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Heiden, E. Denkschrift zur Feier des fünfundzwanzigjährigen Bestehens der agrikulturchemischen Versuchsstation Pommritz, 1882. Hannover, 1883. 80. pp. ix+(2) + 51 + (1) + 312.

Contents:- Th. 1. Geschichtliches.-2. Studien über schweren Boden, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frage: Wie wird roher, schwerer Boden fruchtbar gemacht? Von E. Heiden, Fr. Voigt, E. Güntz, und Th. Wetzke.

Horsin-Déon, P. Traité théorique et pratique de la fabrication du sucre. P., 1882. 80. pp. xvi

+640. Illus.

Klenze, H. L. von. Handbuch der KäsereiTechnik. Bremen, 1884. 80. pp. xvi+643. Illus. Klippart, J. H. The principles and practice of land drainage. 2d ed. Cin., 1867. 80. pp. viii+ 454. Illus.

Knight, Cameron. The mechanician; a treatise on the construction and manipulation of tools; comprising the arts of blacksmithing and forging, the construction of hand tools and the methods of using and grinding them, the construction of machine tools and how to work them, machine fitting and erection, turning and screw cutting, principles of constructing and details of steam engines, and the details of setting out work. 3d ed., reprinted from the 1st. etc., 1881. 4o. pp. (5)+397. 96 plates.


Kraft, G., editor. Illustriertes LandwirtschaftsLexicon. Berl., 1884. 80. pp. viii+1109.

Ledieu, A. (C. H.). Nouvelle théorie élémentaire des machines à feu, et plus particulièrement des machines à vapeur ordinaires et compound, d'après la thermodynamique expérimentale. P., 1882. 8o. Pp. (4) + vi+ 742. Illus.

Leurs, F. Guide pratique des fabricants de sucre. Lille, 1879. 80. pp. 154. Tables.

Lewis, W., and C. F. Green. I. Narrow gauge railways, Ireland. - II. Light railways, or remunerative railways for thinly-populated districts. Dublin, etc., 1882. 80. pp. 77. Plates.

Pt. I. is by Lewis, and II. by Green.

Mackrow, C. The naval architect's and shipbuilder's pocket-book of formulæ, rules, and tables, and marine engineer's and surveyor's handy book of reference 3d ed. L., 1884. 160. pp. vi+ 526. Mayer, A. Düngung und Fütterung, in chromographischer Darstellung. 2e Ausg. Heidelberg, 1884. 80. pp. 12. 7 colored plates.

Miller, Metcalf, and Parkin. The treatment of steel; a series of circulars on heating, annealing, forging, and tempering, issued by the Crescent Steel Works; and, A chapter on hardening and tempering of steel, by Geo. Ede. Pittsburg, 1884. PP. 152. Illus.


Mothes, O., editor. Technisches Taschen-Wörterbuch für Industrie und Handel, in deutscher, französischer u. englischer Sprache; bearbeitet nach dem von Rumpf, Mothes und Unverzagt herausgegebenen Technologischen Wörterbuche, vermehrt durch kaufmännische Ausdrücke und die Waarenbenennungen der Zolltarife. Wiesbaden, etc., 1872. 3 pts. in I v. sq. 160.

Each part has an English titlepage. For the unabridged edition see Rumpf, C., and others, editors. Two copies. Northcott, W. H. The theory and action of the steam engine. 3d ed. L., etc., [1884]. 8°. pp. viii+171. Illus.

Papers and practical illustrations of public works of recent construction, both British and American. Supplementary to previous publications. L., 1856. 4o. pp. (1)+110+18. 50 plates.

Contents:-Roebling, J. Memoir of the Niagara Falls and International Suspension Bridge. [Bentham, Lady M. S.] Memoir of the late Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Bentham, with an account of his inventions. - Hawkshaw, J. The Paddock viaduct. Lockwood viaduct.

Denby Dale viaduct. Tithebarn Street viaduct, Liverpool. Cubitt, J. Newark Dyke bridge on the Great Northern Railway. Ellet, C. Mountain Top Track in the state of Virginia. Garbett, E. L. Preliminaries to good building. -Suggestions for increasing the circulating medium in aid of commerce and mechanical enterprise. - Reviews, communications, etc.

Lettered" Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge."

Petermann, A. Recherches de chimie et de physiologie appliquées à l'agriculture. Analyses de matières fertilisantes et alimentaires. 1872-82. Bruxelles, etc., 1883. 8°. pp. xi +447 +(1). Plates. Radinger, J. F. Die Motoren. Wien, 1874. 80. Illus. (Vienna Weltausstellung, 1873. Officieller Ausstellungs-Bericht. Heft 83.)

