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dition of this abandoned peasantry, we have an opportunity of seeing far into human nature, aid behold the natives happy, and abundantly possessed of those qualifications which endear mankind to each other. In acts of friendship to their neighbours, they are rarely deficient. Their generous hospitality to strangers is proverbial; and though their ideas may be strongly tinctured with superstition, it only argues that their minds have been totally neglected; and they show a great wish and anxiety for instruction even in religious concerns.

“QUEEN'S COUNTY.-Truly it may be said, that the hogs in England have more comfortable dwellings than the peasantry in Ireland. How can we expect propriety of conduct from our peasants, when we take so little pains to improve them? In how many places do we find the whole stock of domestic animals, and the peasant family, herd together under one miserable shed, with perhaps no better covering than sods or weeds; and from their extreme filth alone what ravages has sickness made through a whole district!

"MONAGHAN.-A bare recital of the state of this class of the community, has been considered as an unmerited satire on the country, and those who have endeavoured to call the attention of the public to the amelioration of their situation, have been stigmatized as incendiaries."

For further particulars we refer to the book, which is written by a gentleman and a scholar, and on which the strictest reliance may be placed with regard to its veracity. It contains nothing extraneous to .the subject, and will prove a very acceptable publication to antiquarians and historians.

Should Sir Richard's Tour be re-printed, we beg leave to suggest that an Index and a Map, would be very acceptable additions, and that the new edition would appear less uncouth, if it were not larded with words in capitals, which disfigure the present


To our review of Sir John Carr's "Tour in Holland," &c. may be added (what we unaccountably omitted), that the book is dedicated to the Duke of Bedford, by whom, when Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, we believe the author was knighted.


To our review of Sir John's " in Ireland," in the Supplement beforementioned, should have been added, that the ridiculous bombastic account of the Irish ladies' "Port if you please," is a fiction, and was probably copied from Mrs. Edgeworth's "Castle Rack-Rent."

Also, that the assertion that there are no monkies in Gibraltar is erroneous; many apes and monkies inhabit its caverns and precipices, and are frequently shot: it is thought that these animals are not produced in any other part of Europe. We refer the curious reader to the wonderful paragraphs and reflections p. 97 and 98 of that work, relative to petrified fish and plants, to the admirable remarks on the

Venus cockle" (Concha veneris), as specimens of the author's consummate knowledge of natural history, and to the mention of two famous trees," of the class and order decandria monogynia," and "of the The author did not visit any part of that class polygamia and order trio-æcia," which quarter of Ireland called Connaught, of is all that is said about them, of his prowhich we have no account from any moficiency in botany. Numberless pretty dern traveller. Among the travellers in criticisms might be made on "St. Kevin, Ireland who are enumerated in the Pre- who lived 120 years before he died," and face, we find no mention made of Mark on the author's " great uncle" who lived in Elstob, who published his Month's Tour || the same manner. For these biographical

iu 1778, and of “ Rambles through Ireland," || notices we refer to the work, by a French Emigrant, M. de la Tocnaye,



ART. V.-Travels through the Canadas; containing a Description of the Picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes: with an Account of the Productions, Commerce, and Inhabitants of those Provinces ; to which is subjoined a Comparative View of the Manners and Customs of several of the Indian Nations of North and South America. By George Heriot, Esq. Deputy Postmaster-General of British North America. Illustrated with Maps and numerous Engravings, from Drawings made at the several places by the Author. Richard Phillips. 1807.

THE spirit of science is now abroad; I it quickens the motions of every human soul, and awakens in every breast that sort of curiosity which is equally useful to society and honourable for those who feel its impulse. The most convincing proof of this general love for information, is the flourishing state of that part of literature which gives us an insight into the manners of other nations. This part is inexhaustibly fertile; the changes which years, a succession of rulers, and the vicissitudes of power and weakness produce in them, render the former descriptions that may have appeared, faithful pictures of the past, but bearing little resemblance to the present. The overflowing of a revolution, like that of the Nile, may, and generally does, after its tide has subsided, spread fertility over the most barren land. But in such a case the very face of nature wears a different appearance, new descriptions therefore are required, a new field unfolds itself before the traveller, and his works, though giving an account of a country which has perhaps been twenty times described before, may still possess the charms and merits of novelty. I this part of literature be inexhaustibly teeming, it is not less varied and interesting; it supplies the legislator with intances of juridical wisdom in foreign lands, and offers a rich harvest to the moral and natural philosopher. It is not astonishing therefore that travels should crowd upon travels, to satisfy the thirst after information, and that mistaking their own talents, or blinded by the avidity with which the public hails the appearance of such productions, many deep observers of men and manners

