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the excess of water; the chemical change is therefore better represented by the equation

M+H2O+ Aq = MOHAq + H,

where Aq means a large, indeterminate, quantity of water.

That we may learn the exact meaning of this equation, let a weighed piece of sodium-say 1 gram-be thrown into a large quantity of water, weighing say x grams; the sodium moves about on the surface of the water with a hissing sound, and hydrogen is rapidly evolved; after a little time the sodium has entirely disappeared. The mass of hydrogen produced weighs 044 gram; the mass of liquid remaining weighs 1+x − ··044 grams; this liquid is evaporated so that the water which boils off may be collected and weighed, x 783 grams of water are obtained, and 1·74 grams of a white solid remain. This white solid is analysed; its composition is expressed by the formula NaOH (Na = 23, O= 16). Hence 1 gram of sodium has interacted with 783 gram of water to produce 044 gram of hydrogen and 1·74 grams of sodium hydroxide (or caustic soda); the whole of the hydrogen produced has been evolved as gas, and the 1·74 grams of sodium hydroxide have dissolved in the excess of water, that is, in the water which did not chemically interact Iwith the sodium. But as the combining weight of sodium is 23, and the reacting weight of water is 18 (0=16), the experimental results are expressed by the equation

Na + H2O + Aq = NaOHAq + H

(23: 18


1783, and 40 : 1 = 1·74 : ·044).

The elements we are considering do not combine with hydrogen either directly or indirectly. They combine with. oxygen, with oxygen and hydrogen, with the halogens, and with many other, chiefly non-metallic, elements. The com

positions of the more important compounds are represented by the formulae: M2O, MOH, M,S, MSH, MX (X = F, Cl, Br, I), M.SO, and MHSO, M,CO, and MHCO,, MNO, (M = Li, Na, K, Rb, or C's).

Compounds with oxygen. Oxides M2O. The five elements 164 combine directly with oxygen at ordinary temperatures; but caesium oxide has not yet been obtained approximately pure. The oxides are white solids, which are unchanged by the action of heat; they dissolve very rapidly in water, and these solutions turn red litmus deep blue. The oxides are decidedly basic; they interact with aqueous solutions of acids to produce salts and water: thus

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2MCIAq + H2O,

[blocks in formation]

+ H2O,
MO+ 2HNO Aq = 2MNO Aq + H2O,
M2O+H2C2OAq = M,C,O,Aq + H2O,
M2O+H PO Aq = M2HPÒ ̧Aq + H2O,
M2O+ 2HCIÓ2Aq = 2MC10 ̧Aq + H2O.







These oxides interact with water to form hydroxides which dissolve in the excess of water: thus

[blocks in formation]

Compounds with oxygen and hydrogen. Hydroxides MOH. Prepared by evaporating aqueous solutions of the oxides to dryness and heating the residual solids; also by the interactions between solutions of the carbonates of sodium &c. and lime, thus

M ̧CO ̧Aq + CaO + H2O (boiled) = CaCO2 + 2MOHAq.

The hydroxides are white solids which melt at high temperatures without undergoing any chemical change. They cannot be decomposed into oxides and water by the action of heat alone. When molten each hydroxide interacts with its own metal to produce hydrogen and metallic oxide; thus

MOH (molten) + M = M2O + H.

The hydroxides (MOH) dissolve rapidly in water, forming alkaline solutions. These solutions interact with acids to produce salts and water, thus

2MOHAq+ H2SO,Aq = M2SO,Aq + 2H2O;

they readily combine with carbon dioxide (gas) to produce carbonates and water, thus

2MOHAq+CO, = 2M,CO,Aq + H2O;


they interact with solutions of salts of iron, manganese, chromium, zinc, mercury, and many other metals, to produce salts of sodium, potassium, &c. and compounds of iron, manganese, &c. with hydrogen and oxygen, thus

(M = Li, Na, &c.; N = Fe, Cr, Zn, &c.). Hydroxide; Salt of Hydroxide

[blocks in formation]

of N.


Salt of


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6NaOHAq + Fe, 3SO Aq=Fe,OH + 3Na,SO Aq,
2KOHAq + MnSO,Aq = MnO2H ̧
2RbOHAq + ZnCl ̧Aq=ZnO2H + 2RbCiAq,

[blocks in formation]

+2CsNO, Aq.

In some cases an oxide, not a hydroxide, of the metal N is produced; thus with mercury salts and potash we have

2KOHAq + Hg2NO,Aq=2KNO„Aq + HgO + H2O. Aqueous solutions of the hydroxides MOH have a soaplike, but corrosive, action on the skin, and a burning, but not sour, taste; they interact with fats to form soaps and glycerine.

