| Library catalogs - 1856 - 1156 pages
...New York, 1842. (On rollers.) 12829, 0. Catalogue of maps and surveys in the offices of the Secretory of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the New York State Library. Albany, 1851. Gift of Dr. TR Beck. MEW JERSEY. Cornell, 2681, Q. 6. Map of Hunterdon County, NJ Entirely from original... | |
| Library catalogs - 1856 - 1156 pages
...Buffalo, 1851. 12829, 0. Catalogue of maps and surveys in the offices of the Secretary of HISTORY. State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the New York State Library. Albany, 1851. Gift of the State of New Turk. 10300, D. The annals of Albany. By Joel Munsell. 6 TO!S. Albany, 1852,... | |
| New York State Library - Libraries - 1851 - 686 pages
...Editor. vols. 10 and 11,8vo. Albany, 18 50-51. 2 vols. Catalogue of Maps and Surveys, in the office of the Secretary of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the NewYork State Library. Printed by order of the Assembly and under the direction of the Secretary of... | |
| Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique - Art - 1852 - 798 pages
...Laws of Nevj York, 73d and 74"' session. Albany, 1850; 2 vol. in-8°. Catalogue of maps and surveys, in the offices of the secretary of state, of the state engineer and surveyor, and in the New York stale library. Printed by order of the assembly and under the direction of the secretary of state.... | |
| New York (State). Legislature. Senate - Government publications - 1852 - 760 pages
...10 and ll,8vo. Albany,! 8 50-5L •• / 2 vols. • Catalogue of Maps and Surveys, in the office of the Secretary of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the NewYork State Library. Printed by order of the Assembly and under the direction of the Secretary of... | |
| United States Military Academy. Library - Military art and science - 1853 - 424 pages
...Francaise. (130 sheets & texte.) 1 vol. 4to. & Atlas fol. Paris, 1833-48. 3863 Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the offices of the Secretary of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the New-York State Library. 1 vol. 8vo. (2 copies.) Albany, NY, 1851. 3864 Census (Fifth Census) or Enumeration... | |
| Albany Institute - Albany (N.Y.) - 1855 - 496 pages
...Environs. By an Impartial Observer. 8° 1835. (Van Rens. Coll.) P. 176. Catalogues of Maps and Surveys in the Offices of the Secretary of State; of the State...Engineer and Surveyor; and in the New York State Library. 8° Albany, 1851. Index of all 'the Cities, Markets, and Towns, on the direct Roads from London. Small... | |
| Library company of Philadelphia - 1856 - 1150 pages
...York. By legislative authority. New York, 1842. (On rollers.) 12829, 0. Catalogue of maps and surveys in the offices of the Secretary of State, of the State...Surveyor, and in the New York State Library. Albany, 1851. G if t of Dr. TR Beck. NEW JERSEY. Cornell, 2681, Q. 6. Map of Hunterdon County, NJ Entirely from original... | |
| Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs (Netherlands). Bibliotheek - 1856 - 62 pages
...étrangers, q-. se trouvent chez J. Baillière à Paris, 1855. gr. 8vo. Catalogue of maps and surveys in the offices of the secretary of state, of the state engineer and surveyer and in the NewYork state library. Albany, 1851. gr. 8vo. Catalogue of thu library of the institution... | |
| Astor Library - Library catalogs - 1859 - 548 pages
...Reports of the Trustees of the State Library, 1842-58. 8vo. Albany, vy Catalogue of Maps and Surveys in the offices of the Secretary of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor, and in the State Library. 8vo. Albany, 1851 New York State Inebriate Asylum at Binghamton, Ceremonies, &c. 8vo.... | |
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