should gratify us with their reveries, or the memorandums in their pocket-books whilst journeying a few miles from their own homes. It is true that they are too fond of increasing the general stock of knowledge to confine their remarks to the spots they have visited, and the customs of their inhabitants, but kindly impose upon themselves the arduous task of gathering from the works of others as much information as will enable them to extend their mental peregrinations farther, and produce a tour through countries, the soil of which they have never trodden. That this is the case with many of our modern writers, a reflecting mind will easily discover whilst perusing their performances, and comparing them with those of their predecessors. The more we are disposed to expose to deserved contempt such literary swindlers, the more do we feel inclined to praise those who lavish upon us the riches they have laboriously and honourably acquired; who do not clothe the observations of others in different language, but spread to our sight the fair fruits of experience, and display a degree of talent, penetration, and accuracy equal to the importance of the subject of which they treat.

Imagination banished from the pages of history, where truth alone must dwell, finds a refuge in those of the traveller. Her ornaments, too splendid for the former, ought to be allowed to shed a softened lustre over the works of the latter: bis style ought to vary with the object it describes, and ease and elegance to form its chief characteristics. The first requisites,

however, are a quick understanding capable of seizing at once the different relations of things, an active spirit, retentive memory, and a clear method.

After having perused this Tour through the Canadas, we feel happy in being able to range Mr. Heriot among those diligent travellers, whose accounts are authentic, whose style is pleasing, whose information is varied, and who know how to display the result of their observations to the greatest advantage. That our praise may not be deemed partial or unfounded, we will extract such passages from his work as will convey both interest and instruction.

odours, contribute to form a combination of objects highly pleasing and wildly picturesque.

"The valley, which is named Furno, contains a number of boiling fountains; the most remarkable of these, the Cauldron, is situated upon a small eminence, being a circular basin of thirty feet in diameter, whose water, boiling with ceaseless agitation, emits a quantity of vapour. At a few paces distant from hence is the cavern Boca de Inferno, throwing out, for a considerable way from its mouth, quantities of water, mixed with mud, accompanied by a noise like thunder. Around this spot, and within the compass of an acre of land, there are upwards of a hundred fountains of the same kind; and even in the midst of a rivulet which runs by it, are several of these springs, so bot as to be unsupportable to the touch. In other

He begins with a description of the Azores, and especially of St. Michael and Pico, the first of which contains the follow-places the sulphurcons vapours issue with

ing remarkable scenes:

"The hot baths are situated in the eastern part of the island, and the road leading from the capital thither, is by Villa Franca; from thence it rises by a gradual ascent for about twelve miles, until it attains the summit of the elevated lands by which these baths are environed. The descent into the valley is by a steep, narrow, and winding path. This extraordinary gulph is about twelve miles in circumference, surrounded by lofty and abrupt precipices, and accessible only by three ways, cut with labour out of the cliffs. The soil below is fertile and well cultivated, producing copious harvests of wheat and Indian


The inclosures are adorned with hedgerows of Lombardy poplars, which rise in pyramidal shapes, and exhibit a pleasing appearThe gloomy faces of the surrounding


rocks are shaded and varied by evergreens, consisting of laurels, myrtles, fayas, paosanguintro, tamjuas, uvæ de serra, and a number of other shrubs and vines.

"Streams of chrystalline water, interrupted in their downward course, dash with impetuosity and foaming fury from rock to rock, and collecting in deep stony basins beneath, thence issue in serpentine rivulets, which intersect the valley in a variety of directions, in some situations rushing on with murmuring sound, in others creeping along with a smooth and silver surface. These, together with the appearance of the boiling fountains from whence clouds of steam are continually thrown up; a lake well stocked with water-fowl, blackbirds, and other feathered songsters of the groves enlivening by their melody; fruits and aromatic plants, yielding the most grateful

such force from a number of apertures in the overhanging cliffs, es to suggest to the fancy an idea of the place being inhabited by a thonsand fabled Cyclops, occupied with their bellows and forges in fabricating thunder.

