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JOSEPH ALLEINE, the author of the following work, was born at Devizes, in England, in the year 1633; and, having enjoyed the blessings of a religious education, exhibited marks of piety in early childhood. At the age of eleven, he was much addicted to private prayer; and after leaving the grammar school, distinguished himself at the University of Oxford, where he obtained a scholarship, and afterwards occupied the station of chaplain and tutor. At the age of twenty-one he left the college to engage en in the active duties of the ministry, and was settled at Taunton as assistant pastor to Mr. Newton. He there married, and, by his ardour and faithfulness in his charge, soon became the delight of the people,

" Alleine was a man of quick natural parts and great acquirements; of a composed, grave, and serious temper and behaviour; not at all morose, but full of candour, free, affable, cheerful, and courteous. For exemplary holiness and heavenliness of mind and life, he was much elevated above the ordinary rank. Of an amiable temper, of great patience, a lover of peace, and surprising generosity, he was fearless of danger in the path of duty." These qualities, with uncommon activity and

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