ANGELU'CCIO. [ANGELO.] ), a Jewish philosophical writer, the author of a treatise, called " Kuphas Harochelim" ("The Chest of the Dealers in Aromatics or Perfumes "), which is a collection from the ancient philosophers of all nations, and is among the quarto MSS. of the library of R. Oppenheimer, now forming a part of the Bodleian Library at Oxford. We have no account of the period at which this author lived and wrote. (Wolfius, Biblioth. Hebr. iii. 385.) C. P. H. A'NGELUS, ANDRONICUS. [ANDRONICUS ANGELUS.] A'NGELUS, ALEXIS. [ALEXIS ANGELUS.] ANGELUS DE CASTRO or CASTRENSIS. [CASTRO, ANGELUS DE.] A'NGELUS or ANGEL, CHRISTOPHER, a Greek, was a native of the Peloponnesus, and lived in the latter part of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth centuries. Being anxious to acquire knowledge, he visited the several cities of Greece, and particularly applied himself to religious subjects. While at Athens, the Turkish governor endeavoured to persuade him to abjure Christianity, and to accuse the Athenian merchants trading to Vienna of having sent him to Athens for the purpose of betraying that city to the Spaniards. The object of the governor is stated to have been to throw odium on the Athenian Christians, and enable him to avenge himself on them for certain accusations preferred by them against him to the Ottoman Porte. Not succeeding in his object with Angelus, he caused him to be thrown into prison, and treated with the greatest severity; but on the intercession of some of the archonti of the city, Angelus was released. He immediately embarked on board a vessel for England, and arrived at Yarmouth in 1608. He was hospitably received by the bishop and clergy of Norwich, who gave him pecuniary relief, and also letters of recommendation to the heads of the university of Cambridge. He studied in Trinity College until 1610, when he went to Oxford for the benefit of his health, and was hospitably received there also. He studied in Baliol College, and read Greek privately with the young students. He continued to reside principally in Oxford until his death, on the 1st of February, 1638, and was buried within the precincts of St. Ebbe's church, "leaving behind him," says Wood, character of a pure Grecian and an honest and harmless man." His works are - 1. "Of the many Stripes and Torments inflicted on Christopher Angelus by the Turks for the Faith which he had in Jesus Christ." In Greek and English. Oxford, 1617, 4to. "An Encomium of the famous Kingdome of Great Britaine and of the two flourishing Sister Universities Cambridge and Oxford,' "the 2. Cambridge, 1619, 4to. This also is in Greek and English. 3. "Enchiridion de Institutis Græcorum," Cambridge, 1619, 4to. This is a curious account in Greek and Latin of the rites and ceremonies of the Greek church, and is accompanied by testimonials from several of the most eminent men in both universities. Another Latin version by G. Fhelau, a minister of Danzig, was published with notes at Frankfort, 1655, 12mo., under the title, "Status et Ritus Ecclesiæ Græcæ." Another edition, greatly enlarged, of this latter version, entitled, "De Statu hodiernorum Græcorum Enchiridion," was published at Leipzig, 1676, 4to., and at Franeker in 1679, 4to., in P. Cyprius's "Chronicon Ecclesiæ Græcæ." 4. " Labor Christophori Angeli, Græci, de Apostasiâ Ecclesiæ et de Homine Peccati, scilicet Antichristi, et de Numeris Danielis et Apocalypseos quas Nemo recte interpretatus est ex quo prædicti sunt a Prophetis," London, 1624, 4to. The object of the author is to establish a distinction between the apostacy and the man of sin in 2 Thess. ii. 3., to prove that the apostacy as predicted was fulfilled in the person of Pope Boniface, by the surrender of temporal power to him by the Emperor Phocas, and that Mohammed who appeared within eleven years after was the antichrist. Finally, he demonstrates by calculations, that the destruction of the last of the Mohammeds will happen in the year 1876. (Wood, Athenæ Oxonienses, edit. Bliss, ii. 633.; Gentleman's Magazine, Ixiv. 785.) J. W. J. A'NGELUS HIEROSOLYMITA'NUS (D), a converted Jew and hermit of Mount Carmel, celebrated for his learning and the sanctity of his life. He lived in the beginning of the thirteenth century, and it is recorded that he converted many Jews to the Christian faith. He is also celebrated for his predictions of the growth and extension of the Turkish empire, and of the scourge and vexation which it would prove to Christendom. According to father Imbonati, this prophecy was printed in Italy. He suffered martyrdom in Sicily by command of