"The surface of the ground is covered in many places with pure sulphur, which has been condensed from the steam, and which, like hoar frost, is arranged in sharp-pointed, stellated figures.

"Not far distant from these hot springs there are others of a nature extremely cold, particularly two, whose waters possess a strong mineral quality, accompanied by a sharp acid taste. About half a mile to the westward of this place, and close by the side of a river, there are likewise several sulphureous fountains, whose waters have been used with eminent success, by persons afflicted with scrophulous disorders. Under the declivity of a hill, westward from St. Ann's church, are found springs of a similar kind, which are much used by the neighbouring inhabitants. These flow in currents from a precipice, and are some of a hot, others of a cold temperature, although only a few feet asunder.

"To the westward of these is placed the lake, whose circumference is only three miles,

and whose water is of a greenish colour, being powerfully impregnated with sulphur. On its north side there is a small plain perforated in a thousand places, incessantly emiting sulphureous exhalations. Thither, during the heat of the day, the cattle repair to avoid being tortured by flies."

The appearance of that island from the sea, and the description of the celebrated peak in that of Pico, are perhaps familiar

of fusion.

to some of our readers, yet are not un- the consistence of iron that has been in a state worthy of forming one of our extracts. The justness of the sentiments expressed by the author, when standing on the sum mit of Pico, will be felt by all those whose hearts beat responsive to the secret bat forcible inspirations of nature.

"The convents and other religious establishments placed in various situations along the borders of the island, and constructed of a white coloured stone, produce a pleasing effect when viewed from the sea.

"The aromatic herbs, trees, and fruits perfume the atmosphere with their sweets; and the breeze thus impregnated becomes, whe blowing from the land, highly grateful to the mariner in sailing along the shore. After having been three weeks at sea, we became sensibly impressed by its enlivening influence, which suggested to recollection the following lines in Buchanan's Ode to May;

"Talis beatis inculit insulis
"Aura felicis perpetuus tepor,
"Et nesciis campis seneciæ
"Difficilis, quærulique morbi.”

"The island of Pico, from the superior altitude of one of its mountains, is the most remarkable of all the Azores.

“At the hour of half past ten we gained the top of the peak, which is singularly sharp and pointed, being about seven paces in length, and about five in breadth. The crater is on the north side, and below the summit, is about twenty paces in diameter, and is continually emitting smoke. It is almost filled with burut rocks.

"From hence several of the neighbouring islands are presented to the view. Pico, seen from the peak, exhibits an appearance no less singular than romantic; the eastern part rises into a narrow ridge, around which are many ancient volcanoes which have long ceased to emit smoke, and several of whose craters are now almost concealed by woods which have sprung up around them. The basis of the peak presents likewise some remaius of smaller volcanoes, whose fires are now extinguished. The last eruption of the peak which happened in 1718, burst forth from its side, and destroyed a great part of the vineyards.

"It is on elevated situations like this that is felt that influence which the vast and unbounded theatre, at once laid open to contemplation, is capable of exciting;--those inspirations of nature, so eloquent and so ani. mated; that attractive impulse which attunes the soul to harmony with her works; that distinctive character which the Creator has im

peculiar minds are delighted in feeling amidst the rude and sublime masses produced by explosions of the globe, or amid the less stupendous ruins of the monuments of human grandeur. The height of the peak from the surface of the water is about eight thousand perpendicular feet."

"From the village of Guindaste to the summit of the peak, the distance is stated to be nine miles. The road passes through a wild, rugged country, which is entirely covered with brush-printed on the heart, innate traces of which wood. When, at seven o'clock in the morning, we arrived at the skirts of the mountain, which forms the region of the clouds, the wind became extremely cold, attended by a thick mist, the thermometer falling to forty-eight degrees, and at eight o'clock to forty-seven. In alluding to the degrees of cold, I must be understood to speak relatively, and only with respect to its influence on the human frame, which a sudden change of twenty-two degrees of temperature cannot fail to affect. About ten we arrived at the boundary of the ancient crater, and the sun then acquiring power, the thermometer rose to forty-eight degrees. This appears to have been more than a mile in cir

cumference. The southern and western boundaries yet remain, but those of the north and east have given way, and have tumbled down the side of the mountain. In the centre of the old crater, a cone of three hundred feet in perpendicular height is thrown up, on the summit of which is the present mouth. The ascent of this is very steep and difficult, and it contains several apertures from which smoke is emitted. It is formed of a crust of lava, of

