the sig-referable ultimately to him. The learned counsel here cited the 75 and 114 Articles of War, which are as follows:

The Advocate General.-I will now pass to the law of the case. I think I may lay it down as a general rule that nothing obtained by fraud can be binding and good; -that fraud vitiates every agreement counsel who obtained this rule has argued, that though the King may cancel a discharge, a Commander-in-Chief cannot. But will it be supposed that if the king delegates to the Commander-in-Chief the power of granting a discharge, it is not accompanied with a power of cancelling it, if obtained by fraud? Was it ever heard of in a court of law, where a third party was not interested, that an action succeeded on an agreement fraudulently obtained? As to the completion of the discharge, I deny that it ever took place, and I maintain it might be stopt in transitu, like a bale of goods fraudulently obtained, by a friend to the party defrauded.


Mr. TURTON.-No. I deny it in toto.

Mr. JUSTICE GRANT.-I should apprehend that the person who placed the letter in the Post Office might stop it, but I cannot see how it can be done by a third party.

direct from us."

-or by authority

"Soldiers, having been duly enlisted and sworn, shall not be dismissed our Service without a discharge or certi ficate, granted according to the General Order on that head, which shall be in force at the time of granting the discharge."

The Advocate General.-Very well. We shall see. It "No Soldier shall be discharged, unless by order of appears that Major Hutchinson went from the smelting our Commander-in-Chief, certified by the Adjutant Ge house in the foundry to his office, where he wrote the let-neral's Department at Head Quarters ;ter and sent it by the hurkaru, according to Holloway, he sent by the sergeant.-Now let us see how far this is corroborated by other persons. Annundehunder Sein, the person who examined that letter, swears the signature is Holloway's, and that he saw him write it. Mr. Harding, an Englishman, my lords,-who was in an adjoining apartment, remembers the letter, and saw Holloway standing by when it was written. Prussia swears he is acquainted with the signature of Holloway, and that at the feet of the letter appears to be in his hand writing; and Lieut. Green the adjutant of the regiment, also swears that it is Holloway's signature. So much for the charge of forgery: I will now state the explanation Major Hutchinson has thought proper to give regarding the money. It was deposited before the arrangement was complete. Subsequently he was about to give directions that it should be placed in the name of Capt. Vernon, when he found Holloway refused to complete his part of the contract, and then wrote to forbid the transfer. Now it was not till Holloway had taken advantage of the letter, till he had been before the Regimental Board when he thought himself quite secure, that he refused

The learned counsel then cited General Orders of the 1st January, 1830, and argued, first, that the Commander-in-Chief in India, if he has the power to grant a discharge has the power to cancel it; secondly, he may stop it in transitu; and lastly, the discharge is not complete nor can be, until it has been sent to England, where the King may either sanction or confirm it.

Mr. COCHRANE followed the Advocate General on the same side, and strongly urged, that Holloway had directly imputed forgery to Major Hutchinson, while, from the affidavits of Calder, Harding, and Lieut. Green, the signature was indisputably in his own hand writing. The perjury was too evident to admit of a doubt, and the only objection to placing him in the dock, was that mechanics were in great request in the convict colonies, and he might meet there encouragement instead of Chief Justice. You had better come to the main ques-punishment. It was clear that the transaction on the tion. Suppose Holloway wrote the letter, what is there part of Holloway was bottomed in fraud, and equally to prevent us making the rule absolute ? so, that in equity and law, fraud vitiates the contract. had an offer of Rs 500 to go home with a gentleman. From Harding's affidavits it appeared that Holloway This accounted for his change of intention, but the

Mr. TURTON. I am anxious to state that my client does not charge Major Hutchinson with forgery; he merely charges him with misrepresentation.

The Advocate General-I use the world forgery decidedly. He is charged with similating the hand writing of Holloway. If your lordships will look at the affidavit you will find it so set forth.

learned counsel did not allude to that circumstance with a view to question the right of a man to carry his services to the best market, he rather intended that the court should perceive the duplicity with which the man had acted. The Commander-in-Chief had no right to discharge the King's soldier, nor is it to be inferred that the

Chief Justice. That is not the question we are now legislature would invest a power in one individual, which,

to try.

