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it is time to plant with women as well as with | taining of riches; for it is our great mother's men; that the plantation may spread into genera- blessing, the earth's; but it is slow; and yet, tions, and not be ever pieced from without. It is the sinfullest thing in the world to forsake or destitute a plantation once in forwardness; for, besides the dishonour, it is the guiltiness of blood of many commiserable persons.


where men of great wealth do stoop to husbandry, it multiplieth riches exceedingly. I knew a nobleman in England that had the greatest audits of any man in my time, a great grazier, a great sheep master, a great timber man, a great collier, a great corn master, a great lead man, and so of iron, and a number of the like points of husbandry; so as the earth seemed a sea to him in respect of the perpetual importation. It was truly observed by one, "That himself came very hardly to a little riches, and very easily to great riches;" for when a man's stock is come to that, that he can expect the prime of markets, and overcome those bargains, which for their greatness are few men's money, and be partner in the industries of younger men, he cannot but increase mainly. The gains of ordinary trades and vocations are honest, and furthered by two things, chiefly, by diligence, and by a good name for good and fair dealing; but the gains of bargains are of a more doubtful nature, when men shall wait upon others' necessity; broke by servants and instruments to draw them on; put off others cunningly that would be better chapmen, and the

I CANNOT call riches better than the baggage of virtue; the Roman word is better, "impedimenta;" for as the baggage is to an army, so is riches to virtue; it cannot be spared nor left behind, but it hindereth the march; yea, and the care of it sometimes loseth or disturbeth the victory; of great riches there is no real use, except it be in the distribution; the rest is but conceit; so saith Solomon, "Where much is, there are many to consume it; and what hath the owner but the sight of it with his eyes?" The personal fruition in any man cannot reach to feel great riches: there is a custody of them; or a power of dole and donative of them; or a fame of them; but no solid use to the owner. Do you not see what feigned prices are set upon little stones and rarities? and what works of ostentation are un-like practices, which are crafty and naughty; as dertaken, because there might seem to be some for the chopping of bargains, when a man buys use of great riches? But then you will say, not to hold, but to sell over again, that commonly they may be of use to buy men out of dangers or grindeth double, both upon the seller and upon troubles; as Solomon saith, "Riches are as a the buyer. Sharings do greatly enrich, if the strong hold in the imagination of the rich man;" hands be well chosen that are trusted. Usury is but this is excellently expressed, that it is in im- the certainest means of gain, though one of the agination, and not always in fact: for, certainly, worst, as that whereby a man doth eat his bread, great riches have sold more men than they have "in sudore vultus alieni ;" and besides, doth bought out. Seek not proud riches, but such as plough upon Sundays: but yet certain though it thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute be, it hath flaws; for that the scriveners and brocheerfully, and leave contentedly; yet have no kers do value unsound men to serve their own abstract or friarly contempt of them; but distin- turn. The fortune, in being the first in an invenguish, as Cicero saith well of Rabirius Posthu- tion, or in a privilege, doth cause sometimes a mus, “in studio rei amplificandæ apparebat, non wonderful overgrowth in riches, as it was with avaritiæ prædam, sed instrumentum bonitati the first sugar man in the Canaries: therefore, if quæri." Hearken also to Solomon, and beware a man can play the true logician, to have as well of hasty gathering of riches; " Qui festinat ad judgment as invention, he may do great matters, divitias, non erit insons." The poets feign that especially if the times be fit: he that resteth upon when Plutus (which is riches) is sent from Jupi- gains certain, shall hardly grow to great riches; ter, he limps, and goes slowly; but when he is and he that puts all upon adventures, doth oftensent from Pluto, he runs, and is swift of foot; times break and come to poverty: it is good, theremeaning, that riches gotten by good means and fore, to guard adventures with certainties that just labour pace slowly; but when they come by may uphold losses. Monopolies, and coemption the death of others (as by the course of inherit- of wares for re-sale, where they are not restrained, ance, testaments, and the like,) they come tumb- are great means to enrich; especially if the party ling upon a man: but it might be applied like- have intelligence what things are likely to come wise to Pluto, taking him for the devil: for into request, and so store himself beforehand. when riches come from the devil, (as by fraud Riches gotten by service, though it be of the best and oppression, and unjust means,) they come rise, yet when they are gotten by flattery, feeding upon speed. The ways to enrich are many, and humours, and other servile conditions, they may be most of them foul: parsimony is one of the best, placed amongst the worst. As for fishing for tesand yet is not innocent; for it withholdeth men taments and executorships, (as Tacitus saith of from works of liberality and charity. The im- Seneca, "testamenta et orbus tamquam indagine provement of the ground is the most natural ob- | capi,") it is yet worse, by how much men submit

