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He and his monstrous rout are heard to howl

Like stabled wolves, or tigers at their
Doing abhorred rites to Hecate


In their obscuréd haunts of inmost bowers.
Yet have they many baits and guileful spells
To inveigle and invite the unwary sense
Of them that pass unweeting by the way.
This evening late, by then the chewing flocks
Had ta'en their supper on the savoury herb
Of knot-grass dew-besprent,21 and were in fold,
I sat me down to watch upon a bank
With ivy canopied, and interwove
With flaunting honeysuckle, and began,
Wrapt in a pleasing fit of melancholy,
To meditate my rural minstrelsy,

Till Fancy had her fill; but, ere a close,
The wonted roar was up amidst the woods,
And filled the air with barbarous dissonance;
At which I ceased, and listened them a while,
Till an unusual stop of sudden silence
Gave respite to the drowsy-flighted 22 steeds
That draw the litter of close-curtained sleep;
At last a soft and solemn-breathing sound 23
Rose like a steam of rich distilled perfumes,


And stole upon the air, that even Silence

Was took ere she was 'ware, and wished she might

Deny her nature, and be never more

Still to be so displaced. I was all ear,

And took in strains that might create a soul

Under the ribs of Death: 24 but oh, ere long,

Too well I did perceive it was the voice


my most honoured lady, your dear sister.
Amazed I stood, harrowed with grief and fear:
And oh, poor hapless nightingale, thought I,
How sweet thou sing'st, how near the deadly snare!
Then down the lawns I ran with headlong haste,
Through paths and turnings often trod by day,
Till, guided by mine ear, I found the place
Where that damned wizard, hid in sly disguise.
(For so by certain signs I knew), had met
Already, ere my best speed could prevent,
The aidless innocent lady, his wished prey,
Who gently asked if he had seen such two,
Supposing him some neighbour villager.

Longer I durst not stay, but soon I guessed
Ye were the two she meant; with that I sprung
Into swift flight, till I had found you here,
But further know I not.


O night and shades,

How are ye joined with Hell in triple knot
Against the unarmed weakness of one virgin

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Alone, and helpless! Is this the confidence You gave me, brother?


Yes, and keep it still;

Lean on it safely; not a period

Shall be unsaid for me: against the threats

Of malice, or of sorcery, or that power

Which erring men call chance, this I hold firm :
Virtue may be assailed, but never hurt,2

Surprised by unjust force, but not enthralled;

Yea, even that which mischief meant most harm,
Shall in the happy trial prove most glory :

But evil on itself shall back recoil,

And mix no more with goodness; when at last,
Gathered like scum, and settled to itself,

It shall be in eternal restless change,

Self-fed, and self-consumed: 26 if this fail,

The pillared firmament 27 is rottenness,

And earth's base built on stubble. But come, let's on. Against the opposing will and arm of Heaven

May never this just sword be lifted up!

But for that damned magician, let him be girt
With all the grisly legions that troop

Under the sooty flag of Acheron,

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