Mr. JUTICE MALKIN.-There are two points which it may be as well to distinguish from each other, namely, whether, the man obtained his discharge by fraud, or whether after the discharge was forwarded to him he changed the intention he had previously expressed.

The Advocate General.-I mantain there was fraud in every stage of the transaction.

carried to a dangerous extent, might weaken the resources of the country. From the 75th Article of War it was clear that such power did not vest in the Provincial Commander-in-Chief of the army, but in the Commander-in-Chief at the head of it, and though the Provincial Commander-in-Chief may sanction the discharge, it must be sent home before it is completed.

Mr. TURTON, in reply, would have been very well content to have rested this case on a single point of law,


The sittings having been adjourned till twelve o'clock this-day, the three Judges took their seats, a short time after that hour.


The Chief Justice delivered the decision of the Court as to the writ of the habeas corpus in this matter. There were four points of consideration upon which the Court had to decide.

but a desire to do justice to the character of his clien The Court said they would give their decision on obliged him to refer to the affidavits and to show how Monday.—Englishman. the charges of misrepresentation recoiled on those who had made it. He admitted that there was sufficient befo.e the Court to show that if this application rested on the hand writing alone it could not be supported, but there were other facts before the Court and in adverting to them, he thought he should be able to shew that the hand-writing though not a forgery was not a genuine signature. As to imputing forgery to Major Hutchinson, he distinctly denied that his client had ever done so, indeed, the imputation was denied on the face of these proceedings, as it was sworn by Holloway that he authorized Major Hutchinson to write an answer, though not imposing the conditions which had been done, Holloway, not having been in the habit of signing his name, as it would appear from the discharge received from his agreement being signed with s+. But, it is said, that Holloway stood by while Aununchunder Sein wrote the application. Possibly so, but that letter might not contain the cond.tions complained of, and it is to be inferred it did not, as the letter was sent to Madras, to an officer of very great experience, then commanding the army, who replied, not alluding to such conditions, but merely prohibiting the applicant from enlisting in any other corps. The Advocate General has argued that Holloway's intention to remain at the foundry appears from first to last; this was admitted, but he was not will ing to remain either for a specific time or for a specific sum, but for an adequate salary. There was not a tittle of evidence that Rs 60 per mensem was an adequate salary, for his employment as a founder, putting aside the sacrifice of claims for ten year's service in India. He did not accuse Major Hutchinson of forgery or fraud, but he did accuse him of gross impropriety; for it was the duty of an officer to advise a soldier about to apply for a discharge, and to tell him if the advantages to accrue were not sufficient for the sacrifice he was about to make. The learned counsel here cited a General Order, dated Horse Guards, January 30th:

"It will also be the duty of the Command'ng Officer to assist the man with the best information and advice in his power on so important a point, and it is presumed that every Commanding Officer will discharge this duty with the utinost alacrity, and in the most conscientious manner."

Mr. TURTON then went over the whole of the affidavits, defending his client from the charge of fraud, and arguing that if Holloway sigued the letter of the 12th of August, which he believed he did not, that letter was not such an agreement as would be binding in a court of law it was a mere statement of an intention from which he might change without being guilty of legal fraud. And further, that the discharge was complete, notwithstanding the interception, and being complete, it was in the power of the king only to cancel. With regard to the General Order of 1825, as follows:

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That the delivery of the certificate is the formal order for the discharge of a soldier, previous to which it was open to recall; that the discharge was in law delivered to the party when it was once transmitted to the Adju Lant-General; that it could not subsequently be with drawn or stopped; and that the only ground upon which it could be impeached was that of fraud in the represent atives or object for which it was applied for. The Court determined that there was not sufficient before it, upon which to decide the case without directing the writ to issue and obtaining the return ther to. The order the Court therefore was that the writ do issue returnable next term.