Rankine, W. J. M. A manual of machinery and millwork. 1st ed. L., 1869. sm. 8o. pp. xvi+ 588. Illus.

Same. 5th ed.; revised by W. J. Millar. L., 1883. sm. 80. pp. xvi + 597. Illus.

Useful rules and tables relating to mensuration, engineering, structures, and machines. 4th ed. L., 1873. sm. 80. pp. viii+312. Plate.

Same. 6th ed.; revised by W. J. Millar; with appendix: tables, tests, and formulæ for electrical engineers, by Andrew Jamieson. L., 1883. sm. 80. Pp. xv+384. Illus.

Riddell, R. The slide rule simplified, explained, and illustrated; showing its powers of calculation and its rapidity in solving all questions relative to mechanical trades. Phil., (cop. 1881). 4o. pp. iv +44. 32 plates.

Lettered on side "Lessons in carpentry by the slide rule." Rixford, E. H. The wine press and the cellar; a manual for the wine-maker and the cellarman. San Fran., etc., 1883. 80. pp. xxii +(2) + 240. Illus.

Robinson, J. L. A treatise on marine surveying; with questions for examination and exercises. L., 1882. sm. 80. pp. xv+ (1)+307. Illus.

Rumpf, C., and others, editors. Technologisches Wörterbuch, in deutscher, französischer und englischer Sprache; bearbeitet von E. Althans, L. Bach [etc.], und herausgegeben von C. Rumpf, O. Mothes, W. Unverzagt, mit einem Vorwort von K. Karmarsch. 2e Aufl. Wiesbaden, etc., 1869-74. 3 v. 8o.

Projected by J. A. Beil. For an abridgment see Mothes, O., editor, Technisches Taschen-Wörterbuch.

Salter, F. Economy in the use of steam; a statement of the principles on which a saving of steam can best be effected. L., etc., 1874. sm. 80. pp. (3)+91.

See, J. W., (pseud. Chordal). Extracts from Chordal's letters; comprising selections from the series of articles in the American Machinist. New

ed. N. Y., 1883. 120. pp. (2)+396. Illus.

Society of Engineers. Transactions. 1869-82. L., etc., 1872-83. 14 v. 8o. Illus.

Thearle, S. J. P. Naval architecture: a treatise on laying off and building wood, iron, and composite ships. L., etc., [1874-77]. 160, and Atlas of plates, 4o. (Collins's advanced science series, 4 a.)

Theoretical naval architecture: a treatise on the calculations involved in naval design. L., etc., 1877. 160, and Atlas of plates, 4°. (Collins's advanced science series, 4 b.)

Unwin, W. C. The elements of machine design. 6th ed. L., 1883. 16o. pp. xvi + 509. Illus. (Text-books of science.)

Wahl, W. H. Galvanoplastic manipulations: a practical guide for the gold and silver electroplater and the galvanoplastic operator, comprising the electro-deposition of all metals by means of the battery and the dynamo-electric machine, the most

approved processes by simple immersion, with descriptions of apparatus, chemical products employed in the art, etc.; based largely on the "Manipulations hydroplastiques" of Alfred Roseleur. Phil., etc., 1883. 8o. pp. xxviii + (17)–656. Illus.

Waring, G. E., jr. Draining for profit, and draining for health. 2d ed. N. Y., 1883. 120. PP. 252. Illus.

Watt, A. The art of soap-making; a handbook of the manufacture of hard and soft soaps, toilet soaps, etc.; including many new processes, and a chapter on the recovery of glycerine from waste leys. L., 1884. sm. 80. pp. xii+260. Illus.

Wengler, E. Usancen-Codex für Buchhändler und Geschäftsverwandte. 2e Aufl., bearbeitet von K. F. Pfau. Lpz., 1882. 160. pp. (4)+84.

Williams, C. W. Fuel, its combustion and economy; comprising an abridgment of "A treatise on the combustion of coal and the prevention of smoke," with additions on recent practice on the combustion and economy of fuel: coal, coke, wood, peat, petroleum, etc., by D. K. Clark. 2d ed. L., 1880. 120. pp. xiii +354. Illus. (Weale's rudimentary series, no. 200.)

Wilson, R. A treatise on steam boilers: their strength, construction, and economical working. 5th ed. L., 1879. 120. pp. vii+328. Illus.