Berengarius, one of the petty tyrants of that island, whom he had the boldness to reprove for the crime of incest, A. D. 1220. (Wolfius, Biblioth. Hebr. iii. 789.; Imbonatus, Biblioth. Latino-Hebr. p. 5, 6.; Conr. Gesnerus, Biblioth. a Simlero, p. 51.) C. P. H. A'NGELUS, ISAAC. [ISAAC ANGELUS.] A'NGELUS, JOHN, was of Aichen in Bavaria. He was a doctor of medicine, and taught mathematics at Ingolstadt and Vienna, at the latter of which places he died in 1512, while engaged in correcting or extending the planetary tables of Purbach. Weidler calls him an excellent astronomer, very useful in the correction of books and tables; but the following work will perhaps give as good an idea of his pursuits: "Astrolabium Planum sion. He translated a prodigious number of French comedies and vaudevilles, and to the French songs he adapted, with great skill and taste, popular German songs; but translating all that was "en vogue," and without considering whether it was good or bad, he contributed greatly to the German stage losing its national independence and falling into its present decline. As a performer, Angely had only moderate success. There was something dull and awkward in the performance of this witty and lively man. In 1830 he retired from the stage, though he continued to in Tabulis ascendens, continens quâlibet | nufactories," according to a German expres horâ atque minuto æquationes domorum cæli, moras (thus in Lalande; horas ?) nati in utero matris, cum quodam tractatu nativitatum utili ac ornato, necnon horas inæquales pro quolibet climate mundi." Venice, 1502, 4to. This is probably an augmented edition of his "Astrolabium Planum," Augsburg, 1488, reprinted, for the last time that we can find, at Venice, 1594. There is also a series of ephemerides, probably extending from 1494 to 1512, since those of 1494 to 1500 were published at Vienna in 1494, and those of 1511 and 1512 are mentioned by bibliographers. (Weidler, Hist. Astron.; La-perform occasionally in private theatres; and lande, Bibl. Astron.; Heilbronner, &c.) he purchased an hotel, to which his name attracted a great number of persons belonging to the best society in Berlin. His evening parties here were highly amusing. A great number of poets, old and young, as well as actors, flocked there. Angely died in 1835. A collection of his dramatic works appeared under the title "Vaudevilles und Lustspiele, theils Originale, theils Uebertragungen und Bearbeitungen, zunächst für das Königstädter Theater," Berlin, 1828-34, 3 vols. 8vo. (Neuer Nekrolog der Deutschen, Jahrgang, 1835, p. 1007.) A. De M. A'NGELY, court fool to Louis XIII. king of France, is said to have been born of a poor but noble family. He was originally attached to the service of the prince of Condé, and followed him in his campaigns in Flanders as groom of the stable. He made himself remarkable by his witty and fearless repartees; and having accompanied the prince to court, was, by the desire of Louis, transferred to his service. It appears that Angely turned his advantages to profitable account, and speedily amassed a considerable fortune. His jests, however, were very biting, and ultimately led to his dismissal from court. Boileau has availed himself of Angely's success in his first satire : -: W. P. ANGENNES D', SEIGNEURS, a noble and illustrious family of France, who derived their title from Angennes, a seigneurie in the parish of Brezolles in the païs de Thimerais, in the department of the Eure and Loire. ANGENNES, REGNAULT D', écuyer, is the first who is known by this title; who, on the 8th of April, 1304, bought for nine hundred and fifty francs d'or of the common weight, the hôtel de Marolles from the heir of Jean de Versailles, seigneur de Marolles sous Broué. ANGENNES, ROBERT D', seigneur de Rambouillet et de Marolles, is the first from whom the line can be accurately traced. Anselme gives no date for him, but Moreri says that he rendered good services to Charles V., and distinguished himself on several occasions against the English. "Un poëte à la Cour fut jadis à la mode : Mais des Fous aujourd'hui c'est le plus incommode: Et l'esprit le plus beau, l'auteur le plus poli, N'y parviendra jamais au sort de l'Angeli." Nothing appears to be known of the time of his birth or death. (Boileau, Euvres, i. 15, 68. edit. 1740; Ménagiana, edit. La Monnoye, 1715, i. 18. ii. 205. iii. 53.; Biographie Universelle.) J. W. J. A'NGELY, LOUIS, a distinguished German dramatic writer, was born at Berlin between 1770 and 1780, and descended from a family belonging to the French colony settled there on the revocation of the edict