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zet, jet, besides. A. R.; R. 37. | iziue, pp. given. A. R.

zete, moreover.

zzete, pp. eaten, dined.

A. R.


zeuen, p. pl. gave.

L. 646.

zew, d. you.


3if, if. P.P. 102.

zifen, to give. L. 278.

3ongore, comp. younger; superl. 3ongoste.


3ongthe, youth. Eccl. xii. 1. izolde, pp. yielded up; restored.R. 3orstendai, yesterday. L. 718. 30r, your. P.P. 38.

3ifenn, to give; subj. p.s. zæfe. 30xing, yexing, sobbing.

O. 12015.

3iff, if. O.

zifue, to give. L. 278. 3ilt. See zelden.

3imston, a precious stone, a jewel;
pl. 3imstones. A. R.; L. 542.
zirnunge, yearning. A. R.
3isles (A. S. gisel; pl. gislas),
hostages. L. 149, 201, 282,

3it, yet. P.P. 95.
3iueth, pr.s. gives. A. R.

(A. S

giscian.) R. 125. cum fletu et singultu prorupit. Geoffrey of Monmouth.


zure (A. S. eówer), your.
3urstendæi, yesterday. L. 718,

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abasshe, shame. G. 283.

hym er pe peres ende, she had enough of him before the year's end. R. G. 90.

abb. ríce.* abbotríce, 2m. ab- alsuic, all such.

bacy. 114:7.

abb., contr. of abbotes,
119: 1.

ábegdan, p. pl. bent, subjected,
reduced. See bígan.
abide (is), remains. H. P. 247: 6
acordede, p. s. capitulated. 117:13.
acorsede, p. s. cursed. A. I.
234: 24.


L. 26.

altegædere, altogether. abbots.ancer-setl, zn. hermitage. angles, angels. A. I. 237:2. aræde for arærde? reared, erected. 113:6. archen, d. s. ark. areawe, in a row, in order, succession. A. R. 155:12. arerde, p. s. See áræeran. arerdon, p. pl. levied. 2. arist, p. s. arose. G. 238. ateallene (to), dat. inf. to tell, recoun!. 116:11. See tellan. athes (A. S. áðas), oaths. áð,* 2m. oath.

æfen,* 2n. even, evening.
æie (A. S. ege), awe. 117
ælmes, alms.

ærer, ærur formerly; prius.
ætýwednys, 3f. manifestation.


ge-ætred, poisoned. 89:19. æureumwile, continually. 118:24. æuric, every.


b. bisceop.
bær,* p. s. See beran.
Baius, Bayeux.


See bár, 2m. boar.

ædelæn, noble (things). L. 14.
afden. p. pl.
= hafden, had.
L. 18.
áfyllan,* to fill, supply.
ágeat,* p. s. See ágytan.
ágytan (14), to know, under-
stand; p. s. ágeat, pl. ágeá-
ton; p. p. ágyten.
ahten (A. S. áhton), p. pl. pos-
sessed. L. 18. See ágan.
alful, all full; heo was alful of



baronage, coll., nobility, hierar-
chy. A. I. 235:12.
Baron, dat. Bath.
beceorian,* to murmur, com-

becweðan* (12), to bequeath;
p. s. becwæð, pl. becwædon;
p. p. becweden.

[blocks in formation]


benam,* p. s. See beniman. bend,* 2m. bond. benes, beans. P. P. 420. beón, bión,* to be; ic beó (beom), pú bist, byst, he bio, pl. beóo, bióð, and beó; subj. s. beó, bió, pl. beón; only the present tense occurs; imp. s. beó, bió;| pl. beóð (beó); dat. inf. tobeónne; pr. p. beónde. iber, p. s. bore. L. 65. besæt, p. s. besieged. bicumen, bicome, to become. L. 198.

bid, L. 222; miswritten for

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byep, pr. pl., are. A. I. biheue, advantageous. A. R. 167:29.

gebyld,* 3f. boldness, assurance, confidence. 57:8.


bisemeres. See bismeres. biscopríce, 2m, bishopric. bitowen (A. S. bitæcan), p. p. employed. 167:30. byuealde, folded in, involved. A.I. 231:26. (A.S. befealdan.) blendian, to blind. geblestod, p. p. * See bletsian. boc-felle, d. s. book-skin, parchment. L. 50. bósum, 2m. bosom. bren, bran, P. P. 420. brendon, p. pl. burned. 118:26. bryniges, burnings, fires. 118:8.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

cypæ, subj, s. = cýpe. 115:14. See cýðan.

cleric, cleroc, clerc,* 2m. clerk, priest.

cler matin, a fine bread. P. P.


cokeney, a lean cock or chicken.