Fine Arts and Archæology.

Ayres, G. B. How to paint photographs in water colors and in oil; how to work in crayon, make the chromo-photograph, retouch negatives, and instructions in ceramic painting. 6th ed. N. Y., 1883. 120. pp. 208. Illus.

Babcock, C. Vaults. Bost., 1884. fo. pp. 20.


From the author.

Burges, W. Art applied to industry. Oxf., etc., 1865. 80. pp. (7) + 120.

Lectures delivered before the Society of Arts, the Architectural Association, and the South Kensington Museum.

Burn, R. S. The illustrated drawing-book; containing pencil-drawing, figure and art, perspective, &c., engraving. L., [1867]. 80. pp. (3)-143. Illus. Chatto, W. A. A treatise on wood engraving, historical and practical; with upwards of four hundred illustrations engraved on wood by John Jackson. New ed., with an additional chapter by Henry G. Bohn. L., [1861]. 1. 8o. pp. xvi + 664. Illus. Revised by Mr. Bohn.

Davison, T. R., artist. Rambling sketches; with notes by W. E. A. Axon. [Vol. i.]. L., etc., 1883. 4o. pp. (32). 72 plates.

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Krause, K. C. F. Vorlesungen über Esthetik, oder über die Philosophie des Schönen und der schönen Kunst. Aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlasse des Verfassers herausgegeben von Paul Hohlfeld und Aug. Wünsche. Angehängt : drei Dresdener Vorlesungen, ein Brieffragment, und eine Abhandlung über Schönheit. Lpz, 1882. 8o. pp. xvi+392. Plate.

Montgomery, J. V. Manual of industrial drawing. Primary exercises. Books i.-viii. Phil., 1879. obl. 80. pp. 188. Illus.

Müllenhoff, K. (V.) Deutsche Altertumskunde. Bd. i., Abth. 1. Berl., 1883. 80.

Petrie, W. M. F. The pyramids and temples of Gizeh. L., etc., [1883]. 4°. pp. xvi +250. Illus.

Samson, G. W. Elements of art criticism; comprising a treatise on man's nature as addressed by art, with a historic survey of the methods of art execution in the departments of drawing, sculpture, architecture, painting, landscape gardening, and the decorative arts. Abridged ed. Phil., (cop. 1868). I 20. PP. 425.


Schnaase, C. (J. F.), and others. Geschichte der bildenden Künste. Bd. i.-viii. Düsseldorf, etc., 1866-79. 8 v. 8o. Illus.

Contents:-i. Die Völker des Orients. Unter Mitwirkung von Carl von Lützow. ii. Griechen und Römer. Unter Mitwirkung von Carl Friederichs. - iii. Altchristliche, byzantinische, muhammedanische, karolingische Kunst. Unter Mithülfe von J. R. Rahn. iv. Die romanische Kunst. Unter Mithülfe von Alwin Schultz und Wilhelm Lübke. v. Entstehung und Ausbildung des gothischen Styls. Unter Mithülfe von Alfred Woltmann. - vi. Die Spätzeit des Mittelalters bis zur Blüthe der Eyck'schen Schule. Bearbeitet vom Verfasser. vii. Das Mittelalter Italiens und die Grenzgebiete der abendländischen Kunst. Unter Mithülfe von Eduard Dobbert. — viii. Geschichte der bildenden Künste im 15. Jahrhundert. Unter Mitwirkung von O. Eisenmann; herausgegeben von Wilhelm Lübke.

Bd. i-vii. are 2o Aufl. Bd. i., ii, are bound together. Bd. ii.-vii. form "Geschichte der bildenden Künste im Mittelalter, Bd. i.-v."

Bd. viii. contains (pp. xv-lxxxiv) a biographical sketch of Schnaase by Wilhelm von Lübke, with portrait.

Turner, T. H., and J. H. Parker. Some account of domestic architecture in England. Oxf., etc. 1877, '53-59. 4 v. 8o. Illus.

Contents:-[i.] Turner, T. H. From the Conquest to the end of the 13th century. - [ii.] Parker, J. H. From Edward I. to Richard II.[iii., iv.] From Richard 11. to Henry VIII.

Vol i. is 2d ed. Lettered "Domestic architecture of the Middle Ages."

Walker, W. Handbook of drawing. L., 1880. Illus. 160. pp. xxiv + 270. Zerffi, G. G. A manual of the historical development of art; pre-historic, ancient, classic, early Christian; with special reference to architecture, sculpture, painting, and ornamentation. L., 1876. sm. 80. pp. xxiii +311. Illus.