of Nantes. ANGENNES, RENAULT D', third son of RoAt an early age he performed on the stage at bert, seigneur de Rambouillet et de la Loupe Riga, St. Petersburg, and other Baltic towns au Perche, was made captain of the château in Russia and Prussia, as well as at Berlin. du Louvre at Paris, in 1392; chevalier and He became régisseur or director of the de-chambellan du roi in 1398; premier champartment of pure dramatic affairs of the theatre called the Königstädter Theater. For this theatre he wrote a great number of vaudevilles and comedies, which made his name popular throughout all Germany, and among which "Die Sieben Mädchen in Uniform" ("The Seven Girls in Uniform "), and "Das Fest der Handwerker" ("The Feast of the Craftsmen ") had unusual success. These two vaudevilles are undoubtedly among the best specimens of a branch of the draBiographie Universelle " says that Renault matic art which has been cultivated in Ger- d'Angennes was killed at the battle of Vermany with little success, except at Vienna. neuil, in 1424, but "Le Palais de l'Honneur," Angely was the most rapid of translators in p. 305, 4to. Paris, 1664, says that Louis a country where translation is done in "ma-d'Angennes, son of Renault, was killed in that bellan and captain of the guards of Monseigneur le Duc de Guyenne, dauphin de Viennois, in 1404, to whom he had already been gouverneur. In 1413, a body of Parisians, stirred on by the Duc de Bourgogne against the dauphin, made Renault, his son, and several of the noblemen of the court prisoners, and took the palace; but the sedition was quelled, D'Angennes restored to liberty, and to his command of the château. 66 The battle and that year. (Anselme, Histoire Généalogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royale de France, &c. tom. ii. p. 421., where the whole genealogy of the D'Angennes may be seen: Histoire de Charles VI., Roy de France, Paris, 1663, fol. p. 862-869.) ANGENNES, DENIS D', second son de Charles d'Angennes and Marguerite de Coësmes, and a descendant of Renault, was seigneur de la Loupe, de la Fortemaison, et de Ruffly. He was the founder of the house of the Seigneurs de la Loupe et de Fontaine-Riaut, and died 31st October, 1552. He was the younger brother of Jacques. 66 ANGENNES, JACQUES D', seigneur de Rambouillet, one of the favourites of King Francis I.," was captain of the royal bodyguard during the reigns of Francis I., Henry II., Francis II., and Charles IX., a lieutenantgeneral in their armies, and governor of Metz. In 1557, he was sent to Paris with a body of troops to quell an insurrection which had broken out among the students of the university, and succeeded in suppressing it. The same year he distinguished himself at the siege of St. Quentin. Catherine de Médicis in 1561 employed him on an embassy in Germany to propose to the Protestant princes a federative league to oppose the decrees which should be passed in the council of Trent. His mission was unsuccessful, and he died the next year. (Biographie Universelle.) He married, 13th February, 1526, Isabeau, or Isabelle, Cotereau, or Cottereau, daughter of Jean, chevalier seigneur de Maintenon, and had by her three daughters and nine sons; of whom the most distinguished were Charles, the cardinal, and Claude, bishop of Mans. But four of his sons were founders of four of the old noble families of France. ANGENNES, FRANÇOIS D', seventh son of Jacques d'Angennes and Isabeau Cottereau, marquis de Montlouet, field-marshal, ambassador in Switzerland, and chambellan of François, duc d'Alençon, in 1576, was a favourite of Catherine de Médicis, and the founder of the house of the Marquis de Montlouet. ANGENNES, JEAN D', eighth son of Jacques d'Angennes and Isabeau Cottereau, seigneur de Poigny, was sent as ambassador to the pope in 1575, and also to Navarre, Savoy, and Germany, and died in 1593. He was the founder of the house of the Marquis de Poigny. ANGENNES, LOUIS D', sixth son of Jacques d'Angennes and Isabeau Cottereau, was narquis de Maintenon, chevalier des ordres du roi in 1581, conseiller d'état, and ambassadorextraordinary in Spain. He was the founder of the house of the Marquis de Maintenon. ANGENNES, JACQUES D', second son of Louis d'Angennes, the sixth son of Jacques d'Angennes, was made bishop of Bayeux by Henry IV. He was consecrated in 1607, and attended an assembly of the clergy held at Paris in 1625, and died 14th May, 1647, at the age of seventy. The "Catalogue des Livres imprimés de la Bibliothèque du Roy' Théologie," B. 642., attributes to him this work, "Manuale Rituum ecclesiasticorum, ad Usum Ecclesiæ et Diocesis