themselves to meaner persons than in service. | dreamed the night before he was slain, that a Believe not much, them, that seem to despise golden head was growing out of the nape of his riches, for they despise them that despair of neck; and indeed the succession that followed them; and none worse when they come to them: him, for many years, made golden times. Henry Be not penny-wise; riches have wings, and the Sixth of England said of Henry the Seventh, sometimes they fly away of themselves, some- when he was a lad, and gave him water, "This times they must be set flying to bring in more. is the lad that shall enjoy the crown for which we Men leave their riches either to their kindred, or strive." When I was in France, I heard from one to the public; and moderate portions prosper best Dr. Pena, that the queen mother, who was given in both. A great state left to an heir, is as a lure to curious arts, caused the king her husband's natito all the birds of prey round about to seize on vity to be calculated under a false name; and the ashim, if he be not the better established in years trologer gave a judgment, that he should be killed and judgment: likewise, glorious gifts and foun- in a duel; at which the queen laughed, thinking dations are like sacrifices without salt; and but her husband to be above challenges and duels: but the painted sepulchres of alms, which soon will pu- he was slain upon a course at tilt, the splinters of trefy and corrupt inwardly: therefore measure not the staff of Montgomery going in at his beaver. thine advancements by quantity, but frame them The trivial prophecy which I heard when I was a by measure and defer not. charities till death; child, and Queen Elizabeth was in the flower of for, certainly, if a man weigh it rightly, he that her years, was, doth so is rather liberal of another man's than of his own.

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"Venient annis

Sæcula seris, quibus Oceanus

Vincula rerum laxet, et ingens
Pateat Tellus, Tiphysque novos
Detegat orbes; nec sit terris
Ultima Thule;

a prophecy of the discovery of America. The
daughter of Polycrates dreamed that Jupiter
bathed her father, and Apollo anointed him; and
it came to pass that he was crucified in an open
place, where the sun made his body run with
sweat, and the rain washed it. Philip of Mace-
don dreamed he sealed up his wife's belly; where-
by he did expound it, that his wife should be bar-
ren; but Aristander the soothsayer told him his
wife was with child, because men do not use to
seal vessels that are empty. A phantasm that ap-
peared to M. Brutus in his tent, said to him,
"Philippis iterum me videbis." Tiberius said to
Galba, Tu quoque, Galba, degustabis impe-
rium." In Vespasian's time there went a prophe-
cy in the East, that those that should come forth
out of Judea, should reign over the world; which
though it may be was meant of our Saviour, yet
Tacitus expounds it of Vespasian. Domitian

* Homeri Ilias, Y. 307–308.

Νῦν δὲ δὴ Αἰνείαν βίη Τρώεσσιν ἀνάξει,
Καὶ παῖδες παίδων, τοί κεν μετόπισθε γένωνται.
These noble lines are there uttered by Neptune, but are
happily transferred by Virgil to Apollo.

"When hempe is sponne

England's done :"

whereby it was generally conceived, that after the princes had reigned which had the principal letters of that word hempe (which were Henry, Edward, Mary, Philip, and Elizabeth,) England should

come to utter confusion; which, thanks be to God,
is verified only in the change of the name; for that
the king's style is now no more of England but
of Britain. There was also another prophecy be-
fore the year of eighty-eight, which I do not well

"There shall be seen upon a day,
Between the Baugh and the May,
The black fleet of Norway.
When that is come and gone,

England build houses of lime and stone,
For after wars shall you have none.'

It was generally conceived to be meant of the
Spanish fleet that came in eighty-eight: for that
the king of Spain's surname, as they say, is Nor-
way. The prediction of Regiomontanus,

"Octogesimus octavus mirabilis annus,"

was thought likewise accomplished in the sending of that great fleet, being the greatest in strength, though not in number, of all that ever swam upon the sea. As for Cleon's dream, I think it was a jest; it was, that he was devoured of a long dragon; and it was expounded of a maker of sausages, that troubled him exceedingly. There are numbers of the like kind; especially if you include dreams, and predictions of astrology; but I have set down these few only of certain credit, for example. My judgment is, that they ought all to be despised, and ought to serve but for winter talk by the fireside: though when I say despised, I mean it as for belief: for otherwise, the spreading or publishing of them is in no sort to be despised, for they have done much mischief: and I see many severe laws made to suppress them. That that hath given them grace, and some credit, consisteth in three things. First, that men mark when they hit, and never mark when they miss; as they do, generally, also of dreams.

