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Never was a work attended with more splendid success. It appeared in 1802, at a time when religious proscription had ceased, when worship had recommenced in the churches; and when the faithful had seen with inexpressible joy their ancient rites restored. The Génie has been translated into the lan guages of Italy, Germany, England, Spain, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Sweden, Holland and Modern Greece." Peignot's Manuel du Bibliophile, vol. 2, p. 151.

Barbier (in his Bibl. vol. 5, p. 397) says that many religious Persons condemn this far-famed production of M. Chateaubriand as being of too light a nature for its subject; and that the style, plan, and spirit of the work have also met with much (perhaps deserved) disapprobation.

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Sermons. A la Haye, 1790, 2 vols. 8vo.

"His Sermons are exceedingly judicious; the subjects are all treated in a practical manner. Divines may find these sermons useful, but they are not adapted to readers who are partial to works on experimental religion."-Cobbin's French Preacher, p. 527.


Sermons. Lausanne, 1775, 6 vols. 12mo.

“The subjects of these sermons are general; the mode of treatment more practical than devotional; the sentiments scriptural; the style neat; the plans judicious and methodical."—Cobbin's French Preacher, p. 527.9',

[CHEMINAIS (le Père.) nand

Sermons. Paris, 1764, 5 vols. 12mo.



Barbier (in his Bibl. vol. 2, p. 453,) speaks in high terms of these sermons. Cheminais had a fine genius, and was a de served favourite of the Court, and of the inhabitants of Paris.


Les Caractères du Messie, vérifiés en Jésus de Nazareth. Rouen, 1776, 2 vols. 8vo.

"The author determines the characteristical marks of the Messiah with precision and accuracy; points out in consequence of these characters (which are drawn from the clearest predictions) the prophecies that, taken in a literal sense, regard the Messiah; and by a comparison of these prophecies with the events, sets the divine mission of Christ in the most striking light. There is a great deal of good erudition and sound judgment in this work."---Monthly Review, O. S. vol. lvi. p. 218.

CLAUDE (Jean.)


Montauban, 1821, Svo.

Bayle speaks of these sermons in very high terms. He says they contained all that the Hugonots desired; a great order, a profound divinity, and a great deal of eloquence and solidity," ---See CLAUDE, Belles Lettres.

CLÉMENT (L'abbé D.)

Sermons. Paris, 1770, 9 vols. 12mo,

"The eloquence of the Abbé Clément is of a peculiar nature; it has not the thunder of Bossuet, the rapidity of Bourdaloue, the delicacy of Cheminais, the happy facility of Masillon, the richness of Père de Neuville; but the measured tone and majesty of the Prophets; the manly vigour and energetic precision of St. Paul; and the pathos and solemn march of St. Chrysostom."-Barbier's Bibl. vol. 2, p. 460.

COLONIA (Le Père D.) ·

La Religion Chrétienne, autorisée par le Témoignage des anciens auteurs païens. Lyons, 1718, 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1826, 8vo.

"This treatise, though published nine years before Dr. Lardner commenced his admirable work on the Credibility of the Gospel History, does not appear to have been known to him. The subjects discussed by Colonia are comprised in the third volume of Dr. Lardner's works, from page 594 to the end, and in the fourth volume, from page 3 to page 430 of the 4to. edition published at London in 1815. Father Colonia has collected together numerous important facts, which he has illustrated with many valuable remarks; though he has not followed strict chronological order in the arrangement of his materials. His chapter on Mohammed is full of errors and ridiculous declamation. Notwithstanding all its defects, his work may be read with pleasure, even after a perusal of Dr. Lardner's volumes on the Credibility of the Gospel History; the whole of which the Abbé Labouderie has announced his intention of translating into French."-Horne's Introduction, &c. (Appendix,) vol. 2, page 129,

COQUEREL (Charles.)

Tableaux de l'Histoire Philosophique du Christianisme, ou Etudes de Philosophie Religieuse. Paris, 1823, 1 vol. 18mo.

"This work of M. Coquerel (a warm protestant,) contains the most elevated views of civilization, inculcating a love of country, and a hatred of all dissension, and embracing many subjects interesting to liberal and cultivated minds."-Revue Encyclopédique, vol. 20, p. 64.

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Dictionnaire Historique des Cultes Religieux; &c. nouvelle édition, augmentée. Versailles, 1820-21, 4 vols. 8vo.

The able dictionary, by De la Croix, was published anony mously, in 1775, in 3 vols. 8vo. It was reprinted, with the author's name, in 1777.

DUPIN (Louis E.)

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Nouvelle Bibliothèque des Auteurs Ecclésiastiques, depuis les premiers siècles jusqu'au XVIIème. Tables, &c. Paris, 1690, 45 vols. 8vo.


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"Those who quarrel most with the boldness of Dupin, must still allow the greatness of his literary endowments."---Works of C. Butler, vol. 5, p. 17.

“A useful book of reference, to which has been added a supplement, by L'Abbé Goujet."-Formey's Conseils, &c.

DUPIN (Avocat, &c.)

Libertés de l'Eglise, suivies de la Déclaration de 1682, (de la loi du 8 Avril 1802, et du décret du 28 Février, 1810) avec une Introduction et des Notes, &c. Paris, 1824, 1 vol. 12mo.

"We hope this work of the celebrated M. Dupin will be followed up by a more extended collection of works of this class, to comprise several ancient texts, such as the regulations of the Church, deduced from the Evangelists, according to Fromageot; the Antiquus Codex Canonum, approved by Char- ›

lemagne; the pragmatic sanction of St. Louis, in 1268; that of Charles VII. in 1437; and that of Louis XII. with appropriate observations; the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, in 1791 and the laws relative to religion, contained in the Chartre, the national councils, the ancient ordinances, the five codes, and the bulletin des lois. As to the declaration of 1682, by Bossuet, unanimously adopted by our church, it is an inestimable work, which cannot be too often referred to. The decree of the 8th April, 1802, is still in force; and that of 1810 (a despotic act of Napoleon,) is tacitly observed to this day."-Revue Encyclopédique, vol. 24, pp. 438--9,

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Démonstration Evangélique, avec un Traité sur la Tolérance. Paris, 1805, 8vo.

"This work has the great merit of uniting in one volume, arranged with order, clearness, and precision, a vast deal of matter, scattered through a number of books, not generally known." Barbier's Bibl. vol. 5, p. 396..


ELISÉE (Le Père.)

Sermons. Paris, 1785, 4 vols. 12mo.

The sermons of Père Elisée are distinguished for a pure and elegant style; a delicacy of tone; an amiable candour; and a zeal for the progress of salvation. Père Elisée was

particularly distinguished for his urbanity and simplicity of character. Barbier's Bibl. vol. 2, p. 462.

FLÉCHIER (Esprit.)

Oraisons Funèbres. Paris, 1740, 1 vol. 12mo.

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