Baiocensis, Authoritate Jacobi d'Angennes, Baiocensis Episcopi, recognitum. Cadomi," 1627, 4to. ANGENNES, NICOLAS D', fourth son of Jacques d'Angennes and Isabeau Cottereau, was seigneur de Rambouillet, vidame du Mans, governor of Metz and the païs Messin, conseiller d'état, lieutenant-general in the armies of Charles IX. and Henry III., and captain of the guard and chambellan ordinaire of Henry III. Charles IX. sent him as his ambassador-extraordinary into England to present the collar of the order of St. Michel to any two of the English nobles whom Queen Elizabeth might choose. She named the Duke of Norfolk and the Earl of Leicester. The same king employed him in another embassy to Rome in 1572; and again he sent him, in 1573, to convey to the senate of Poland his thanks for their electing his brother Henri, duc d'Anjou, king of Poland. Nicolas in 1589 was engaged together with the Seigneur de Rosny in a negociation at Blois to reconcile Henry III. with the King of Navarre, who was afterwards Henry IV. He was still living on the 5th February, 1611, aged eightyone. Davila gives him this character" he was a man of great natural prudence, eloquent and persuasive, and he had a profound knowledge of letters, and was quite in the confidence of Henry III." ANGENNES, CHARLES D', son of Nicolas d'Angennes and Julienne, dame d'Arquenay, was marquis de Rambouillet et de Pisani, and seigneur d'Arquenay. He was sent as ambassador-extraordinary into Piedmont and Spain in 1627, where he negociated a peace between the King of France and the Duke of Savoy. He died at Paris 6th February, 1652, at the age of seventy-five. ANGENNES, JULIE-LUCIE D', daughter of Charles d'Apgennes, the son of Nicolas, was gouvernante of the dauphin, and dame d'honneur to the Queen Marie Thérése, wife of Louis XIV. She married Charles de SainteMaure, duc de Montausier, 13th July, 1645, and died 15th November, 1671, aged sixtyfour. Her name occurs frequently in the letters of Voiture and the works of the other celebrated authors of the seventeenth century. ANGENNES, PHILIPPE D', ninth son of Jacques d'Angennes and Isabeau Cottereau, seigneur du Fargis, was killed at the siege of Laval in 1590. He was the founder of the house of the Seigneurs or Comtes du Fargis. (Anselme, Histoire Généalogique et Chronologique de la Maison Royale de France, &c. tom. ii. p. 421.; Dictionnaire Généalogique, Héraldique, Chronologique, et Historique, tom. i. p. 91. 8vo. Paris, 1757; Histoire Ecclésiastique pour servir de Continuation à celle de Fleury, liv. clxxiii. ch. 109.; Moreri, who is wrong in calling the wife of Jacques d'Angennes Elizabeth, and commits some other mistakes.) ANGENNES, CHARLES D', DE RAMBOUILLET, cardinal, second son of Jacques d'Angennes, seigneur de Rambouillet, and Isabeau Cottereau, dame de Maintenon, was born on the 31st October, 1530, and received an education suitable to his birth. In the midst of a corrupt court, D'Angennes led a life of purity, and possessed the esteem of his sovereigns, who employed him in several important affairs. Charles IX., at the request of Catherine de Médicis, appointed him to the bishopric of Mans on the 22d of October, 1559. On the second day of the same month, in the following year, he made his entry into his episcopal city. While he was visiting his diocese, Mans was taken and pillaged by the Huguenots, 3d April, 1562, and the cathedral church of St. Julien suffered greatly at their hands. The Roman Catholic historians say that one Merlin, a convert to the Protestant faith, who had debauched a nun, brought over to his religious opinions a great number of his fellow-townsmen by the sermons which he delivered in the town-hall, and called in the Huguenots. But as the bishop was absent at the time of these disasters, he was suspected of having held secret intelligence with the Huguenot leaders, and he was even accused of receiving, as his share of the booty, the silver statues of the twelve apostles, which adorned the cathedral of Mans. These charges his biographers consider to be sufficiently rebutted by the liberality with which he repaired the injuries done to the church. D'Angennes was present at the last sitting of the council of Trent in 1563. Charles IX. sent him, in 1568, as ambassador of France to Pius V., and solicited for him the dignity of a cardinal. The pope made him cardinal priest, 17th May, 1570, with the title of St. Jerome (Sanctus Hieronymus Illyricorum), or, as others say, of St. Euphemia. It is probable that he had both these titles at different times. As cardinal, he subscribed the acts of a national council