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Ashton, J. Humour, wit, & satire of the seventeenth century. L., 1883. sm. 80. pp. (6) + 454. Fac sims and music.

Aulard, F. A. L'éloquence parlementaire pendant la révolution française. Les orateurs de L'Assemblée Constituante. P., 1882. 80. pp. (3) +569.

Baikie, E. S., (formerly Simpson.) The dramatic unities. 3d ed. L., 1878. 160. pp. (4) + IOI + (6).

Bent, S. A. Short sayings of great men; with historical and explanatory notes. 3d ed. Bost., 1882. sm. 80. pp. xvi + 610.

Bornmüller, F., editor. Biographisches Schriftsteller-Lexikon der Gegenwart. Lpz., 1882. sm. 80. pp. vi + 800.

Braun, J. W., compiler and editor. Schiller und Goethe im Urtheile ihrer Zeitgenossen. Abth. 2, Bd. ii. Lpz., 1884. 8°.

Contents: -2 (Goethe), ii. 1787-1801.

Brewer, Rev. E. C. A guide to English composition. New ed. L., 1883. 160. pp. xvi +426. Caine, T. (H.) H. Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Bost., 1883. 80. pp. xiii + 297.

Cambridge essays; contributed by members of the University. 1856, '57, '58. L., [1856–58]. 3v. 8°. Contents: -1856. Maine, H. J. S. Roman law and legal education. Donaldson, J. W. On English ethnography. Grote, J. Old studies and new. - Cope, E. M. The taste for the picturesque among the Greeks. — Ellicott, C. J. Apocryphal gospels. Waddington, W. H. The Protestant church and religious liberty in France. - Francis, H. R. The fly-fisher and his library. - Badham, C. The text of Shakespeare. - Hort, F. J. A. Coleridge.

1857. Stephen, F. The characteristics of English criminal law. Steuart, A. Agriculture in Britain at the present day. Gisborne, F. Telegraphic communication with India. Luard, H. R. Porson. - Hopkins, W. Geology. -Buxton, C. The questions raised by the mutiny. 1858. Hope, A. J. B. B. Newspapers and their writers. -Adair, R. A. S. The national defences and organization of the militia of the United Kingdom. Stigant, W. Sir Philip Sidney. - Graham, C. G. The ancient Bashan and the cities of Og. - Campion, W. M. Commissioners and colleges. Goodwin, C. W. Hieratic papyri.

Camden Society. The Lauderdale papers; edited by Osmund Airy. Vol. i. 1639-1667. [L.],


sm. 4o.

Letter-book of Gabriel Harvey, A. D. 15731580; edited from the original MS Sloane, 93, in the British Museum, by E. J. L. Scott. [L.], 1884. sm. 4o. pp. xvii + (2) + 191.

Canning, Hon. A. S. G. Thoughts on Shakespeare's historical plays. L., 1884. 80. pp. (8) + 296. Carlyle, T., and R. W. Emerson. Correspondence. 1834-1872. 3d ed. Bost., 1883. 2 v. sm. 80. Portrs.

Edited by Charles Eliot Norton.

Chabaneau, C., editor. Les sorts des apôtres; texte provençal du XIIIe siècle, publié avec l'original Latin. P., 1881. 80. pp. 40.

Coleridge, S. T. Lectures and notes on Shakspere and other English poets; collected by T. Ashe. L., 1884. sm. 80. pp. xi + 552. (Bohn's standard library.)

[Cross, Mrs. M. Evans,] (pseud. George Eliot). Essays, and Leaves from a note-book. N. Y., 1884. pp. vi + 295.


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Dante Alighieri. Lyrical poems, including the poems of the Vita nuova and Convito; translated by Charles Lyell. L., 1845. 160. pp. xxxiv + (1) 144. Port. Dawson, S. E. A study, with critical and explanatory notes, of Lord Tennyson's poem, The Princess. 2d ed. Montreal, 1884. 16o. pp. (1) + xv + 120.

This edition contains a letter from Tennyson to the author. Delaumosne, l'abbé -. The art of oratory,

system of Delsarte. Albany, N. Y., 1882. Pp. xx+170. Illus.

sm. 8o.

Deschanel, É. (A. É. M.). Le romantisme des classiques. [re], ze série. P., 1883-84. 3 v. 180. Contents: - [i. Général.] 1883. ii. Racine. 2 v. 1884. Du Méril, É. Histoire de la comédie ancienne. P., etc., 1869. 2 v. 80.