The second is, that probable conjectures, or ob- | the best remedy against ambitious great ones: for scure traditions, many times turn themselves into when the way of pleasuring and displeasuring prophecies; while the nature of man, which covet-lieth by the favourite, it is impossible any other eth divination, thinks it no peril to foretell that which indeed they do but collect; as that of Seneca's verse; for so much was then subject to demonstration, that the globe of the earth had great parts beyond the Atlantic, which might be probably conceived not to be all sea: and adding thereto the tradition in Plato's Timæus, and his Atlanticus, it might encourage one to turn it to a prediction. The third and last (which is the great one) is, that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


AMBITION is like choler, which is an humour that maketh men active, earnest, full of alacrity, and stirring, if it be not stopped: but if it be stopped, and cannot have its way, it becometh a dust, and thereby malign and venomous: so ambitious men, if they find the way open for their rising, and still get forward, they are rather busy than dangerous; but if they be checked in their desires, they become secretly discontent, and look upon men and matters with an evil eye, and are best pleased when things go backward; which is the worst property in a servant of a prince or state: therefore it is good for princes, if they use ambitious men, to handle it so, as they be still progressive, and not retrograde, which, because it cannot be without inconvenience, it is good not to use such natures at all: for if they rise not with their service, they will take order to make their service fall with them. But since we have said, it were good not to use men of ambitious natures, except it be upon necessity, it is fit we speak in what cases they are of necessity. Good commanders in the wars must be taken, be they never so ambitious; for the use of their service dispenseth with the rest; and to take a soldier without ambition, is to pull off his spurs. There is also great use of ambitious men in being screens to princes in matters of danger and envy; for no man will take that part except he be like a seeled dove, that mounts and mounts, because he cannot see about him. There is use also of ambitious men in pulling down the greatness of any subject that overtops; as Tiberius used Macro in the pulling down of Sejanus. Since, therefore, they must be used in such cases, there resteth to speak how they are to be bridled, that they may be less dangerous; there is less danger of them if they be of mean birth, than if they be noble; and if they be rather harsh of nature, than gracious and popular: and if they be rather new raised, than grown cunning and fortified in their greatness. It is counted by some a weakness in princes to have favourites; but it is, of all others,

should be over great. Another means to curb them is, to balance them by others as proud as they but then there must be some middle counsellors, to keep things steady; for without that ballast the ship will roll too much. At the least, a prince may animate and inure some meaner persons to be, as it were, scourges to ambitious men. As for the having of them obnoxious to ruin, if they be of fearful natures, it may do well; but if they be stout and daring, it may precipitate their designs, and prove dangerous. As for the pulling of them down, if the affairs require it, and that it may not be done with safety suddenly, the only way, is the interchange continually of favours and disgraces, whereby they may not know what to expect, and be, as it were, in a wood. Of ambitions, it is less harmful the ambition to prevail to great things, than that other to appear in every thing; for that breeds confusion, and mars business; but yet, it is less danger to have an ambitious man stirring in business, than great in dependences. He that seeketh to be eminent amongst able men, hath a great task; but that is ever good for the public: but he that plots to be the only figure amongst ciphers, is the decay of a whole age. Honour hath three things in it; the vantage ground to do good; the approach to kings and principal persons; and the raising of a man's own fortunes. He that hath the best of these intentions, when he aspireth, is an honest man; and that prince that can discern of these intentions in another that aspireth, is a wise prince. Generally, let princes and states choose such ministers as are more sensible of duty than of rising, and such as love business rather upon conscience than upon bravery; and let them discern a busy nature, from a willing mind.


THESE things are but toys to come amongst such serious observations; but yet, since princes will have such things, it is better they should be graced with elegancy, than daubed with cost. Dancing to song, is a thing of great state and pleasure. I understand it that the song be in quire, placed aloft, and accompanied by some broken music; and the ditty fitted to the device. Acting in song, especially in dialogues, hath an extreme good grace; I say acting, not dancing, (for that is a mean and vulgar thing;) and the voices of the dialogue would be strong and manly, (a base and a tenor, no treble,) and the ditty high and tragical, not nice or dainty. Several quires placed one over against another, and taking the voice by catches anthem-wise, give great pleasure. Turning dances into figure is a childish curiosity; and generally let it be noted, that those things which

for it breeds great perfection, if the practise be harder than the use. Where nature is mighty, and therefore the victory hard, the degrees had need be, first to stay and arrest nature in time; like to him that would say over the four and twenty letters when he was angry; then to go

wine, come from drinking healths to a draught at
a meal; and lastly, to discontinue altogether: but
if a man have the fortitude and resolution to en-
franchise himself at once, that is the best:

"Optimus ille animi vindex lædentia pectus
Vincula qui rupit, dedoluitque semel."

