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detail. (Arranges cord, and throws coat, &c., over it, which he takes out of handkerchief, &c., and leaves chair.)

Mil. This is too much of a joke, sir-do you think I'm a fool?

Rat. I do, and a rogue-but if you behave well, I won't expose you to the common council-say nothing, and it's a chance if they ever find you out.

Mil. But I'll take it coolly-I'll take it coolly.

Rat. Do-you'll last the longer; and you've a good deal to go through yet, old gentleman, 1 can tell you.

Mil. Will you answer me one question?

Rat. With pleasure; propound.

Mil. Is this all the furniture you've got? And what am I to understand by this proceeding?

Rat. That's two questions; however, I'll reply to both seriatim. First-This is all the furniture I have in the world -thanks to a hard-hearted hunks, who robbed me, when and how. I'll now explain to your perfect enlightenment, if not satisfaction. Eighteen months back, I had apartments charmingly furnished, all things fitting an artist, hoping for fair sitters, neat, clean, and comme il faut. Just settled, I had an attack of the fever--was ill three months; got about at last, exhausted both in constitution and coin. My landlord acted towards me then, just as you desire to behave to poor Mrs. Barry he sold my all for a mere song, and left me penniless. Since that hour, I have been the nightmare to lodginghouse keepers; the cholera is not more shunned when abroad, more dreaded when caught, or gotten rid of with greater thankfulness.

Mil. Mercy on me-then I'm to expect no rent?

Rat. Precisely; in which expectation, I'll answer for your not being disappointed.

Mil. Mercy on me-what roguery-then all that Mr. Fustian said of you—

Rat. Is nothing more nor less than what you '11 say of me, when I'm going to leave you, which, if you behave well, I will do at the end of six months.


To Cambridge there went,

By vanity sent,

A pedant to get a degree. He was questioned at large, By a person in charge,

In order his fitness to see.

The vain candidate

Was first asked to state

The sense of the word "create."

"Create, did you say ?

Let me think a while, pray;—

That's a matter not easy to state.

"Well, this difficult word,

I'm sure I have heard,

Means, 'to make out of nothing,' good Proctor!"

"If that be the case,"

Said his dignified grace,

"Then will I create thee a doctor !"


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