Dyer, Rev. T. F. T. Folk-lore of Shakespeare. L., [1883]. 80. pp. ix + 526.

Ferry, G. Les dernières années d'Alexandre Dumas, 1864-70. P., 1883. 18o. pp. (6) + 347. Fletcher, C. R. L. The development of English prose style; [an] essay. Oxf., etc., 1881. 80. pp. 34. The "Chancellor's prize English essay," Oxford University,


Floire et Blanceflor: poèmes du xiiie siècle; publiés d'après les manuscrits, avec une introduction, des notes et un glossaire par Édélestand du Méril. P., 1856. 160. pp. ccxxxvi +319. [Bibliothèque elzévirienne.]

Two different versions of the same poem, the one in 2974 lines, the other in 3470 (the rest wanting); with an épisode of 254 lines. Attributed by Konrad Fleck to a French poet named Robert d'Orbent, concerning which see V. Leclerc's "HisJ. toire littér. de la France au xive. siècle,” 2o éd., P., 1865, tome 11., p. 29.

[Genest, Rev. John.] Some account of the English stage, from the restoration in 1660 to 1830. 80. Bath, etc., 1832. 10 v.

Giornale storico della letteratura italiana. Vol. i., ii. 1883. b. m. Torino, 1883. 2 v. 80.

"Diretto e redatto da Arturo Graf, Francesco Novati, Rodolfo Renier."

To be continued.

Goedeke, K., and J. Tittmann, editors. Deutsche Dichter des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Bd. xviii. Lpz., 1883. 160.

Contents: - xviii. Luther, M. Dichtungen.

Goethe-Jahrbuch; herausgegeben von Ludwig Geiger. Bd. v. Frankfurt a. M., 1884. 8o. Port.

Grote, G. The minor works; with critical remarks on his intellectual character, writings, and speeches, by Alexander Bain. L., 1873. 8°. pp. xii +170 +364. Port.

Contents:-Critical estimate of character and writings. Essentials of parliamentary reform. - Notice of Sir William Molesworth's edition of the works of Hobbes. -Grecian legends and early history. - Review of Boeckh on ancient weights, coins, and measures. - Presidential address in commemoration of the twenty-first anniversary of the London Scientific Institution. Address on delivering the prizes at University College. Review of Sir G. C. Lewis on the credibility of early Roman history. - Plato's doctrine respecting the rotation of the earth, and Aristotle's comment upon that doctrine. - Review of John Stuart Mill on the philosophy of Sir William Hamilton. - Papers on philosophy.

Hardy, A. Le théâtre. Erster Neudruck, besorgt von E. Stengel. Tom. iii., iv. Marburg, etc., 1883. 2 v. sm. 80.

Vol. iv. has an engraved titlepage in fac-simile. Vols. i. and ii. are not yet published.

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Higginson, T. W. Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Bost., 1884. 160. pp. (4) + 323 Port. (Warner, C. D., editor. American men of letters [vi.].)

Horn, F. W. History of the literature of the Scandinavian north, from the most ancient times to the present; revised by the author, and translated by R. B. Anderson; with a Bibliography of the important books in the English language relating to the Scandinavian countries, prepared for the translator by Thorvald Solberg. Chic., 1884. 8°. pp. ix +507.

Hunt, N. C. The poetry of other lands; a collection of translations into English verse of the poetry of other languages, ancient and modern. Phil, [r883]. 1. 12, pp. (iii.)-445.

Ingelow, Miss J. Poems. L., 1882. 2 V. 16o. Vignettes.

Vols. i. and ii. are reprinted, with additions, from the 23d and 6th editions, respectively.

Johnson, Rev. Samuel, 1822-82. Lectures, essays, and sermons; with a memoir by Samuel Longfellow. Bost., 1883. sm. 80. pp. (3) + 466. Port. Contents: Longfellow, S. Memoir. Florence. The Alps of the ideal and the Switzerland of the Swiss.-9 - Sym. bolism of the sea. Fulfilment of functions. Equal opportunity for woman. - Labor parties and labor reform. The law of the blessed life. Gain in loss. The search for God. Fate. Living by faith. "The duty of delight." -Transcendentalism. Appendix.

[ocr errors]

Kidd, R. New elocution and vocal culture. Cin., etc., (cop. 1883). 120. pp. 504.

Contains (pp. 139-504) exercises for reading and declaiming. [Lacroix, Paul.] Recueil de farces, soties et moralités du quinzième siècle; avec des notices et des notes par P. L. Jacob, bibliophile [pseud.] P., 1882. 180. pp. (3) + xxxvi +453+ (1).