Mr. Turton beged permission to state that the regi ment to which Holloway belonged was under orders to sail for England in the course of a few days, and a return in the next term would be necessarily ineffectual.

The Court directed the practice to be ascertained as to the return of writs of habeas corpus, and whether when the order for the writ is moved for a ferm, the return could be made, before a single Judge in vacation. and an application to be made to the Court conformably thereto.-Bengal Hurkaru.


In this case the Bill was brought for a specific per formance of an agreement to purchase a house, entered into by the defendant with the Military Bank and the late firm of Cruttenden, Mckillop as joint proprietors. To this Bill a general demurrer was put in uy the defendant, grounded on a want of proper parties to the suit, and the long delay of the plaintiffs in commencing legal proceedings. The Bill had been once amended to add the names of Cowsland and Stevens, members and partners of the Military Bank, and to state that taey sued" on behalf of themselves and all others the men bers and partners of the said Bank," and that from the great number of the partners in the Bank, it was im possible to make them all parties to the Bill.

The Commander-in-Chief finds it again necessary to After hearing the argument of counsel on the demurrefer the General Officers commanding on Foreign rer, which occupied several days, the Court decided stations to the regulations touching the discharge of on the 30th November last, that all the general causes soldiers, and to repeat his Royal Highness's desire that of demurrer stated, were not substantial, but that the no soldier may, upon any account whatever, be dis- demurrer must be allowed as to the objection that the charged at any foreign station, except by his Royal High-persons who were partners of the Military Bank at the ness's authority to be previously applied for and obtained for that purpose."

This was merely an order emanating from the Horse Guards, and had been superseded by the King's warrant of November 1829, permitting the discharge of soldiers at foreign stations as an indulgence and incitement to good conduct. This warrant had not been annulled by any subsequent to that date, and could not be annulled by the General Order of 1830, which merely superceded to it certain directions from Lord Hill. With regard to the 75th Article of War, it was evidently in favor of the application, the Commander-in-Chief having the authority from the crown therein mentioned. That such authority, was invested in the Commander-in-Chief could not be doubted, and so his Excellency must have thought, as well as Sir Robert O'Callaghan, and General Watson, or each of them surely would not have sanctioned that discharge which was the subject of this application.

date of the first mortgage to them of the property in dis pute, ought to be parties to this suit; and also, because Mr McKillop, oue of the partners of the late firm of Cruttenden, McKillop and Co. is a necessary party, and not at present before the Court. On the other ground of demurrer; viz., the delay in filing the Bill, the Court thought it was not a valid objection to the suit, as it was stated in the Bill, and not denied that the defendant had taken possession of the property under the agreement, and had refused to deliver up the title deeds to the plaintiff to enable them to commence legal proceedings, and that there had been no waiver of the contract on the part of the plaintiff although there was considerable delay. Under these circumstances the Court thought the Bill ought not to be dismissed. At the request of Mr. Prinsep, counsel for the plaintiffs, leave was given to amend the Bill in those parts in which it was held defective, and further time allowed for that purpose.- Englishman.

[blocks in formation]

R. J. Bagshaw,
J. Juror,

J. Stuart,
M. DeSousa,

J. S. Smith,
W. Bracken,
W. Earle,

R. W. G. Frith,
H. Matheson,
H. Cowie,

S. Fraser,

J. Jenkins,
W. Storm,
W. Scott, and

M. M. Joseph, Esqrs. Baboos Beernursing Mullick, Motheelaul Seal and Caleekinker Paulit.

At 12 o'clock precisely the Chief Justice, Sir John Peter Grant and Sir Benjamin Malkin took their seats, and after the Grand Jury had chosen their Foreman and been sworn, Sir John Grant who presides at this Sessions gave them a most eloquent and learned charge, which in substance was to the following effect. Having adverted to the lightness of the Calendar in comparison with Calendars generally at this season of the year, his Lordship expressed his regret that, though the Calendar was light, yet there were some offences of a very serious nature, some of which he then adverted to, and commented upon, at length. A rape case was the first in order,-a rape