held at Tours in 1583, and was present at two conclaves held at Rome for the election of two popes, Gregory XIII. and Sixtus V. This last pope retained D'Angennes at Rome, and made him governor of Corneto, a place on the frontiers of Tuscany, where he died 23d March, 1587. It was suspected that he was poisoned by his domestics, to whom he had left the greater part of his property by his will, but the matter was never cleared up. He was buried in the church of the Fratres Minores of the order of St. Francis, and an epitaph was placed on his tomb, which states that he lived fifty-six years, four months, and twenty-three days. He was very charitable to the poor. Le Long, in his Bibliothèque Historique de la France," tom. iii. No. 30124, 30125., gives these two manuscripts, 1. "Ambassade du Cardinal de Rambouillet à Rome, en 1568, fol., which is in the royal library of Paris. 2. " Dépêches de l'Ambassade de M. le Cardinal de Rambouillet à Rome, depuis le 19 Juillet, 1568, jusqu'au 28 Août, 1570," fol. 2 vols. (Courvaisier, Histoire des Evêques du Mans; Aubery, Vies des Cardinaux; Ciaconius, Vitæ et Res gesta Pontificum Romanorum et Cardinalium.) ANGENNES, CLAUDE D', bishop of Mans, the fifth son of Jacques d'Angennes, seigneur de Rambouillet, and Isabeau (not Elizabeth) Cottereau, dame de Maintenon, and brother of the cardinal, was born at Rambouillet, 26th August, 1538. He studied first at Paris the Litera Humaniores and philosophy, and afterwards jurisprudence at Bourges, as he at first intended to follow the bar. After returning to Paris, and being admitted an advocate, he proceeded to Padua to continue his studies in jurisprudence, and went thence to the council of Trent to join his brother Charles, who was there at the time as bishop of Mans. Returning to Paris again, he was made by Charles IX. in 1566 conseiller d'église au parlement de Paris; three years afterwards the king sent him as an ambassador to Cosimo de' Medici, duke of Florence, and on his return made him conseiller d'état, and in 1570 sent him to Rome on an embassy to Pope Pius V. Henry III. in 1577 gave him the office of président en la cinquième chambre des enquêtes, and some months afterwards, in 1578, made him bishop of Noyon. In 1582 he attended a general assembly of the Gallican church, the next year a council held at Reims, and two years afterwards, in 1585, a second general assembly of the Gallican church at Paris, when he defended its liberties in the presence of the king. After the death of his brother the cardinal, he was translated to the see of Mans, in the year 1588. As D'Angennes was a man of great experience and prudence, Henry III. employed him in the following difficult mission to Sixtus V. Henry had ordered the Duc de Guise, and a short time afterwards, 24th December, 1588, his brother, the Cardinal de Guise, to be assassinated, and the Cardinal de Bourbon, and the Archbishop of Lyon, to be apprehended and imprisoned in the château d'Amboise. The fury of the Leaguers was excited to the highest pitch by the murder of their two chiefs the princes of Lorraine, and the greatest disorders ensued all through France. The king, believing that he could allay these troubles if he obtained absolution from Rome for the assassination of the cardinal, sent two ambassadors to Sixtus V., who was violently irritated at the deed. When they asked for absolution for the king, the pope replied that the king had violated not only the ecclesiastical immunities and the privileges of the sacred college, but also the laws of God and man, 1 by causing a cardinal to be cruelly massacred, and retaining in prison two of the most considerable prelates of the church, as if they were mere seculars, and that the king must prove the sincerity of his repentance by setting the Cardinal de Bourbon and the Archbishop of Lyon at liberty, who were subject to no other jurisdiction than his own. He then proceeded to assemble à congregation expressly to examine into the affair of the murder of the Cardinal de Guise. The Duc de Mayenne deputed to it his chancellor Jacques de Diou, to carry his complaint to Rome of the crime which had been just committed. The League also sent two agents to call upon his holiness to take the Catholics of France under his protection, and join in avenging the outrage done to the church, and also to represent with what little sincerity Henry had carried on the war against the Calvinists. The king, to refute all these false statements, and to justify himself with the pope, sent to Rome Claude d'Angennes, "of the beloved family of Rambouillet, a man of profound learning