I here set down are such as do naturally take the or rushes; but, after a time let him practise with sense, and not respect petty wonderments. It is disadvantages, as dancers do with thick shoes; true, the alterations of scenes, so it be quietly and without noise, are things of great beauty and pleasure; for they feed and relieve the eye before it be full of the same object. Let the scenes abound with light, especially coloured and varied; and let the masquers, or any other that are to come down from the scene, have some motions upon the scene it-less in quantity; as if one should, in forbearing self before their coming down; for it draws the eye strangely, and makes it with great pleasure to desire to see that it cannot perfectly discern. Let the songs be loud and cheerful, and not chirpings or pulings: let the music likewise be sharp and loud, and well placed. The colours that show best by candle-light, are white, carnation, and a kind of sea-water green and ouches, or spangs, as they are of no great cost, so they are of most glory. As for rich embroidery, it is lost and not discerned. Let the suits of the masquers be graceful, and such as become the person when the vizards are off; not after examples of known attires; Turks, soldiers, mariners, and the like. Let anti-masques not be long; they have been commonly of fools, satyrs, baboons, wild men, antics, beasts, spirits, witches, Ethiopes, pigmies, turquets, nymphs, rustics, Cupids, statues moving, and the like. As for angels, it is not comical enough to put them in anti-masques; and any thing that is hideous, as devils, giants, is, on the other side as unfit; but chiefly, let the music of them be recreative, and with some strange changes. Some sweet odours suddenly coming forth, without any drops falling, are, in such a company as there is steam and heat, things of great pleasure and refreshment. Double masques, one of men, another of ladies, addeth state and variety; but all is nothing except the room be kept clean and


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XXXVIII. OF NATURE IN MEN. NATURE is often hidden, sometimes overcome, seldom extinguished. Force maketh nature more violent in the return; doctrine and discourse

nature less importune; but custom, only, rand subdue nature. He that seeketh ver his nature, let him not set himself t nor too small tasks; for the first will him dejected by often failing, and the second will make him a small proceeder, though by often prevailing and at the first, let him practise with helps, as swimmers do with bladders


Neither is the ancient rule amiss, to bend nature
as a wand to a contrary extreme, whereby to set it
right; understanding it where the contrary extreme
is no vice. Let not a man force a habit upon him-
self with a perpetual continuance, but with some
intermission for both the pause reinforceth the
new onset; and, if a man that is not perfect be
ever in practice he shall as well practise his errors
there is no means to help this but by seasonable
as his abilities, and induce one habit of both; and
intermission; but let not a man trust his victory
over his nature too far; for nature will lie buried a
great time, and yet revive upon the occasion, or
temptation; like as it was with Æsop's damsel,
turned from a cat to a woman, who sat very de-
her; therefore, let a man either avoid the occa-
murely, at the board's end till a mouse ran before
sion altogether, or put himself often to it, that he
may be little moved with it. A man's nature is
best perceived in privateness, for there is no affec-
tation; in passion, for that putteth a man out of his
precepts; and in a new case or experiment, for there

custom leaveth him. They are happy men whose
natures sort with their vocations; otherwise they
may say, " multum incola fuit anima mea,” when
In studies, whatsoever a man commandeth upon
they converse in those things they do not affect.
himself, let him set hours for it ; but whatsoever
is agreeable to his nature, let him take no care for
set times; for his thoughts will fly to it of
themselves, so as the spaces of other business or
Studies will suffice. A man's nature runs either
to herbs or weeds; therefore let him seasonably
water the one, and destroy the other.
MEN's thoughts are much according to their in-
clination; their discourse and speeches according
to their learning and infused opinions; but their
deeds are after as they have been accustomed : and,
therefore, as Machiavel well noteth, (though in
an evil-favoured instance,) there is no trusting to
the force of nature, nor to the bravery of words, ex-
cept it be corroborate by custom. His instance is,
that for the achieving of a desperate conspiracy. a