said to have been committed on the person of a girl under the age of 7 years. Here his Lordship explained the Law of the case at great length, showing what constitutes the committing of the act according to Act 9 Geo. the 4th. The next were those of murder and manslaughter which were explained in full, showing what constitutes murder and what manslaughter. As the Grand Jury were to have before them merely the evidence for the prosecution, the evidence both for the prosecution and the defence being always given before the Petit Jury, his Lordship was particular in explaining what did constitute murder and what manslaughter-malice prepense or using any instrument such as a bar, &c., or stamping upon the belly, was proof of murder. If a man were ever so provoked, he was not jutifiable in killing another. A school master or a parent in correcting a child ought to inflict punishment with great care, so as not to cause any injury. case of the greatest provocation where there has been sufficient time for the passion to subside and reason to interpose, and where death is occasioned by unlawful means, it is murder.

In a

After the above explanations his Lordship concluded the charge by adverting to the common robbery and theft cases which are familiar to the Grand Jury, observing to them that, if on examination an indictment for murder were to be thrown out by them, they were to direct one for manslaughter.-Calcutta Courier.


We regret to learn that the discontinuance of Lord and Lady W. Bentinck's subscription has seriously impaired the funds of this institution, and that unless a successful appeal is made to the public, one of the best managed and most useful societies in Calcutta will have greatly to reduce the extent of its charities. At home, during the cold weather, appeals are made to the benevolent on behalf of the poor. We earnestly intreat our readers to imagine themselves at home, and, as far as it is in their power, to continue the good old English custom. We subjoin a report of the proceedings of the society with which we have been kindly favoured :

A Special Meeting of the Central Committee District Charitable Society, was held on the 7th December, for the purpose of receiving the Report of the Sub-committee on the subject of the Leper Asylum, and also to take into consideration the present low state of the Funds. The business of the Meeting was opened by the President aunouncing that the present depressed state of the Funds rendered it absolutely necessary that some measures should be adopted to meet the demand on the Institution. | It appeared that a balance of nearly 400 Rs would be all the Society could call its own on the expiration of the present year. This sum, aided by expectancies, it was evident would ill meet the monthly disbursements from January. The present deficit was in a great measure to be attributed to the withdrawal of Lord and Lady W. Bentinck's handsome monthly subscription and other contributions, also to the increase of paupers on the District lists. As a preliminary measure and with a view of ascertaining the actual amount which increased

economy might enable the society to appropriate (from its present resources) for the support of the Leper Asylum, it was proposed by the Honorable the President and unanimously agreed, that a sub-committee of six persons shall be appointed (by nomination of one member from each of the District Committees and three from the Central Committee) to confer together in order to ascertain by personal examination into the cases of pensioners, and communications with the several Districts, whether any saving of the funds distributed by the society could be effected. With the above view the following have associated themselves, viz: The Hon. Mr. ROBERTSON, Mr. MCFARLAN, Mr. DоBBS, Mr. R. J. R. CAMPBELL, C. J. D. MURRAY,

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For the Central Committee.
St. James's
Old Church.

The President and Secretary of the Central Committee and the Presidents and Secretaries of the District Committees being considered ex-officio members of the contemplated meetings, which it was proposed should take place on three consecutive Saturdays. The first of these meetings accordingly took place on the 12th December, and we are led to believe that the ejection of such portion of the pensioners as have friends to support them, or who when compelled from necessity to earn a livelihood will resort to laudable industry, may be the means of a considerable saving, and ultimately establishing the society on a more firm and certain basis than heretofore.-Oriental Observer.



THE JOHN WILLIAM DARE.-A letter has been received from Moulmein, dated the 20th Nov., in which it is mentioned, that the John William Dare, which had been given up as a missing ship, had been spoken by the Vansittart, and received from her a supply of water and provisions. Accounts have since been received of the arrival of that vessel at her destination.


THE GLOUCESTER MILLS.-The Gloucester mills were sold on the 1st Dec., to Mr. Allan, the Attorney, for two lakhs and fifty thousand rupees. The original cost of the various property conveyed by this sale exceeded ten lakhs of rupees.