Solutions having these properties are said to be alkaline. The oxides M2O are said to be alkali-forming because they interact with water to produce the alkalis MOH.

The elements lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and caesium, are called the alkali-metals.

The word alkali is of Arabic origin; it was originally applied to the ashes of sea-plants, and was afterwards extended to include all substances which more or less resembled these ashes in being very soluble in water, and feeling somewhat soapy to the touch, and reacting with acids to produce substances which exhibited neither the properties of the alkalis nor of the acids.

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Compounds with the halogens. MX. These compounds are 166 produced (1) by the direct union of the elements; thus sodium heated in chlorine forms sodium chloride (NaCl): (2) by reactions between aqueous solutions of HX (X=Cl, Br, I) and the oxides MO or hydroxides MOH; thus sodium hydroxide dissolves in aqueous hydrochloric acid to produce sodium chloride and water (NaOHAq + HClAq = NaClAq + H2O). The haloid compounds MX (M = Na &c., X = Cl &c.) are white solids, soluble in water, unchanged by heat; they combine with many other haloid compounds to form double compounds, thus HgBr,. KBr; ZnCl ̧.2ÑaCl; CuCl2.2KC1; CdBr ̧.KBr; CdI.. 2KI, &c.

Interactions with water. The alkali metals interact with 167 water at ordinary temperatures to produce hydroxides (MOH) and hydrogen (s. par. 163). This chemical change is accompanied by a considerable running down of energy*. The system M+H2O+ Aq (M = Na, &c.) is able to do much more work than the system MOHAq+H. The following numbers shew the gram-units of heat produced when 7 grams of lithium, 23 grams of sodium, and 39 grams of potassium, interact with water, to produce a solution of 24 grams of lithium hydroxide, 40 grams of sodium hydroxide, and 56 grams of potassium hydroxide, respectively, and, in each case, 1 gram of hydrogen;

* A fuller treatment of this subject will be found in chap. xIV.

M+H2O+Aq= MOHAq + H (all taken in grams),
M=Li; 49,084 gram-units of heat produced,

Na; 43,450

K; 48,100

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Interactions with acids. The alkali metals interact with acids to produce salts, hydrogen is generally evolved; thus M + HClAq = MClAq + H ;

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· 2M + H2SO Aq = M2SO,Aq + 2H ;
3M + H2PO_Aq = M2PO,Aq + 3H ;
M+HCIO,Aq = MCIO„Åq + H ;
M+H,C,O,Aq= MH,C,O,Aq+H;
M + HCIOÃq = MClOAq + H.





3 2

Very many of the salts of the alkali metals are soluble in water; several of the lithium salts are less soluble than those of the other metals of the group. The sulphates (M.SO), with the exception of lithium sulphate, combine with sulphate of aluminium to form double salts called alums, the composition of which is M,SO. A13SO. 24H,O.

The alkali metals are evidently very similar in their properties. They are all light, soft, very easily oxidised, very positive, elements; all combine with oxygen to form oxides, which dissolve in water with production of alkaline hydroxides MOH. Their oxides and hydroxides are strongly basic; and are unchanged by the action of heat. None of these elements combines directly or indirectly with hydrogen. They all interact with acids to form salts having similar compositions and similar properties. As the combining weights of the alkali metals increase the metals become heavier (sodium and potassium are exceptions), more positive, more easily oxidised, and more easily melted.

The halogen elements, which have been already considered, differ in the most marked way from the alkali metals; some of the more prominent differences are presented in the following table.

Halogens. Chlorine, Bromine,

One gaseous; one liquid; one

Markedly electro-negative.

Form compounds with hydrogen, HX, which dissolve easily in water producing strongly acid liquids,

Alkali metals. Lithium, Sodium,
Potassium, Rubidium, Caesium.
All soft, light, lustrous, easily
melted, solids.

More electro-positive than any other elements.

Do not combine with hydrogen,

[blocks in formation]

The halogens may be taken as typical electro-negative or non-metallic elements; and the alkali metals, so far as chemical properties are concerned, as typical electro-positive or metallic elements.

We shall now consider a group of elements which on the 170 whole are non-metallic and negative but in some respects shew analogies with the more positive or metallic elements.


group comprises the three elements sulphur, selenion, and tellurium.

[blocks in formation]


Red-grey to
black lustrous
solid; one form
is a non-con-
ductor of elec-
tricity, the other
conducts fairly
(s. par. 173),

about 500°.
not accurately
below 1390o.
Lustrous, white,
solid; very bad
conductor of

The three elements are found uncombined 171 with others in nature; sulphur in large quantities in volcanic districts, the others only in small quantities. Very many compounds of sulphur, chiefly with metals, are found as minerals; certain compounds of selenion and tellurium with metals (copper, bismuth, &c.) also occur, but only in small quantities.

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