Contents:- L'ancien théâtre en France. Maistre Pierre Pathelin. Le nouveau Pathelin. Le testament de Pathelin. Moralité de l'Aveugle et du Boiteux. La farce du Munyer. -La condamnacion de Bancquet.

La Grange, C. V. de. Registre (1658-85); précédé d'une notice biographique; publié par les soins de la Comédie-Française. P., 1876. 4o. pp. (3)+xlix+(3)+357. (Archives de la ComédieFrançaise.)


Landau, M. Die Quellen des Dekameron. Aufl. Stuttg., 1884. 80. pp. xviii+ 345. Tables. Last, E. Mehr Licht! Neue Folge: Die deutsche Dichtung in ihrem Wesen und ihrer inneren Bedeutung. 2e Aufl. Berl., 1880. sm. 80. pp. (8) + 304 + (8).

Leclair, L., and C. Rouzé. Le style en action; ou, L'art d'écrire enseigné par la pratique, et ac compagné de trois cent soixante-douze exercises. 7e éd. P., 1882. 160. pp. 144.

Leland or Leyland or Laylonde, J., Prebendary of Salisbury. Commentarii de scriptoribus Britannicis; edidit Antonius Hall. Oxonii, 1709. 2 v. in I. 80. pp. (16)+486 + (27).

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Living English poets, 1882. Bost., 1883. 16o. pp. xx+339. Frontisp.

Lüder, H. A. Carlo Goldoni in seinem Verhältnis zu Molière; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der dramatischen Litteratur Italiens im 18 Jahrhundert. Oppeln [Germ.], 1883. 80. pp. (3)-44.

Moland, L., editor. Théâtre de la révolution; ou, Choix de pièces de théâtre qui ont fait sensation pendant la période révolutionnaire. P., 1877. 180. Pp. xxxi +448.

Contents: Chenier, M. J. de. Charles IX.; ou, L'école des rois. -[Boutet, J. M.], dit Monvel. Les

victimes cloitrées. — Laya, (J. L.] L'ami des lois. - Maréchal, P. S. Le jugement dernier des rois. Ducancel, C. P. L'intérieur des comités révolutionnaires; ou, Les Aristides modernes.[Eve, A. F.], dit Maillot. Madame Angot; ou, La Poissarde parvenue.

Morfill, W. R. The dawn of European literature: Slavonic literature. L., 1883. 160. pp. viii +264.

Published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Nettement, A. (F.) Histoire de la littérature française sous le gouvernement de Juillet. 3e éd. P., etc., 1876. 2 v. 8o.

Oxford essays; contributed by members of the University. 1856, '58. L., [1856-58]. 2 v. 80. Contents:- - 1856. Müller, (F.) M. Comparative mythology. Bernard, M. The growth of laws and usages of war. - Butler, G. The Raphael drawings in the University Galleries, Oxford. - Morris, W. O. The land system of Ireland. Temple, F. National education. - King, R. J. Carlovingian romance. - Smith, Goldwin. Review of Mr. Congreve's "Roman empire of the West."

1858. Conington, J. The poetry of Pope. - Cecil, Lord R. G. The theories of parliamentary reform. - Grant, Sir A., bart. The ancient stoics. Pearson, C. B. Hymns and hymn-writers. Dasent, G. W. The Norsemen in Iceland. - Phillimore, J. G. Influence of the canon law. Smith, Goldwin. Oxford University reform. Pannier, L. Les lapidaires français du moyen âge, des Xie, XIIIe et XIVe siècles; avec une notice préliminaire par Gaston Paris. P., 1882. 80. pp. (4)+xi+340+ (2). (Bibliothèque de l'École des hautes études, 52e fasc.)

Patmore, C. K. D. The angel in the house. 5th ed. L., [1878]. 16o. pp. xi + 264+ (1). A domestic poem in 4 books.

Rabelais, F. The life of Gargantua, and The heroic deeds of Pantagruel; translated by Sir T. Urquhart. With an introduction by H. Morley.

L., etc., 1883. 16o. pp. 320. (Morley's universal


Expurgated edition.

Readings in Rabelais; [edited] by Walter Besant. Edin., etc., 1883. sm. 80. pp. xii + 382. Principally a selection from the translations by T. Urquhart and P. A. Motteaux.