ECCLESIASTICAL INTELLIGENCE.-The Lord Bishop of Madras has been installed in the Cathedral of St. George. He has brought out the new Patents. The

Bishop of Calcutta is to be Metropolitan, with the same | A vast concourse of spectators was collected to witness authority over the other Bishops as an Archbishop in the display, and all the manoeuvres were executed in England. New South Wales is withdrawn from the a manner that gave great satisfaction to the CommanderSee of Calcutta, and is to constitute a separate See. in-Chief and to the Military critics present. Ceylon is joined to Madras. The arrangements for the new Bishopric of Bombay were not completed when the Exmouth left England. The Archdeacon there is still subject to the Bishop of Calcutta. The nomination of the Archdeacon of Calcutta rests with the Bishop of Calcutta, as before.

The Lord Bishop of Calcutta had been very much indisposed at Cochin on the 24th Nov., in consequence of eight hours' exposure to the sun in boats and palanquins, when going to visit the Syrian churches in the vicinity of the Cochin Rajah's residence. His Lordship had again perfectly recovered on the 25th. About 50 persons were confirmed on the 24th. The Hattrass sailed on the 24th for Choughaut, for which place the Bishop's party were about to embark on the 25th.

CORONER'S INQUESTS.-An inquest was held on the 8th Dec. on the body of Capt. Masson of the Lady Clifford, who died suddenly in the store of Messrs. Thompson, Broad and Co. on the 7th Dec. From a post mortem examination it appeared that the deceased had expired of hæmorrage consequent on the bursting of a blood vessel in his liver. A verdict of" died by the visitation of God," was returned.

An inquest, which had been held for several days previous on the body of a Chinaman named Achew, who had been murdered in one of those ebullitions of party feud for which the Chinese here have become notorious, was terminated on the 14th Dec. Thirteen men were charged as participators in the murder, against four of whom a verdict of " wilful murder" was returned, two and the remainder acquitted. were made over to the police for further examination,

BANK OF BENGAL.—A special meeting of the subscribers was held on the 1st Dec. at the Bank, for the purpose of considering certain propositions for modifying the division of the shares so as to have them represented THE SHERIVALTY.-R. H. Cockerell, Esq., has sucin even thousands of Company's rupees. The chair was taken by Mr. H. T. Prinsep, who proposed that the ceeded William Hickey, Esq., as Sheriff of Calcutta for capital stock of the Bank of Bengal, in the proposed the ensuing year.

new Charter, be expressed in Company's rupees, and

that the conversion be made in even shares of 4,000

THE VESTRY AFFAIR.-The lay members of the Ves

rupees each. The Chairman adverted to the case of try are about to file a bill in Equity with a view of being shares already divided, and observed that they would put in possession of the funds hitherto confided to the require a special provision, which had been suggested management of the Vestry.

by Government, but which would only have application, in one case, there being but one divided share on COPPER COIN.—An Act has been projected by the Counthe register. Mr. Cowie stated that he represented one cil, and passed into law, declaring that from the 20th of of the parties in the case alluded to and was in com- December no other copper coin shall be issued from any munication with the rest, and the proposed conversion Mint within the presidency of Bengal, but a pice weighwould enable his constituents to have an exact quarter ing 100 grains troy, a double pice weighing 200 grains, separated, when the new shares should be created, to and a pie weighing 33 grains, "with such devices as which extent he had an interest, whereas the rules of shall be fixed for the same by the Governor-General in the existing Bank Charter rendered it impossible to se- Council;" and that "the said pice shall be legal tender parate more than a fifth. It was then proposed by Mr. for of the Company's rupee," and the double pice and Cockerell, and carried nem. con., that the following pie for corresponding proportions thereof. scale of votes be adopted, viz :-a holder of one share