and singular eloquence" (Davila, book x. p. 385. English translation, London, 1678), who arrived there on the 23d of February, 1589. He had four audiences with the pope on the subject of his mission, and expressed these remarkable sentiments. He represented to his holiness, that the king was full of zeal for the Catholic faith, that the Cardinal de Guise was convicted of the crime of rebellion, and in this case the ecclesiastics of France, whatever might be their rank, were subject to secular jurisdiction, and particularly the peers of the kingdom, who had no other judges than the parliament of Paris, composed of peers, officers of the crown, and the ordinary judges, and if the king had derogated from the formalities of justice in the punishment which he had inflicted on the cardinal, this was a matter which concerned his parliament, and that by this he had not infringed any ecclesiastical privileges. The pope replied, that the death of the Duc de Guise did not concern him, and the king had a right to punish him; but he demanded satisfaction for the death of the cardinal, who was the subject of the holy see, and not of the king, as the cardinals were immediately under the pontifical jurisdiction, and irresponsible to any secular power; and the same was the case with archbishops and bishops, as it was expressly stated in the oath of their consecration. The bishop answered, that if ecclesiastics were subject to the pontifical authority as far as regarded their ministry, yet it was not so as to their property or their abodes; in these points they were obliged to obey their princes, and came under their jurisdiction. In the third audience D'Angennes represented to the pope the privileges and liberties of the Gallican church, and declared that they protected the kings of France from the excommunications of the pope, at which Sixtus took fire, and threatened, if he did not receive satisfaction on the subject of the prisoners, to excommunicate the king and arrest the Bishop of Mans. Α fourth audience, on the 13th of March, was equally fruitless; the pope continued to refuse the absolution required, until the Cardinal de Bourbon and the Archbishop of Lyon were released. The matter remained undecided, until the Duc de Mayenne, having now become the chief of the League, despatched another deputy to Rome on the 7th of April, on hearing that the pope might at last grant absolution to Henry, and sent directions to the other representatives, if the pope should grant absolution, to protest against it and demand an act of their protestation, in the name of himself and the other heads of the League. When Sixtus was informed of the orders sent to the agents of the League, he was so alarmed, lest the Catholics of France should withdraw from their obedience to the papal authority, that he published in the consistory a decree or monitorium, in which he exhorted and commanded Henry, in ten days from the date of the publication of the monitorium, to set at liberty the Cardinal de Bourbon and the Archbishop of Lyon, and thirty days after their liberation to inform him thereof, else he declared him and all his abettors and adherents excommunicated, struck with all the censures contained in the sacred canons, and in the bull which was read on Holy Thursday. He also cited the king to appear before him in person, or by capable representatives, and render an account of the murder of the Cardinal de Guise and of the imprisonment of the Cardinal de Bourbon and the Archbishop of Lyon. This decree, though it was passed in the consistory on the 5th of May, was not published at the usual churches in Rome till the 24th. The ministers of France left that city as soon as the decree was determined upon; the Bishop of Mans embarked at Leghorn, and after a fight with some pirates arrived safely at Marseille. A little more than two months after this excommunication, Jacques Clément, the Dominican, assassinated Henry III. In 1593 Henry IV., having at last determined to abjure the Protestant faith, and "enter the bosom of the Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman church," summoned several of his prelates and theologians to instruct him on those points which had kept him separated from the church, and hold conferences with him on these matters. The first of these conferences took place on the morning of the 23d of July; and one of the prelates who attended it was the Bishop of Mans. They discussed certain points, the king made objections, but at last he expressed himself satisfied, and thanked the bishops for having taught him what he knew not before, and |