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nohht ne wære he panne Godd

Acc sinnfull mann wrecche ;

Acc patt nass nohht, forr he wass Godd,
all wipputenn sinne.



Henr' purz godes fultume King on Engleneloande. Lhoauerd on Yrloand'. Duk on Norm' on Aquitain' and eorl on Aniow Send igretinge to alle hise halde ilærde and ileawede on Huntendon' schir' pæet witen ze wel alle pæet we willen and vnnen pæt. þæt vre rædesmen alle oper pe moare dæl of heom pæt beop ichosen purz us and purz pæt loandes folk on vre kuneriche. habbep idon and schullen don in pe worpnesse of gode and on vre treowpe. for pe freme of pe loande. purz pe besigte of pan to foreniseide redesmen beo stedefæst and ilestinde in alle pinge abuten ænde. And we hoaten alle vre treowe in pe treowpe pæt heo vs ozen. þæt heo stedefæstliche healden and swerien to healden and to werien po isetnesses þæt beon imakede and beon to makien þur3 pan to foren iseide ræædesmen oper pur3 pe moare dæl of heom alswo alse hit is biforen iseid. And pæt æhc oper helpe pæt for to done bi pan ilche ope agenes alle men. Rizt for to done and to foangen. And noan ne nime of loande ne of ezte. wherpurz pis besizte muze beon ilet oper iwersed on onie wise. And if oni oper onien cumen her ongenes we willen and hoaten pæet alle vre treowe heom healden deadliche ifoan. And for pet we willen pat pis beo stedefæst and lestinde? we senden 3ew pis writ open iseined wip vre seel. to halden a manges 3ew inehord. Witnesse vs seluen æt Lunden'. pane Eztetentpe day.

on pe Monpe

of Octobr' In pe Twoandfowertigpe geare of vre cruninge. And pis wes idon ætforen vre isworene redesmen. Bonefac' Archebischop on Kant' bur'. Walt' of Cantelow. Bischop on Wirechest'. Sim' of Muntfort. Eorl on Leirchestr'. Ric' of Clar'eorl on Glowchestr' and on Hurtford. Rog' Bigod eorl on Northfolk' and Marescal on Engleneloand'. Perres of Sauueye. Will' of Fort eorl on Aubem'. Ioh' of Plesseiz. eorl on Warewik' Ioh' Geffrees sune. Perres of Muntfort. Ric' of Grey. Rog' of Mortemer. Iames of Aldithel and ætforen opre moze.

And al on po ilche worden is isend in to æurihce opre shcire ouer al pære kuneriche on Engleneloande. And ek in tel Irelonde.


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