to have one vote, of five shares two votes, of ten shares MINT-MASTERSHIP.-The Mint-mastership has been givthree votes, of twenty shares four votes, of thirty shares en to Captain Forbes on its being vacated by Mr. Robert six votes, and of forty shares or upwards seven votes. Saunders, who is about to proceed to England. It was also resolved to represent to Government the inconvenience felt by the public in the copper currency, PUBLIC LIBRARY.-The Englishman of the 9th Dethe same pice being made by regulation to represent cember, intimates that some impediments exist to the equal divisions of the old and new rupees, at the same immediate conclusion of the arrangement with Governtime that the Act declared the value of these towards ment regarding the Public Library, which the Curators each other as sixteen and fifteen. are endeavouring to overcome. The Government require The Calcutta hunT.-A meeting of the subscribers the Curators to enter into an engagement of a particular to the Hunt took place at the Race Stand on the 1st nature as a condition to the transfer of the College books, Dec. Messrs. C. Barwell and W. Hickey were re-which the Curators do not feel at liberty to agree to. elected members of the Committee, and Lieutenant The Curators have adopted measures for procuring from Dashwood, of the Artillery, was appointed to act for the England duplicate and triplicate copies of all the popuHonorable J. E. Elliott in the absence of the latter. lar periodicals; and Pereechund, an intelligent Hindu Mr. Larpint was appointed Secretary to the Hunt and youth, educated at the Hindu College, has been appointed did duty accordingly. It was resolved that the Lord assistant Librarian. Hungerford does not arrive sufficiently early in the season to provide a supply of fresh hounds, and Captain Bell of the Cornwall has in consequence been charged with the future annual importation.

ERECTION OF A JETTY.-It is said that an order has passed Council for the immediate erection of a jetty opposite the Custom House, to extend several feet beyound the cranes now used in landing heavy merchandize, and REVIEWS.-The 6th and 10th of four companies each, to extend to a draft of water sufficient to admit of ships and the 41st, 43rd and 73d regiments complete, com- of 500 tons laying along-side it to discharge cargo. prising altogether about two thousand men, were review-Captain Fitzgerald has been entrusted with the coned by the Commander-in-Chief on the 30th Nov., at struction of the jetty at an estimated cost of five lakhs Barrackpore. The troops went through their manoeu- of rupees. vres well, and His Excellency expressed himself highly pleased with their performances.

A grand Brigade Review took place on the plain before Fort William, on the morning of the 9th December.

GOVERNOR-GENERAL.-Lord Auckland has, beyond a doubt, been appointed Governor-General of India and was to have sailed for Calcutta on the Jupiter in September last.

PRESENTS TO THE KING.It is stated that Mr. Chinnery, a clerk in the police office, is to proceed to England in charge of presents from the Nawab of Moorshedabad to the King of England.

UNIVERSAL ASSURANCE SOCIETY.-A most favorable report was exhibited at the Meeting of the Policy-holders &c. of this Society on the 14th December. Up to the end of November, 225 policies have been issued by the Indian branch of the Society covering Sa. Rs 27,35,740, at home there have been issued 127 policies covering £130,661 16 9, making the total annual transactions Sa. Rs. 40,42,358 6; and not a single lapse has occurred since the formation of the Society.

Rs 500 to advance Sa. Rs 1,000, and those who did not advance at all to pay Sa. Rs 1,500. It was also resolved to request Messrs. Low and Allan, to take the management of the Society's affairs in order finally to wind up the Insurance office.

MURDER.-A man, apparently a Hindu, and a native of the Upper-Provinces, was murdered on the night of the 18th December, between the Bishop's College and the Botanical Garden. A chowkedar belonging to the Garden heard a cry of bâprâ repeatedly on the banks of the river between the Garden and the College, and on proceeding towards the spot whence the cry came, he observed a man running along the banks of the river, who shortly after fell. The chowkedar went up to him and saw that he had several wounds, one of which under the chin was bleeding profusely. He asked the man who he was, whence he came, and who it was that had stabbed him, but he was only able to utter the word phansy" twice. In about half an hour afterwards he expired. The case is being investigated in the Allipore

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The new rupee.—It is stated in the Englishman that Government have adopted measures to remove any dissatisfaction that might have existed among the native troops from the apprehension that their pay would be diminished by the coinage of the new rupee, by determining to make up the difference between siccas and the Company's rupees in their payments in the latter coin. The Courier contradicts this statement, and asAPOTHECARY-GENERALSHIP.-Dr. Grant, Apothecaryserts that it is wholly unfounded. The effects of the change in the currency on the finances of all in the Upper-General, proceeds to the Cape, for the benefit of his Dr. A. R. Jackson, officiates during his abProvinces, is a subject of general complaint.

