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Yea let my life & me
Fix here with thee,

And at the Humble foot

Of this fair TREE take our eter[n]all root.

That so we may

At least be in loves way;

And in these chast warres while the wing'd wounds flee

So fast'twixt him & thee,

My brest may catch the kisse of some kind dart,
Though as at second hand, from either heart.


O you, your own best Darts
Dear, dolefull hearts!

Hail; & strike home & make me see

That wounded bosomes their own weapons be.
Come wounds! come darts!

Nail'd hands! & peirced hearts!

Come your whole selves, sorrow's great son & mother!

Nor grudge à yonger-Brother
Of greifes his portion, who (had all their due)
One single wound should not have left for you.


Shall I, sett there
So deep a share

(Dear wounds) & onely now

In sorrows draw no Dividend with you?
O be more wise

I[f] not more soft, mine eyes!
Flow, tardy founts! & into decent showres
Dissolve my Dayes & Howres.

And if thou yet (faint soul!) deferr
To bleed with him, fail not to weep with her.


Rich Queen, lend some releife;
At least an almes of greif

To'a heart who by sad right of sin

Could prove the whole summe (too sure) due to him.

By all those stings

Of love, sweet bitter things,

Which these torn hands transcrib'd on thy true heart

O teach mine too the art

To study him so, till we mix

Wounds; and become one crucifix.


O let me suck the wine

So long of this chast vine

Till drunk of the dear wounds, I be

A lost Thing to the world, as it to me.
O faithfull freind

Of me & of my end!

Fold up my life in love; and lay't beneath
My dear lord's vitall death.

Lo, heart, thy hope's whole Plea! Her pretious Breath
Powr'd out in prayrs for thee; thy lord's in death.









Esu, no more! It is full tide.

From thy head & from thy feet,

From thy hands & from thy side
All the purple Rivers meet.


What need thy fair head bear a part
In showres, as if thine eyes had none?
What need They help to drown thy heart,
That strives in torrents of it's own?


Thy restlesse feet now cannot goe

For us & our eternall good.

As they were ever wont. What though?
They swimme. Alas, in their own floud.


Thy hands to give, thou canst not lift;

Yet will thy hand still giving be.

It gives but ô, it self's the gift.

It gives though bound; though bound 'tis free.


Rich Queen, lend some releife
At least an almes of greif
To'a heart who by sad right
Could prove the whole summe (too su
By all those stings

Of love, sweet bitter things,
Which these torn hands transcrib'd on
O teach mine too the art

To study him so, till we mix
Wounds; and become one crucifix.


O let me suck the wine
So long of this chast vine
Till drunk of the dear woun

A lost Thing to the world, as it to r
O faithfull freind

Of me & of my end!

Fold up my life in love; and lay't be
My dear lord's vitall death.
Lo, heart, thy hope's whole Plea! H
Powr'd out in prayrs for thee; thy lo



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It is full tide.

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and though bound 'tis fed

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