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We will not detain our readers any longer in the Azores, but without touching at any other place, notwithstanding the length of the voyage, transport them to the shores of Canada, and gratify their curiosity with a view of Quebec. After reverting to its foundation by Samuel de Champlain, he thus describes its situation:

"Cape Diamond, the summit of the promontory, rises abruptly on the south, to the height of three hundred and fifty perpendicular feet above the river, advances from the line of the banks on the west, and forms the Ause de Mer, a small harbour, occupied for the purpose of ship-building. Some uneven ground

subsides into a valley between the works and the heights of Abraham; on the latter there are natural elevations, which are higher by a few feet than any of the grounds included within the fortifications.

seem to have preferred strength and dura bility to elegance, or a due regard to the rules of their art. The cathedral church of the Catholics is more to be noticed on account of its size than its grandeur; it is capable of containing three thousand persons, and possesses a good organ. The Jesuits' college is the only remains of that order which was established in 1635, and died away a few years ago. The edifice is

"The citadel is now constructed on the highest part of Cape Diamond, composed of a whole bastion, a curtain, and half bastion, whence it extends along the summit of the banks towards the north-east, this part being adapted with planks, agreeably to the situation of the ground. There are towards the south-composed of three stories, forming nearly a west a ditch, counter-guard, and covered-way, square, and its extensive gardens still conwith glacis. The works have of late years been tain some of the original woods with which in a great measure rebuilt, and raised to a pitch the promontory was once covered. This calculated to command the high grounds in college is now converted into a barrack for the vicinity. the troops. The seminary, founded in 1663 by Mr. de Petre, for the accommodation of a certain number of ecclesiastics and young students, of the Roman Catholic persuasion, is still applied to the same purpose, and since the destruction of the Jesuits is become the chief establishment of that kind in the province. A Protestant metropolitan church, and a house for the courts of law have been lately erected, and form the principal ornaments of Quebec, being built with the best materials, and executed in a neat and handsome style. The streets of this city are uneven, on account of its situation, narrow, and few of them are paved. Stones are the materials of which the houses are

"When viewed from a small distance, they exhibit a handsome appearance. A steep and rugged bank, about fifty feet in height, terminates the ditch and glacis on the north, towards which the ground slopes downwards from Cape Diamond nearly three hundred feet, in a distance of about nine hundred yards. Along the summit of the bank a strong wall of stone, nearly forty feet high, having a half and a whole flat bastion with small planks, occupies a space of two hundred yards, to Palacegate, at which there is a guard-house. From hence to the new works at Hope-gate, is a distance of about three hundred yards. The rocky eminence increases in steepness and elevation as far as the Bishop's palace, near which there is a strong battery of heavy cannon, extending a considerable way along the brow of the precipice, and commanding the bastion and part of the river. Between the edifice now mentioned and the lower town, a steep passage partly formed by nature, intervenes, over which there is a barrier, with a gateway of stone, surmounted by a guard-honse; and this communication is otherwise defended by powerful works of stone, under the palace on one side, and on the other stretching upwards towards the Government-house, where the bank becomes considerably more elevated. This building, which is dignified with the ap- || pellation of Chateau, or Castle of St. Louis, is placed on the brink of a precipice inaccessible, and whose altitude exceeds two hundred feet. The building is supported by counter-forts,|| rising to half its height, and sustaining a gallery."

As the long description of this city would far exceed the bounds of our reviews, we will rapidly mention the most remarkable buildings which it contains,|| and which are but few, as the architects Supplement-Vol. III.

composed; the roofs are generally made of boards, and the furniture and accom modations are plain and devoid of taste. The lower town occupies the ground gained at the foot of the promontory by mining, and the construction of wharts.. The breadth of the channel here is about a mile, its depth thirty fathoms, and the anchorage is safe and good. The number of inhabitants at Quebec, and the suburbs of St. John and St. Rock, amounts to fifteen thousand.

The ninth chapter of this work is full of the most interesting and important infor mation, on the commerce of Canada, the fur trade, paper money, seigneuries, rights of their proprietors, mal-administration of finance during the French government,― and on the state of Canada at its conquest, progressive improvements, revenue, yearly equipment and transport in the fur trade, voyageurs, their hardiness, and mode of life, &c. This single chapter is perhaps more F

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