SILK FILATURES.-It is asserted that Government have accepted the offer of Mr. John Watson for the remaining eight silk filatures belonging to the Honorable Company, in the Radnaghur district, which remained unsold

at the sale on the 2d November.

DR. SKIPTON.-Information has been received in town, of the demise of Dr. Skipton, third member of the Medical Board, on the 3d October, at the Cape of Good Hope.

ICE.-It is stated in the Courier of the 18th December, that the William Gray, a vessel of about three hundred tons burthen, was to be despatched from Boston for this port in the end of August with a cargo of ice, and she may therefore be daily expected.




notoriety, has been imprisoned on suspicion of being DELHI.-Dewan Kissen Lall of Baraitch and Jeypore concerned in a conspiracy to murder Mr. Simon Fraser.

Lieut.-Col. Alves and Capt. Thorseby have proceeded to Deosa for the purpose of instituting a viva vocé investigation in which Jotaram is to be personally confronted. Some of the questions to be put to him are of such a nature, that if answered at all, they must shortly terminate the Jeypore affair.

A Bank is about to be established at Delhi on an extensive scale.

Mr. Metcalfe has proceeded on a tour throughout his district, during which he will visit some of the pro

SALT SALE. The salt sale of the 15th and 16th De-tected Sheik states. cember, was as follows:

Quantity sold. Average per
Maunds. 100 maunds.
Sa. Rs.
394 3 0
370 11 2

894 14 11
365 15 2

877 0 0
431 9 7
436 14 5
436 14



[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

100,000 0 0
60,000 0 0
60,000 0 0
40,000 0 0
40,000 0 O
15,000 0 0
30,000 0 0
15,000 0 0
20,000 0 0

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5,000 0 0
1,000 0 0

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

378 0
383 0




393 0 0
382 0 0

THE BAZA BAIE.-Her Highness, the Baza Baie, was to have left Futteghur on the 18th Dec., for the southward, where she expects to obtain a jagheer in some of the Gwalior possessions at Oogeim or Marwar.

THE BEGUM SUMROO.-Her Highness the Begum Sumroo, has given a lakh of rupees to the erection of places of worship; she has also forwarded 2,000 rupees as a donation to the Meerut School Fund.

KISHNAGHUR ROBBERY.-A robbery was recently committed in the zillah of Kishnaghur in the house of one Bishonath Chuckurbutty, and a man wounded by the robbers. The depradators have hitherto escaped punishment, but the parties in whose house the robbery was committed, together with all whose evidence tended to establish the fact, were taken up by the police, carried to the magistrate, back again to the thanna, there confined a day or two, and notwithstanding the reluctance of the Hindus to take an oath, were all sworn. Thus 28 the injured parties are made to suffer punishment for being robbed.

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GANGES INSURANCE COMPANY.-There was a meeting of the Ganges Insurance Company on the 21st Dec., have reached an unprecedented degree, scarcely a single BUGWANGOLAH.-The mortality at this place is said to for the purpose of considering the means to meet the re-habitation having escaped the baneful effects of the cent call on the Society, on the policies effected on the Lady Munro, It was resolved after some discussion, to malignant epidemic which is raging. call on the shareholders who on a recent occasion advanced Sa. Rs 1,000 to make an additional advance of Sa. Rs 500, and those who at the same time advanced Sa.

HANSI. In consequence of the unhealthiness of Hansi, it is to be abolished as a station for troops of the line. The 21st N. I. will be sent to Kurnaul.

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