Rajna, P. Le origini dell' epopea francese. Firenze, 1884. 8°. pp. xiii + (1) + 550. Reed, H. F. How to read: a manual of elocution and vocal culture; also selections for practice and declamation. Phil., (cop. 1883). 120. pp. (3)— 240. Illus.

The selections occupy pp. 162-240.

Royer, A. Histoire universelle du théâtre. P., 1869-70. 4 v. 80.

Saltus, E. E. Balzac. Bost., 1884. PP. 199. Port.

sm. 8o.

Contains a bibliography of Balzac (pp. 165-199.) Scherer, W. Geschichte der deutschen Litteratur. Berl., 1883. 80. pp. xii +814 + (1).

Séchan, C. (P.) Souvenirs d'un homme de théâtre, 1831-55; recueillis par Adolphe Badin. P., 1883. 180. pp. (3) + xvi + 322.

Shakespeare, W. [Works]; with notes. [Vol. i.] L., [1881]. 160. pp. 130. (Oxford and Cambridge Shakespeare).

Contents: -i. Coriolanus.

[Works]; with notes by Rev. John Hunter. [Vol. xx.] L., [1870?]. 160. pp. xxiii + 144. Contents:-[xx.] Merchant of Venice.

Sharp, W. Dante Gabriel Rossetti: a record and a study. L., 1882. sm. 80. pp. (iii)-viii +432 +(16). Frontisp.

Shelley, P. B. Poems; selected and arranged by Stopford A. Brooke. L., 1882. 160. pp. lxvi+ (i)+340. (Golden treasury series.)

Shelley, P. B. Poetical works; edited by Harry Buxton Forman. Reissue, with the notes of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. L., 1882. 4 v. 80. Portrs, etchings, fac sims.

Prose works; edited by Harry Buxton Forman. L., 1880. 4 v. 8o. Port., etchings, wdcts., and table.

Sundby, T. Brunetto Latinos levnet og skrifter. I et tillæg Philippi Gualteri Moralium dogma, Albertani Brixiensis Ars loquendi et tacendi, versio Islandica c. xxvi Moralium dogmatis. Kjøb., 1869. 80. pp. 206+ (1) + cxliv.

Symonds, J. A., jr. Shakspere's predecessors in the English drama. L., 1884. 8o. pp. xix +668.

Thomas, Antoine. Francesco da Barberino, et la littérature provençale en Italie au moyen âge. P., 1883. 80. pp. (3) + 200. (Bibliothèque des écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome.)

Very, J. Poems; with an introductory memoir by W. P. Andrews. Bost., 1883. 160. pp. xii + 160. Vigfusson, G., and F. Y. Powell, editors and translators. Corpvs poeticvm boreale: The poetry of the old Northern tongue, from the earliest times to the thirteenth century. Edited, classified, and translated, with introduction, excursus, and notes. Oxf., 1883. 2 v. 80.

Contents:-i. Eddic poetry. -ii. Court poetry.

Vollmöller, K., editor. Sammlung französischer Neudrucke. 1-6. Heilbronn, 1881-83. 6 v. bd. sm. 80.

in 2.

Contents: -1. Villiers, - le sieur de, translator. Le festin de Pierre; ou, Le fils criminel; neue Ausg. von W. Knörich.2. Conte, A. de Bourbon, prince de. Traité de la comédie et des spectacles; neue Ausg. von K. Vollmöller.-3-6. Garrier, R. Les tragédies; herausg. von W. Foerster.

Wordsworth Society. Transactions. Nos. 2-5. [Edin., 1881-84 ?] 4 pts. 8o. Portrs.


Arbois de Jubainville, M. H. d'. La déclinaison latine en Gaule à l'époque mérovingienne; étude sur les origines de la langue française. P., 1872. 80. pp. 162 + (3).

Bahder, K. von. Die deutsche Philologie im Grundriss. Paderborn, 1883. 80. pp. xvi + 456. Barnes, (R. S.) F. A German-English dictionary of words and terms used in medicine and its cognate sciences. L., 1881. sq. 8°. pp. viii + 300.

Becq de Fouquières, L. Traité général de versification française. P., 1879. 8°. pp. (2) + xvi + 399.

Beger, F. A. Lateinisch und Romanisch, besonders Französisch; herausgegeben von J. H. Beger. Berl., 1863. sm. 80. PP. (7) + 146.

Bergk, T. Griechische Literaturgeschichte. Berl., 1872-84. 3 v. 8o.

Bd. ii. und iii. aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Gustav Hinrichs.

Opuscula philologica Bergkiana; edidit Rudolfus Peppmüller. Vol. i. Halis Sax., 1884.