P. P. 422.

Wright quotes a dær (A. S. deór), deer, beast. passage from the Turnament 117:4.


of Tottenham," in which the dagan* dagum, dat. pl. days. writer intended to satirize the poorness of the fare:

"At that fest were thei servyd in a rich aray, Every fyve and fyve had a cokeney ;" and from Heywood's Proverbs, where the word is contrasted with a fat hen: "Men say, He that comth every daie shall have a cocknaie, He that comth now and then, shall have a fat hen."

coket, a fine bread. P. P.


colopus, collops. P. P. 422. colplontes, coleworts, cabbages. P. P. 423. corse, to curse. P. P. 452. combren, to cumber, encumber. P. C. 159. code, sickness, malady. 111:19. (A. S. cóða, im. cóðu. 3ƒ.) craym, cream. P. P. 419. cristenan mannan* =cristenum mannum, dat. pl. Christian men. 115:26.

crucet hus, a chest for torture. 118:12. Lat. crux? cruddes, curds.

P. P. 419.

cudde (A. S. cýðan), p. 1. pl. showed, manifested. R. 293.

cures, cares. P. C. 168.

date, 241:8; "under the date of the foul that is clept Fenix," appears to mean, that they reckon time by the Phoenix, each one representing 500 years. déma, 1m. judge. 72:7, 26, 30; 73:6.

deor frið, preserve for deer. 115:3dyeulen, devils. A. I. 237:1 dihte, to dress, prepare. P. P. 428.

dole (4. S. dæl), deal, part, division; pl. dolen. A. R. 155:2, 6.


drapen, p. pl. killed? 118:11. draze, to draw. A. I. 235:29. drif, 2n? fever. 111:21. word occurs, Rushworth Gospels, Mt. vIII. 15: "æthrán honda his forlet hiae sio drif," where it is fem.


L. 4. miswritten for

drihte? Lord.

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earhlíce, basely, cowardly, disgracefully.

cwennkenn, to quench, extin-earmian, to commiserate, grieve.

guish, destroy. O. 11645.


dælan, to deal, divide, distribute; p. dælde ; p. p. dæled, Dænesc, Danish

Easter-wuce,* 1f. Easter-week. Ebreuwische, adj. Hebrew. ecchenesse, dat. s. (A. S. écnys) eternity. 168:11.

eglian, to ail, grieve, afflict. dolere; govs. dat. eye, awe, fear. R. 259.

emtep, pr. pl. empty. A. I. 235:7.| forfeited. 117:32. See forleóEngle, the English. L. 13. enmang pis, meanwhile. Lat. in

[blocks in formation]

fil, p. s. fell. C. 847.
fyrmest, foremost. See forma.
fluwe, subj. p. s. flew. 158:16.
folgian, to follow; p.-ode, -ade;
p. p. -ad, -od.



See faran.

follost, L. 38; miswritten for
folloht? baptism.
fóran,*p. pl. went.
forbaren, p. pl. forbore. 118:35.
(A. S. forbæron.)
forbarn, p. s. See forbyrnan.
forberan* (15), to forbear, ab-
stain from; p. s. forbær, pl.
forbæron, p. p. forboren.
forcursæd, accursed.
ford, L. 63; miswritten for



fore genga, Im. foregoer, pre


forfleón. See fleógan, fleón.


forre, A. I. 236:23. Morris, in his edition of the A. I., puts the point after forre, joining the word with awreke; the punctuation of the text is Mätzner's, who says, in his note, "Wir verbinden daher forre mit ich wille maki, etc. und denken uns in dem afr. Originale einen Satz, worin forrer, piller, als Infinitiv enthalten ist, so dass forre dem später gebrauchten forray, ravage, spoil, in der Bedeutung entspricht: Berge und Thäler will ich verheeren lassen.' forstód,*p. s. availed. 117:17. See forstandan.

forto, for to; forto donne, for to do. 168:2.

[ocr errors]

frame, profit. O. 18. Fra-
mynge, or afframynge, or
wynnynge. Lucrum, emolu-
mentum." Prompt Parv. For-
by gives the verb to frame,
as meaning in Norfolk to shape
the demeanour to an occasion of
ceremony. In N. Britain it
has the signification of succeed-
ing, and is derived by Jamieson
from A. S. fremian, valere,
prodesse. In the Craven dia-
lect it implies making an attempt.
freó,* free.

Frige-dæg,* 2m. Friga's day.

frið, 2n. protection, enclosure;
deor frið, preserve for deer.

forloren (A. S. forluron), p. pl. | i-frizet, fried. P. P. 448.

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