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man should not rest upon the fierceness of any man's nature, or his resolute undertakings; but take such an one as hath had his hands formerly IT cannot be denied but outward accidents conin blood; but Machiavel knew not of a Friar Cle- duce much to fortune; favour, opportunity, death ment, nor a Ravillac, nor a Jaureguy, nor a Bal- of others, occasion fitting virtue: but chiefly, the tazar Gerard; yet this rule holdeth still, that na- mould of a man's fortune is in his own hands. ture, nor the engagement of words, are not so for- "Faber quisque fortunæ suæ, saith the poet; cible as custom. Only superstition is now so and the most frequent of external causes is, that well advanced, that men of the first blood are as the folly of one man is the fortune of another; for firm as butchers by occupation; and votary reso- no man prospers so suddenly as by others' errors; lution is made equipollent to custom even in matter " Serpens nisi serpentem comederit non fit draco." of blood. In other things, the predominancy of Overt and apparent virtues bring forth praise; custom is everywhere visible, insomuch as a man but there be secret and hidden virtues that bring would wonder to hear men profess, protest, en- forth fortune; certain deliveries of a man's self, gage, give great words, and then do just as they which have no name. The Spanish name “dishave done before, as if they were dead images emboltura" partly expresseth them, when there and engines, moved only by the wheels of custom. be not stonds nor restiveness in a man's nature, We see also the reign or tyranny of custom, what but that the wheels of his mind keep way with it is. The Indians (I mean the sect of their wise the wheels of his fortune; for so Livy (after he men) lay themselves quietly upon a stack of had described Cato Major in these words, "In wood, and so sacrifice themselves by fire: nay, the illo viro, tantum robur corporis et animi fuit, ut wives strive to be burned with the corpse of their quocunque loco natus esset, fortunam sibi facturus husbands. The lads of Sparta, of ancient time, videretur,") falleth upon that that he had "versatile were wont to be scourged upon the altar of Diana, ingenium :" therefore, if a man look sharply and without so much as squeaking. I remember, in attentively, he shall see Fortune; for though she the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's time of Eng- be blind, yet she is not invisible. The way of land, an Irish rebel condemned, put up a petition fortune is like the milky way in.the sky: which to the deputy that he might be hanged in a wyth, is a meeting, or knot, of a number of small stars, and not in a halter, because it had been so used not seen asunder, but giving light together: so with former rebels. There be monks in Russia, are there a number of little and scarce discerned for penance, that will sit a whole night in a ves- virtues, or rather faculties and customs, that make sel of water, till they be engaged with hard ice. men fortunate: the Italians note some of them, Many examples may be put of the force of custom, such as a wise man would little think. When they both upon mind and body: therefore, since custom speak of one that cannot do amiss, they will throw is the principal magistrate of man's life, let men into his other conditions, that he hath "Poco di by all means endeavour to obtain good customs, matto;" and, certainly, there be not two more forCertainly, custom is most perfect when it begin- tunate properties, than to have a little of the fool, neth in young years: this we call education, and not too much of the honest: therefore extreme which is, in effect, but an early custom. So we lovers of their country, or masters, were never see, in languages the tongue is more pliant to all fortunate: neither can they be; for when a man expressions and sounds, the joints are more sup- placeth his thoughts without himself, he goeth ple to all feats of activity and motions in youth, not his own way. An hasty fortune maketh an than afterwards; for is true that late learners enterpriser and remover; (the French hath it cannot so well take the ply, except it be in some better, "entreprenant," or "remuant;") but the minds that have not suffered themselves to fix, exercised fortune maketh the able man. Fortune but have kept themselves open and prepared to re- is to be honoured and respected, and it be but for ceive continual amendment, which is exceeding her daughters, Confidence and Reputation; for rare: but if the force of custom, simple and sepa- those two Felicity breedeth; the first within a rate, be great, the force of custom, copulate and man's self, the latter in others towards him. All conjoined and collegiate, is far greater; for their wise men, to decline the envy of their own virtues, example teacheth, company comforteth, emulation use to ascribe them to Providence and Fortune; quickeneth, glory raiseth; so as in such places for so they may the better assume them; and, bethe force of custom is in its exaltation. Certain-sides, it is greatness in a man to be the care of the ly, the great multiplication of virtues upon human higher powers. So Cæsar said to the pilot in nature resteth upon societies well ordained and tempest, " Cæsarem portas, et fortunam ej disciplined; for commonwealths and good govern- Sylla chose the name of "Felix,” and ments do nourish virtue grown, but do not much“ Magnus:" and it hath been noted, tha mend the seeds: but the misery is, that the most effectual means are now applied to the ends least to be desired.

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who ascribe openly too much to their own wiso and policy, end unfortunate. It is written, that Timotheus, the Athenian, after he had, in the ac

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