80. Port.

Contents:-i. Zur römischen Literatur.

Birt, T. Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verhältniss zur Litteratur; mit Beiträgen zur Textgeschichte des Theokrit, Catull, Properz und anderer Autoren. Berl., 1882. 80. pp. vii + (1) + 518.

Brown, R. jr. The myth of Kirkê; including the visit of Odysseus to the shades: an Homerik study. L., 1883. 80. pp. ix + (2) + 168.

Brugsch, H. (K. F.), pasha. Hieroglyphische Grammatik; oder übersichtliche Zusammenstellung

der graphischen, grammatischen und syntaktischen Regeln der heiligen Sprache und Schrift der alten Ægypter. Lpz., 1872. 4o. pp. iv + 138. Christ, O. De ablativo Sallustiano. inaug. Ienæ, 1883. 8°. pp. 101.


Cicero, M. T. De natura deorum, libri tres; with introduction and commentary by J. B. Mayor; [and] a new collation of several of the English MSS. by J. H. Swainson. Camb., etc., 1880-83. 2 V. 80. Commentationes philologæ Ienenses; edidervnt seminarii philologorvm Tenensis professores. Vol. i. Lips., 1881. 80.

Contents:-i. Sauerbrei, P. De fontibus Zonarae quaestiones selectae. - Gundermann, G. De Iuli Frontini stratagematon libro qui fertur quarto. Sarrazin, V. De Theodoro Lectore Theophantis fonte praecipuo.

Corssen, W. (P.). Beiträge zur italischen Sprachkunde. Lpz., 1876. 8o. pp. vii + (1) + 624. Contains a preface by Hugo Weber.

Delbrück, B. Vedische Chrestomathie; mit Anmerkungen und Glossar. Halle, 1874. 8o. pp. viii+128.

Du Bellay, J. de. La deffence et illustration de la langue francoyse; reproduite conformément au texte de l'édition originale, avec une introduction, des notes philologiques et littéraires, et un glossaire, suivi du Quintil Horatian (de Charles Fontaine). Par Em. Person. P., [1878]. 80. pp. (3) + 214. [Chassang, A., editor. Bibliothèque historique de la langue française.]

Contains a bibliography of the work, and a fac-simile of the titlepage of the original edition (1549). See also Édouard Turquety's article on Du Bellay in the Bulletin du Bibliophile, xvie série (1864), pp. 1125-1159.

Engelbrecht, A. G. Studia Terentiana. Vindobonæ, 1883. 80. pp. (3) + 90.

ives Bd.

Euripides. Ausgewählte Tragödien. Berl., 1880. sm. 80. (Haupt, M., and H. Sauppe, editors. Sammlung griechischer und lateinischer Schriftsteller.)

Contents:-iv. Hippolytus; erkl. von Th. Barthold. Eyssenhardt, F. Roemisch und Romanisch; ein Beitrag zur Sprachgeschichte. Berl., 1882. 80. pp. xi + 204 + (1).


Granier de Cassagnac, A. de. Histoire des origines de la langue française. P., 1872. 8°. pp. (1)+xvi +554+ (1).

Hadley, J. A Greek grammar; revised by Frederic De F. Allen. N. Y., 1884. 120. pp. xii + 405.

Hagen, H. Gradus ad criticen. Lpz., 1879. 80. Pp. xii +136.

Hahn, K. A. Althochdeutsche Grammatik, nebst einigen Lesestücken und einem Glossar; herausgegeben von Jos. Strobl. 5eAufl. Prag, 1882. 8°. pp. iv + 114.

Hofmann, E. Studien auf dem Gebiete der lateinischen Syntax. Wien, 1884. 80. pp. iv + (1) + 134.

Hübner, E. (W. E.). Grundriss zu Vorlesungen über die lateinische Grammatik. 2e Aufl. Berl., 1880. 80. pp. v + (115).

Ihm, G. Quaestiones syntacticae de elocutione Tacitea comparato Caesaris, Sallusti, Vellei usu loquendi. 80. [Diss. inaug.] Gissae, 1882. pp. (1)+78. Kleinschmit, M. De Lucili Saturarum scriptoris genere dicendi. Marpurgi Cattorum, 1883. 80. pp. viii+135.

Kluge, F. Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 2er Abd. Strassburg, 1883.

80. pp. xxiv + 428.

Köhler, C. S., compiler. Die Weisheit der Tragiker; Realconcordanz der Sprüche und Lehren

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