Woods of Victoria, Newbery, 139. their properties, Noerdlinger,
used in industry, sections of, Noerdlinger, 140. Refer also to Kayser's Index, art. Holz, and Lorenz's Index, art. Bors.
Woods, Forests, and Land Reve- nues. Refer to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. WOODS, FORESTS AND LAND REVENUES.
Wool from wood, Anon. 224. Wool (vegetable), Anon. 226. Woorari poison, Redwood, 156. Wormseed, Flueckiger, 65. Wourali and synonyms, Moss, 136. poison, Redwood, 156. Wouraly, or Wourari and syno- nyms, Moss, 136. Wrightia antidysenterica, Dey, 248; Stenhouse, 187.
tinctoria, Perrottet, 149.
Wrightine, Haines, 77. Wuerttemburg, forestry in, Anon.
fungi of, Kerner, 105. Wurrus, a dye, Anon. 224; Han- bury, 80.
Xanthium spinosum, Anon. 236. Strumarium, Bancroft, 11. Xanthorrhea gum, Simmonds, 180.
184 1, after (J. Léon) insert & Augustin DELONDRE.
187 5 from bottom, for 1880, read 1878.
189 3, delete the period after et.
198 31, for Calédoine read Calédonie.
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